Congo trip with kidete

Just one. The Angolan. The other small batch Congo I’m running he got a couple years ago.

Week 14 of flowering


I’m not clear. Have seeds been sent out, or is info that on IG? Is this conversation moving to IG?
I’m just trying to stay up to date

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I agree. Better communication would be helpful. Several of us don’t have @Kidete’s email address and left private messages. I for one don’t know if he read it, let alone sent seeds for @SaintAliasKnife and myself. It would be nice to have confirmation if seeds were sent. On a side note, i don’t have a clue how to navigate IG.


His email is on the website. I don’t think everything has been shipped out yet. Just let him know you’re on the list and it should be all good


He posted this. It’s really easy to do.


Hit the link above and this is what you’ll see. Next hit message and you are direct messaging. Alternatively, his email address is also listed in
this link/ screenshot. If Upstate can do this, anyone can, lol.


If you don’t have and don’t want an IG account, that website is completely unusable. You’ll get popups blocking all content, asking you to sign up. I really don’t understand why so many cannabis people use that closed network. :pensive:


Updated Congo photos. Dancing with week 15 now. True longflowers. :+1:

This last plant is really interesting. This collection comes from East Congo near Rwanda, and this is very very similar to a Uganda Birere pheno I had. Another looks Nigerian, a couple others look like Pointe Noire. When you grow many many different landraces it really helps paint an accurate picture of how genetics are related to each other, and from where those genetics may have come from.


They’re really nice and different. I like the 5th one. Big pistils, seems decently frosted, and look like it will stack more.


Good eye. She’s a keeper. Resin is just coming on now, and she’s going to have plenty. My favorite isn’t pictured, but is the same Pheno as pics 5,6 and 7. Those are what I’m calling the Pointe Noire Phenos. All the plants have the same smell so far. Very earthy with a citrus back end. Resin is sticky type. Fingers stick together after handling.


Yeah, that’s why I thought, pointe noire came into my minds too. Very close to other sativa hybrids I’ve seen with that genetics. You can see why this has been used in many breeding programs. Hope the high is on par :slight_smile: You got males?


One plant started throwing male flowers and has been moved outdoors. I may or may not include it in the Preservation. I’m leaning towards keeping it, as it’s one of only two red phenos, and seems unique compared to the other one. If I keep it, I’ll thoroughly dust it will stable male pollen to keep hermie seeds at a minimum.

3 very nice males


I’m wrapping up a Nigerian preservation atm. Once I’m in the clear I’ll pollinate the Congos. Pollen is collected and males are on a long light on cycle, so will reveg soon. If I miss my pollination window this time I will catch it later in the summer… But I don’t think that’s going to be an issue. I have at least another month before I need to make seeds


Maybe keep their beans aside of the others to sort the herms out?


Handful I see! :laughing: Good luck with the nigerian then. Read good things about weed from there too.


My paypal is the same as my email. Why haven’t you emailed me?

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The BEST most effective way to have done this was to create a private group for the people that are participating, and then have done all the updates there. NOT to send people to IG as the source for info and updates. Creating a private group would have been the most efficient, responsible, and easiest way to handle this endeavor instead of mocking the people that ponyed up a couple hundred bucks because they didn’t follow the IG account. It occurs as shoddy management on your part, @Upstate, and you should know better than to do it the way you have.
I got a message from @Kidete today, with a video showing a letter he’s sending me. I guess he’s sending each parcel out individually from where he is. I’ve had correspondence with people in Africa, and it’s pretty hit an miss if letters make it to me. Sending individual letters also seems like an inefficient method, but we’ll see.
I participated in this project because I think it’s a good cause. I believe in it. I still do. I just think that despite the initial push to get people involved (and get sponsorship), the updates and information have been poorly managed.


I feel like that’s a really negative view of the situation. If you follow this thread you will have all the info you need. Instagram is just an option if you want to know a little more details about the trip. This is a very exciting opportunity for most of us participating in the project.


With the latest firefx update, I can no longer see peoples instagram pages, only their feeds. I’m sure theyll fix it soon. They want people on their phone app and not desktop. Plus they delete cannabis related accounts constantly but not in any kind of reliable or even way.


Granted I cant really post on desktop. I use firefox and instagram works fine


I think they LIKE giving up their data so someone else can make money at it.