Conserving clones in stasis ⏳

4 of these were in the fridge for 23 days (the four short ones in the front). 2 of them are pretty small. They are all still relatively rigid. Now they are in the aero cloner. They look pretty sad but hopefully they stand up here in the next 24 hours.


Everything is looking fine and they are standing up ever so slightly more so I think this will be a success


Got roots on one of them. 23 days in the fridge, 8 days in the cloner.


30 day fridge clone being cloned …


9 afghani clones…JOTI wasnt kidding when he stated strong branches…fuck…almost had to bust out the chef’s knife.
Bunch of Afghani cuts, bunch of orange goji cuts…


This orange goji wasnt impressed with me cutting her…lol


Ufs#18 @50State , chopped a few weeks ago, cure 10 days I think…had to cut some of the lower buds to get it to fit in the jars.

This seed seems to have identical traits to the freaksow seeds…I know my freakshow males hit my other closet…here it is…uncle festers freak.

Lol…is that an awesome trim job or what…lol…I’ve become somewhat horrible/lazy at trimming.


I used to love trimming years ago, but after awhile it becomes tedious, so I am in the same boat as you these days lol


Hi all! Sorry it’s been so long. I am finishing up my bachelor’s degree in the next year and a half and the semester started. It’s all online due to COVID and being 44 is making things…“interesting”…

Anyway, there are some interesting things happening with the plants that I chilled after sexing until my other plant matured.

First off, when you see these pics, you will notice the Myko on the surface of the soil. I got a little heavy-handed. Actually, really heavy-handed. Thanks to @misterbee I did get my sample pack from Extreme Gardening. They have Myko packs and I have one at each root base. Then I added Biolive and THEN decided to water with Recharge. The day after watering with Recharge this bloomed. No more Myko! The plant is happy as hell though… The Myko is even growing through the cloth pots!

What I am seeing is a huge lag in between flowering and re-veg. I saw the pistils and had to wait two weeks for the flowering plant to finish before I could put these girls in the tent, so I chilled them. They have basically just froze growth up until two days ago. Not literally froze, just halted. I kept the lights at 24 hours for the first two weeks, then, on the breeder’s suggestion, went to 18/6.

The new growth from the top is curly and clawing, while the lower branches are doing fine. The googled reveg pics are pretty much spot on with what I have going on here so I am not too worried. I’m just confused if it’s the chilling or the flowering and then chilling and then back to veg? Did I let them flower too long before chilling? These pics have been after transplant for three weeks now. They are just now getting back into the swing. No nanners though, thankfully. I will keep you all updated! Probably not as frequently as before though. The strain is La Confidential.
P.S. Are these “monster cropping?”
image2 (4) image1 (4) image0 (7)


Ha! glad I’m not the only one. If it’s just for me I honestly could care less what the bud looks like! There’s trichomes, that’s all that matters! The grinder doesn’t care!


thanks for the tip - I just ordered one also :monkey_face:

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Awesome it’s still live!!

@Tappy did you experience a lag in growth?

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Not really. As soon as I put it back under the light it just kept growing. I had it in a rockwool cube while in the fridge, but transplanted it to a slurpee cup when putting it back in the grow. Just cut 8+ clones from it about a week ago actually.


My plants are still throwing flowers after coming back to growing. Weirdest thing I have seen. No withering, just solid white and almost rubbery looking. No trichomes either. I flower on the 24th so I guess they will get what they want soon enough lol


Now this is a fantastic thread!

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