Congo trip with kidete

Thanks, much appreciated


When sending your donation, please inbox me or include your Overgrow name in the message from paypl.

It makes it easier for me to identify each donor when it comes to sending the individual mails


I will send within the next week.


I’m down for spot #25!


Just thinking about these points together- Maybe dont Always include your OG name in the paypal fields IF your name is like SmokeWeed420 or anything else that might get flagged by pp


Yeah, thanks for pointing that out


Pygmies are now and have been farming cannabis for ages. They have a special relationship with weed, as it is their only source of income. Their location in the Ituri forest at the headwaters of the Ubangi and other rivers puts them at high elevation where dark weed can grow. In addition, the tribe find themselves at the western end of the old Arab Ivory trade route which means they are likely growing an old blend of genetics…ie an old hybrid, now heirloom. My research suggests that many of the greats I grew up reading about are in fact old hybrid heirlooms, which is why they are so powerful. Google pygmy weed and see what comes up. Black Magic has long been associated with Pygmy’s.

They never did export the stuff. Usually they are forced to sell or even to grow their cannabis for guerrilla groups or neighboring tribes. There are certain places they are allowed to sell, and if caught outside of these areas selling weed they are severely beaten or worse. The truth of the matter is they are treated like a stray dog by other tribes. Weed brings them happiness. Its the only thing they have aside from eachother. @jessethestoner


Where do you do your research @Upstate ? Would love some more source materials.

And so youre saying the pygmies stuff is not the african black magic strain?


If you scroll up there’s a Nat Geo article and a link to a Vice doc to get you started…


Thanks! Wish there was more documentation pre 1985 or so


There’s a great journal publication that discusses cannabis use among Pygmies in the Congo basin tilted - Patterns of Cannabis Use Among Congo Basin Hunter Gatherers by CJ Roulette 2018. It discusses research from the 1970’s and compares it with research done in the early 2000’s.

It details use across various tribes and the subtle nuance across them is fascinating. Many blessings and much love


If noone has had black magic and they may not call it black magic since that is english… then there is really no way to know. It would just be the “best” stuff available. I’m all for this idea but it seems flawed without a control. Pygmies could just be pushing whatever makes the most money right now. I’m not feeling this paternalistic attitude toward them either like they’re nothing but fodder for others. I bet if you sat down with them you’d think differently. Pygmy isn’t even their name.

If you look at the history of “Ethnobotany” it doesn’t really even exist in that form anymore because everyone took the knowledge of the indigenous peoples and then shit all over them and used it to create pharmaceuticals. Atleast 63% of all drugs before crispr were botanically derived. Now it is in the 50s.

You dig deep enough and you’ll more than likely find something better than what DJ Short described.


Pygmies are the keepers of the Black Magic. Whether that’s all they grow or not, I don’t know. Mike speaks Swahili, the Pygmies language, so he can communicate with them and tell them exactly what he’s looking for. There are no guarantees he can get it, but his chances are good.

I read lots of stuff and I don’t take notes because I don’t forget the info I think is most important. Other stuff? In one ear and out the other😁


I don’t know if they really have the resources to grow anything else. It sounds like it’s the same weed that’s been growing in the forest there forever. They take pride in it, and that’s what they grow and harvest. I don’t know, but it doesn’t sound like they have any money or internet or any kind of connections to get anything else. They ain’t hustlers, they’re just poor, kind people who get beat up all the time and sell weed and firewood to get a couple of bucks to survive off of. The only thing would be if somebody already came in and polluted the entire forest that the weed grows in. Which, maybe, but I’m hoping it hasn’t happened yet. I can’t imagine there’s been a whole lot of people going to Africa for that sort of thing… Yet… Unlike parts of Asia, I don’t think there’s a whole lot of weed tourism, and unlike Colombia and S. America, I don’t think they have cartels or a bunch of ability to get more modern stuff. I mean, who knows though. If Mike can get it direct from some Pygmies, I’ll trust it over pretty much anything else offered.


Please send me more information

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This is a good point.


It probably couldn’t work, but it’d be cool if he could make friends with them and work something out to where he could come back from time to time to get more seeds and give them a good pay for it. Of course, if the military people found out they’d probably steal the money and seize the plants for their own profit.


Updated list down below:


I don’t think it’s happened yet, but if it has we’ll find the right one. It’s a pretty harsh environment for hybrids with high humidity and high rainfall. There is Gorilla tourism out of Goma though… so you can’t rule out a tourist giving some seeds out, although if you have the best weed in Africa you would probably thumb your nose at it


I have been thinking about how globalism is tainting pure landraces around the world. It can not be stopped. The only thing that can be done is to gather these strains into private collections. As a collector we all like the idea of having something that is unique that no one else has but you are achieving so much more. This is a rare point in history when you have the opportunity and ability to save these genetics before they are polluted. You fellows are part of a very small elite group. History will remember you.