Congo trip with kidete

Bumping this for the potential of two more participates :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


So I don’t have PayPal but I think I can use someone else’s to send it and just give them the cash. Who should I inform of the PayPal account for proper payment received verification? I assume @Kidete


Yeah I don’t think there’s been any cross contamination either. Much of Africa is such a dangerous place for a lot of people, and so isolated from the rest of the world, I just don’t see
a lot of people with seeds coming in and trying to mix their genetics in with the Pygmies’. It’s not like people vacationing in Thailand, or the old Hippie Trail in Central Asia. Never say never, but it really sounds like it’s still the same plants they’ve been growing for generations. Growing in the jungle they’ve inhabited for generations. Tourism for jungle adventures is a reality, but I don’t know how many of those people would even care about cannabis seeds, let alone dealing seeds to the local Pygmy people. I just don’t see it… but you never know. I’m sure western hybrids will eventually make their way over there, but it feels like it’s still untouched for now. The Pygmies especially don’t seem to be concerned over European and American stuff. They already have their deep heritage weed… … Just thinking about it, the idea of potentially getting something with such history and of such legend, maybe getting the actual thing that has been growing out there in the jungles for hundreds of years, as foreign and exotic as you can get, this really is a very special opportunity. I know you’ll make f2s and keep it going good @Upstate, but I’d hope others do too, to keep as much of the line in tact as possible. My personal grail of grails is the Pygmy weed, so I’m really excited by this trip. I hope Kidete finds success.


@RainToday can you put me at #30 please? 30 people max, including me.
Even if no one else signs up at this point as long as the four people committed to doubling up will do so, We have our 30 slots.
Let’s leave the sign up open for another week to see if there are four more interested people.
@SF0 this is a Holy Grail strain of mine too. I also think it is still pure and my little bit of concern isn’t so much with the tourists, but with the rebel groups that sometimes control the pygmy grows. I would imagine they don’t care so much about how much a variety yields because they aren’t doing the work to grow it. Likely they just want the best which means they wouldn’t mess with the Pygmies genetics. Some people have offered black African magic seeds before but nothing that flowers as long as I would expect for the pure version. Of course that’s only what I would expect. I know nothing at all for a fact about this variety except that it is known to be dark, either from fermentation or from high elevation growing. The Congo I recently grew isn’t from very far away from Goma and that one flowered between 18 and 22 weeks from seed.


I would love to take the #26(or any other available)spot if I’m still on time.

When do we send the money?



Sorry for the late response but I would also love a spot if one is still available (#27) I can send money ASAP. Don’t want to let a chance like this slip through the cracks


@Pakore is in, @FishWhistler is in. One more slot because i miscounted. @GenericWalrus I’ll hold it for you for right now…
That’s tentatively 30 people then. Sweet! Thanks OG!

I’ve already talked to Mike about this. That’s the plan😁.
@Orbitalnutria420 I’m sure you’ll figure something out. If needed, you can mail cash to me and I will paypal Mike for you.


please respond to my message and I will either grab the spot, or free it as fast as possible

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I can send you an invoice from paypal and you can pay directly from your card


It’s awesome to see those spots fill up I can’t wait to get this thing started next month!


@Upstate my count doesn’t quite match yours, I’ve got one spot left empty on my list.

If anyone else sees the disjunction source first please give me a heads up :slight_smile:


@Kidete hooked it up, sending payment shortly. So excited about this. Literally history in the making.


I’ll take your word for it buddy thank you. I’m having a bit of a rough day today and I can’t think real well. I just had to shoot my Rooster. I loved that bird. See you in the afterlife Cocker😪


The last spot is claimed by an anonymous donor that almost lost his slot for not posting here in the thread. I apologize if I missed anyone else. I have literally 15 minutes or 30 minutes of spare time most days and I simply can’t keep up. If you missed out this time, should success come to the group I am sure there will be black magic seeds floating around overgrow next year.


Oh no!! I used to have chickens. They are wonderful birds, full of personality. I’m sorry for your loss.


Last time I was in Goma it was still Zaire. Be safe. Looks like they’re having a somewhat large mpox outbreak there.


I just send the money.

Hyped about what you might find @Kidete


Thanks man, I’ve received it


Did you source them locally too or are those reproduced from other breeders stock?

Which one is more unique? We have quite a demand for good pure malawi here in Germany, however that’s why the Kilimanjaro potentially is lore interesting.


The Kilimanjaro from Tanzania and Malawi Gold originate from local small scale growers here in East Africa. The seeds originate from local communities