"Cookies" hate. Don't get it

Make it apizza or GTFO.

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I’ve heard the cardboard thing and I think that’s Oreoz from seed. Oreoz clone itself, I had flower from and it was loud AF. Definitely not cardboard, hell no. But it has the cookies ~30 minute high just like the rest of them. Smokes like mids.


Sounds like the Chocolope terps, after a good cure it tastes like cheap chocolate, or oreo… But a lot of people just get straight cardboard from those terps aswell. It’s not something exclusive to Oreoz and I bet you can get the same terps with a better quality if you take a look at chocolope or chocolope crosses!

Pz :v:t2:


Oreoz looks and tastes like purple punch.

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It’s funny that cardboard terps are mentioned. I had a specimen in a cross that I made (without cookies) that had kind of no smell or just a little I couldn’t put a thumb on, cardboard kind of matches that lol it looked stellar though and shit me straight to the moon. The onset was rather unpleased, probably iw wasn’t prepared. It mellowed out in a dreamy floating high and was pretty long lasting


@mndlss Nice, do you remember the make up of the cultivar?

Pz :v:t2:


I’ve got 3rd coast oreoz going outside now. I hope to find out


I crossed the amnesia core cut with a des*tar bx male and called it lost planet


cant speak to duration but id believe it, high was certainly not overwhelming like it was advertised. seems like perfect commercial if it yields well, also keep coming back to the idea of letting a AGSC steve murphy indica or deep chunk pollinate it to give it some put down effect, like a good night dessert hit.

this i could see, especially if the sample was dried out. its definitely more nesquick than real choco.

for me it all goes back to when we used to try to quick dry using cardboard and paper bags. that taste i think haunts people, it certainly haunts me, it makes the cottonmouth worse (or perception of it) imo. major buzz kill.


I’m from SF and I was very involved in the local prop 215 collective and prop 420 dispensary community at the time when cookies first showed up around 2011 or 12.

Cookies arrived as a dispensary buy at the hemp center where berner worked. The bud was seeded from a herm pollination. berner arbitrarily labeled the batch as “girl scout cookies” on the menu. This was because girl scout troops had been setting up in front of dispensaries in SF to sell cookies for years, and they were very popular with customers.

The batch sold out very quickly which was unusual at the time in the small local medical community, and generated word of mouth.

then the people at the dispensary grew out the bag seeds, and continued to sell them as “girl scout cookies” even though they were actually different. Berner was selling under the table at the hemp center too, which is why they were growing out the bagseeds. Berner mentions selling his own bud under the table when he worked at hemp center in this podcast (he’s actually being interviewed by a guy I grew up with in my neighborhood in sf). https://youtu.be/HnkPn49rnu4

There were several accidental herm pollinations in that grow, and they grew those seeds knowing they would be fem herm s1’s and would all produce bud to sell. as they started to run out of seeds they eventually selected a cut. That was the thin mint. That’s why there is no cookies reg line.

The forum cut, and other cuts circulated locally were the bag seeds found by people who bought early batches of “girl scout cookies.” I grew a very early girl scout cookies sister derived from the original batch bagseed called “durban pie”.

Some of this is corroborated in the podcast lonely oc posted, but frankly as we knew at the time, the breeding was much less purposeful than they imply there. It was the result of herms making s1’s and pollinating nearby cuts in the grow room. The selection of the thin mint cut was practically an afterthought when they started to run out of the original bagseeds.

Look up my previous posts on this for the lineages that were known in 2012, and how they capitalized on the existing name recognition and local news publicity of the girl scouts who set up in front of dispensaries. I don’t believe any of the changed stories about the genetics, like when berner said it had chem in it a few years ago. That was never part of the story before. The internet (and berner) has embelished this story so much over the years. Simple true story- cookies is bagseed and s1’s derived from herm bagseed.

At the time we all thought, wow anyone could become rich from a random bagseed!

There was no plan or coordinated breeding it was luck of the draw and capitalizing on the publicity of local tv news stories about girl scouts selling cookies to mmj patients.


Thanks for taking the time to share that :facepunch: @zephyr


is burner your uncle or father ? lol you seem to go the lengths to defend him and his cookies. are you a pr worker for them?

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Wow, thank you so much for sharing the history. It’s very appreciated, a lot of other people are afraid to tell their side of the story since it doesn’t work in favor for cookies and they are afraid it will damage the cookie company and they will end up get sued.

Since you where so close, did the Cherry Pie cut come before or after gsc?

In the story by Riot and Notso, the F1 Durb is the initial S1 hermie seed from a batch of Cherry Pie Kush that was sold at the Hemp center which they took to George to grow. That plant hermied again into a Flo Ridah OG and GDP. George gave the buds to Berner and the seeds in Flo Ridah OG became Girl Scout Cookies and the seeds in GDP became the pies.

From your point of view, is this close to being correct? And could you please correct me where I’m wrong?

Pz :v:t2:


That’s why I grow seeds from inadvertent herms. Because you never know if the world is trying to give you something.


Haha, yeah, more herms it seems!:laughing:

Pz :v:t2:


all i said was oreoz tastes like oreoz and its not potent, and GP has cbd leaners so makes sense it is more medical than the others

im just giving you my honest take on how the actual cuts look and feel, not some seed stock i grew out. if people stopped buying the cookie shit there would be different clones in circulation not sure how i can control that


cherry pie had already been around for a long time. there were cuts of cherry pie and durban that were common in the bay area. cherry pie was always said to be a hybrid of durban and granddaddy purple, and it was really good.

It gets confusing comparing this current story with the info from the time. It sounds close, but there is stuff added.

They said it was cherry pie, og, and durban making seeds due to herms in the same grow. I always heard it was hps light burn causing these common bay area medical community cuts to herm in a grow room together. there may have been multiple generations of herm pollinations between these cuts and the bagseed they were growing out.

Originally it was only referred to as durban and og in the genetics, not f1 durban and flo ridah og. This story says light leaks instead of light burn. I didn’t hear of flo ridah og at the time. The california OG kush cuts like the classic OG, tahoe, san fernando, platinum etc were popular and circulating in the clubs at the time.
Not southern cuts like the triangle from florida or irene from atlanta, or presumably flo ridah.

I would assume it’s just the classic OG kush cut in there, because no named cut was mentioned just OG.

The only named og version was Platinum girl scout cookies, but that was later and it was a thin mint hybrid with platinum og.

I didn’t hear this name at the time, and didn’t start hearing it until a couple of years ago. But the bagseed cut that I grew at the time was called “durban pie” and that kind of makes sense with this f1 durban name.

So that’s not what I heard when cookies came out, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they called it f1 durban. that actually might explain the name of the one I used to grow.

They tried to keep the thin mint cut exclusive for a long time, so people started growing the bagseed from the dispensary bud and circulating their own cuts like the durban pie. Forum cookies was another one of the early bagseeds that people found in the girl scout cookies batches from the dispensary.


Yes, this whole thing makes A LOT more sense and it also give HUUUUUUUGE incentive for them to lie. Hermies are a sensitive topic, especially if you want to hype yourselfs as geniuses! :man_facepalming:

People tend to describe the terps of F1 Durb as red wine smell, do you recognise this from the Durban Pie you grew?

I start to think the hermie action that started it all is done by another grower, the one who is known as George. This is the good friend of notso that grew the first batch of seeds in the line. Cherry Pie Kush, GDP and Flo Ridah OG. Notso said that he knew the exact cut that became GSC, because he gave him the OG cut. He also said that, at this time. They simply called it OG Kush and hadn’t been identified as Flo Ridah OG. Notso had it from a “southern contact”, to grow for LA sales. Notso claimed to know that the Cherry Pie Kush hermed and both GDP and OG got hit. That seeded crop got sold to Berner.

I think it was in these bud they found their first seeds in the cookie line. Rest of the line is probably unknown herm accident upon herm accident before they saved the first cut.

Riot and notso says if you S1 the cut that the least inbred cut are their Thin Mint cut. This would collaborate with your story aswell.

Thank you so much for sharing @zephyr

Pz :v:t2:


Yeah notso’s and zephyr’s story lines up with what I knew at the time. GSC came from herms, Cherry pie hermed to start it. etc.

Anyone else find the name ‘Flo-Rida OG’ hilarious? like seriously? trying to make Florida sound cool now like you guys had this magical OG forever that no one has ever heard of until that cookies video came out?..


I hadn’t thought about it in a long time, but years ago when I first heard about Flo-Rida I presumed it must be the same as the Flo I’d had a few times. Funny times, when there wasn’t nearly as much information available on the internet.