"Cookies" hate. Don't get it

Don’t get me wrong here, I’m not just trying to defend cookies (and certainly not trying to defend Berner😆), but a lot of people are saying cookies has some good flavours and not great potency.
I don’t see a problem with that :man_shrugging:

No one is going to a bar to drink absinthe and get shitfaced as quick as they can (well most normal people don’t anyway). So why do that with weed?
For me potency is literally the last thing I’m really bothered about.
I’d rather have something that tastes great and I can enjoy smoking all day without worry of becoming a drooling mess or getting so paranoid I can’t go outside.

I realise this way of thinking would apply more to people who can grow their own and have a lot of weed, if you’re buying (at a high premium especially) then I understand you want that bang for you buck when it comes to potency.

Just something else to consider.



Full disclosure: I’ve never smoked a cookies strain. Not for any moral reasons just because I smoke what I grow, with a few exceptions, and I’ve never grown it.

There’s definitely a hate train going on that is independent of the plant itself.

I expect it’s complicated without a really clear answer. Hate? Hype? Newly legal popular which we resent from having been criminals for so long and having to hide? I dunno.

People love to hate. Which is kind of weird I guess.


This is sort of what I got. The grow went well. The buds were donkey-Kong sized and pretty. The smoke was…. Well ……average at best… I don’t go here in my stash, always choosing something else…that sort of says it all…


At first I thought maybe I had used some hand moisturizer and was confused. But then I remembered I don’t use moisturizer.

It’s fine though. I tend to start many different things and see what sticks. This one just didn’t stick.


while i think some cookies is pretty potent and quite awesome…i do need at least some minimum level of potency. i have grown some classic strains that just weren’t potent making them smoke poorly due to lack of resin. cure is fine, smell is amazing, but they just burn hot, lot of smoke, choke hits…sucks. too much smoke to get high and the high is different when you have to toke more to get there. i can’t even get a thick vapor bag in the volcano by loading more. i never had a cookies do that. always a nice smoke, always potent enough to do the job. maybe sometimes the high didn’t last, but other times i got messed up.


~Everyone is going to a bar to get drunk. No one said anything about shitfaced.
I smoke to relieve my pain. Usually need to be high for that.

Cookies is like Odoul’s imo. It looks like beer, tastes like beer, doesn’t actually effect you like beer. Do you enjoy drinking non-alcoholic beverages that look and taste just like the real thing but aren’t? I personally don’t. Maybe that’s the difference here :thinking:

Again, not talking about getting blasted. As someone who uses cannabis for it’s effects and medical benefits and has smoked cigarettes or vaped for 25+ years while also smoking weed during all that time, I don’t want to have to smoke a joint to the face or a couple bowls to the face every time I wanna get there. That’s a lot of resin. Years and years of that takes a toll on you.

The ability to take a couple hits off of some nl5haze or some properly done kush or other non-cookies things, and be good for literally 2-3+ hours, high af but 100% functional and no pain, is a life saver. That’s what I’m talking about. Cookies doesn’t do that for me, not since the day it was made, not a single cookies plant, cross or derivative of cookies does that. I’m not the only one. I would LOVE if it did. It’s everywhere. I try a cookies cross every month or two just to see if maybe one of you guys are right, but i’m just disappointed every time :pensive:

How the weed smells, tastes, and looks, has zero to do with how it effects you.
I don’t smoke because the weed looks good, or it tastes good or whatever else. Do I love great tasting weed? Hell yeah! Would I smoke more if it tasted better? Fuck yeah! but taste/smell/flavor aren’t why I’m smoking. They literally mean absolutely nothing if the effects aren’t there. Cookies effects aren’t there. So I’m literally confused at anyone that thinks it’s a good or quality strain. I would classify most of the herb I’ve had in my life as better quality than cookies. From mexican brick to whatever unrelated nugget you wanna bring up. It won’t have that cookies look or smell, but it’ll get you done with more interesting effects for a much longer time.

But maybe my issue is i smoke for effects. maybe the people that enjoy it are just smoking for smoking? :man_shrugging: I still stand by my thoughts :sweat_smile:


Agreed 100% the only exception is I’ll have a decaf coffee once in awhile.


Decaf!!! Noo the headache


The Bay Platinum Cookies was imo The best Cookie anything out there.Your talking about the Platinum Cookies right?Bay platinum was Bay 11 crossed to platinum cookies I want to say.A hybrid but man was it a nice one

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boring, played out. I love pizza but if i ate pizza every day i’d be sick of it. And then if they started putting pizza in other dishes, just because it was popular, well i’d get sick of that too.

then you go out to a restaurant and everything is pizza! And when you say something, they say “no, this is calzone!” Man, fuck your calzone!


calzone is superior to pizza


I 100 percent agree here… this is exploitation at its finest… this is what happens when greed is involved… I truly hate most cookie strains… I’m good on that short lived mediocre buzz… so generic…

Not that all are bad… like mentioned above… but I refuse to support such people. Regardless of how good or what it is… I see cookies as like a cancer among the good strains . Poisoning it … weakening… sad!! Well put @HeadyBearAdventures … I knew I liked you for a reason!


And Pizza is better then Calzone :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


my mouth say “mmmm”

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I used to live above a calzone shop and would sneak downstairs and steal their toilet paper because I was so broke.



Stromboli is where it’s at!


A buddy got it from Cali back in 2017-18 all I know it was very popular and they called it platinum Girl Scout cookies. But could very well be the same I have some older pics I added does it look anything like the one


Cookies, to me, is the modern day White Widow. I remember when she first hit the scene, people went nuts over the frost. Everyone had to have it and everyone that grew couldn’t wait to cross it with their favorite strain to get more “resin” out of it. White widow was pretty, she was tasty, and she had a decent buzz, but she was completely over hyped. It didn’t matter. She had serious bag appeal. Within a year you had Black Widow, Blackberry Widow, Blue Widow, Moby Dick, blah, blah, blah. Where is she now? Under a pile of cookies somewhere. I still have 8 seeds of her that are at least 20 years old if not older.

It’s the market that drives the hype. I’m ok with that, but I feel like we’re losing track of what’s what, in terms of lineage.

I think it’s also important to remember that people process cannabinoids differently. One mans garbage can be another mans treasure.


A few years back I made some WW crosses with stock from pre 2000.

Great stuff. Lot of it’s nostalgia.