Congo trip with kidete


*edit: alright, I’m set.

:dove: &:green_heart:


I wish I had the funds to get in this, I recently found a location(seedconnect) supposed to be real BAM but have 3 growing along with my first grow, we’ll see how it goes but as a new grower I am intrested in the African Landrace stuff

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In Pygmy lore if you make tea from a cannabis plant growing next to your house. It will cure any illness. But it has to be your plant growing close and tended by the family to work. Any other plant growing in the bush will not have the same magical healing properties.


Stumbled upon this:

No idea how legit they are, but sounds like some are cashing on the name o_O


I am not complete against this strain as it is the varin I seek(supposed to be good for diabetics) but would prefer the original and not crossed from it. Would be ok even with s1 from original.

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If that offer still good on the angola red I’d love to do a seed increase of these out of the 10 seeds I had two of them were obviously cracked open and only five of the other eight germinated successfully upon further inspection the other three that did not had already been cracked open and were black inside, let me know if offer still good I’m ready now.


@Tykal would you like to pitch in with me on this? I’m still waiting on my 2nd shipment of seeds to arrive but I believe they will be here anyday now and that’s the extra 10 Angola I ordered. Do you have anywhere where you are documenting this grow now so we could watch our seeds progress and see occasional updates? @YoBigdaddy just curious don’t mean to come off as rude by any means


I will definitely document it and take pictures all along the way I don’t know about on this thread or if I’ll just make a new one or not yet but either way they will be documented. That’s funny that you would ask @Tykal I’m waiting on a 10 pack of Angola red from him that came from a different source I was going to grow alongside of these to see the differences if any. Plus I got about 50 of the angola red from snow high probably throw a few of those out there as well. @HighTilliDie hey don’t sweat it brother


That’s a 6 to 8 week hybrid you found there on seed connect. The real black magic is going to be long flowering with at least some plants going 18 plus weeks but I think it’s going to be more like 16 to 20 plus.
@funkyfunk not exactly what I would think black African magic buds would look like. They are too tidy looking. That looks more like a Kush to me…what do you think it is? Its quite possible the BAM is an Africanized Kush, similar to the Congo i grew. I don’t see a flowering time listed by Cora but those Taco leaves with resin on them are very rare on sativas. Not impossible to find. I found some on one Nigerian plant, but its known as the Yoruba hashplant, so that one should have some extra resin. The flowering time is going to be well into the teens with the real deal BAM.
@YoBigdaddy grew an expensive BAM from Arizona. He didn’t sound convinced it was the real deal, but after growing Uganda and seeing my Congo maybe he has a different opinion or maybe I was mistaken to begin with. It looked like a Kush to me.
I’ll say again though, it could be possible that what we are looking for is an acclimated Kush. I’m not going to believe it’s legit unless I know for sure they were collected in the Congo. Lots of liars or people that don’t know better.


@YoBigdaddy I have some Angola Red from Snowhigh - definitely from LMN stock - if you are interested for the increase


Oh this will be great to see the difference. I’ve got 10 seeds for you buddy… unless someone else is already mailing you some


If you are already in for a slot save that full slot or half slot for somebody else. There were lots of other people that were interested and I’d like to include as many as possible. I’m only in for one slot myself


@YoBigdaddy I was thinking I had posted the pictures of my grow from the BAM seeds you shared with me but I can’t seem to find them posted anywhere and I’m going to chalk it up as a stoner move :woozy_face: My apologies. Hope no one minds me sharing it here since we’re talking about it.

I was very surprised at the broad leaves throughout the grow and it ended up being one of the first plants to flower and one of the first to finish last season around late October at 34° lat. I had 2 males and 1 female.

But it was this cannabinoid test that confirmed my suspicions. I’m not familiar with any African line that contains CBD especially with CBD being the most dominant.


I’ve got plenty of the snow high AR
And I’ve got 10 of the AR from exotic alchemy on the way. @Upstate I will definitely take 10 of those from kidete if you don’t mind. Between yours and mines it should be a good comparison of the three of them growing side by side at the same time.


Yeah I would have to agree that was my suspicion all along but you never know until you try it good looking buds fairly decent smoke just don’t believe it’s the African black magic that all the hype is behind. Although I do believe a lot of the hype is in the way it was cured more so than the terpene or cannabinoid profile. Did they give you any kind of numbers or just those color blocks with that test. Nonetheless good looking plants


That’s pretty unusual but I think some North African can have high CBD. I think it’s a lot like Lebanese along the Nile River. I suspected some Sudan plants I grew to be high CBD. Definitely not what you’d expect from a Congo strain though… Should be a thc strain from what i read about the effect and @YoBigdaddy surely the cure has an effect.
For sure nice looking plants


The guy I got them from was very adamant that they were the real deal he sourced them directly from Africa. And indeed he may have.


@HighTilliDie @YoBigdaddy

Yes, I will contribute my Angola from Mike too, if we’re doing an open pollination of that line alone.

Just let me know if so and I’ll include them with the other Angola.


Yes I agree and in hindsight I wish I had cob cured some as a test for comparison.

This is just an at home test that I ran and it does not provide numbers. There’s a little overlay plastic piece that comes with the kit to sorta provide an estimated percentage but I wouldn’t really trust the accuracy. I use this testing method to just get an idea of the main cannabinoids and the ratio comparisons.

Yes that’s a great point, I suppose Sinai being a hashplant is also known to contain CBD.


Yes I’m growing alongside the other ones for comparison but the only males will be keeping will be from Mike’s line. If you’re ready to ship those out I’ll tell @Upstate to hold off on sending his 10