Conserving clones in stasis ⏳

I have had some cuts in the refrigerator in a solo cup with a cm worth of water and a ziplock bag over the top but not sealed for 13 days with no real visible changes. I am going to stick them in the aero cloner in a couple weeks to see how it goes.


One of my plants was too big for a zip lock. I decided to put it in a plastic shopping bag we all have eight million of. Then I put another on top. Interestingly, there is no condensation and it seems to be responding really well. I’m wondering if the fully rooted plants in the soil won’t be better off loosely wrapped like this? It’s a little smashed down because of the top bag but looks just like when I put it in. The soil I let dry to moist, for mold reasons.

Edit: I removed everything that was brown or even yellowing, again for mold reasons.


As long as they look good coming out of the fridge, I bet you get a very high survival rate.

This is solid that you guys are both giving this a go…will be fun to see how yours turns out, as mine took to the whole process like a champ.


I see how easy it is to forget them lol! I have to check mine tonight after work!


I know, right! my gf bitched at me about it when she was filling the fridge with groceries and I was like, oh shit…better check in that thing…it was all knocked over and squished…lol…but still took it like a champ.


I have mine in the beer fridge in the garage haha! I do have two rooted clones chilling as well, just as a backup. My LA Confidential have shown six out of eight males. Hoping to God the two not showing yet are females. Totally bummed.


Ugh, brutal…what a downer. Females usually take longer to show (so I’ve heard)…fingers crossed for you!! I’ve never tried la con, but have only heard great things.


I’m hoping the females are slower to show. That’s what I have read too. Man, two of mine were showing balls after two days in 12/12. Still not sure if this is something that happens (bad luck) or if I did something wrong.

Edit: Even if I get one and clone it I would be happy

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Do you still have those males? That sounds like a trait that would be good to pass on to a future generation of seeds!


I do. I am going to be getting pollen from these at the very least!


Are you USA, CAN, other?


I PM’d you

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I take cuttings and wrap the base in wet paper towel then into a bagel bag and in the crisper. Sometimes I find them a month later and surprised at how good they still look. Lots of times they are there until I can see how the bud cycle turns out as to whether they get pulled out to go into the line up again or tossed. The post root thing is good for when the veg area is a jungle and needs to be thinned out.


I’ve rooted cuttings from the fridge like that. They lasted around six weeks before they got too limp to stick in rooters.


Sorry, off topic for a second. I talked to my seed guy today. He has been growing for years and years. He said he keeps his on 24 hour light cycle for the first three weeks and over the years has seen a huge leap in females over males. I will certainly be checking this out in my next garden. Thought some might want to receive this information. Take care all!


Hmmm…I’m gonna have to drop my 12/12 from seed and give that a try…hate when the gardens looking full and then have to pull a few because of balls. Had to do that just yesterday. But it’s cool, because I plant most of my males in the city planter at the end of my block…lol. City watering crew is probably like, “wtf, again?”…lol…and if I time it right, I could probably harvest some pollen before they get pulled.


Makes me think of making a ladybug habitat and breeding the biggest, fattest bitches that can scarf the most mites in the shortest amount of time…because they would be live, I would only be able to send to canadians…but still…hmmmm :thinking:


That is hilarious hahahaha

We were going to let one go and transplant today just as an ornamental. Then the storm came. Should have got a pic of that poor smashed-stalked dude. No way it would have been ornamental anymore.


Nature is quite the artist…environment as its paintbrush and your plant as the canvas. Let it ride…lol.


I call broscience on that idea!
Also if you give your plants a bit of light in the fridge it’ll probably live longer.