"Cookies" hate. Don't get it

You forgot the problematic of the Danish mafia, very powerful in Holland in the green industry. Also the biker’s gangs, that are not so modeled on the american type but truly tentacular ^^ Well, it’s a dense geography as a whole … hard to present well the equation.


Mann I had been trying to remember the lineage in my buddies first line back in high school, this just brought it back :sweat_smile: Romulan x Heavy Duty Fruity

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Yeah, I really hope it’s not that extreme that it seems from the outside, but let’s say it like this. The western countries all share same set of problems that isn’t comparable. I’m just reacting to the mention that everyone who have knowledge about the origin of American cultivars are on meth. When i know for a fact that they are not and I see people’s harsh tones are immaturity to judge a huge set of good people who just want to be left alone. The last thing they need is digital fingers pointing towards them, saying they are tweakers. So, I’m not out to paint US in a bad picture, only the Americans who does it themselfs. Hope you can see where I come from.

Pz :v:t2:


@HolyAngel Yeah, allegedly, it only becomes a part of the cookie story because of George. If the stories about what came out of that man is incorrect, Flo Ridah OG have nothing to do with Cookies.

When I’ve researched the plant I’ve seen a lot of testimonies of that the Flo Ridah is a whole other sets of phenos that other kush or OGs got. But that the S1s come out with a lot of different types of OG phenotypes. That would suggest that it’s either an early plant in the lineage or an out cross of TK.

Pz :v:t2:

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Where I grew up in Northern California (Shasta County) there was a weed-growing culture but otherwise not a lot of crime. When I went back many years later medical cannabis had been around for awhile and, you guessed it - there were a lot of tweakers and meth labs.

I guessed, maybe correct maybe not, that the weed growers that didn’t move up to Humboldt County just switched jobs but who knows…


@rasterman ya meth is a big problem in california no question about that. i grew up in a rural part and saw way more than my fair share of otherwise normal folk that slowly eroded into hardcore tweakers.

on a more light hearted topic, i really like this thread because ive been a long times fan of cookies (ish) phenos. the old timers on this board seem to think all cookies are bland and boring. its been nice to see at least a few cracks in that shield form as folks admit there are “good versions of cookies”

to be (as a hobby grower), cookies is a compact / low leaf / high bag appeal class of bud. while not as complex as other types of bud theyre easy to grow, look great, and dont take forever to trim.

i mostly grow inexpensive california commodity cuts from pcg that are wildly distributed. they put out alot of cookies (ish) gear. ive noticed that the cuts of theirs i enjoy the most have a slight tendency to foxtail. i find the stuff that looks the best is usually not the best. no idea why. that fox tailing seems important.

i attribute that to them taking the tried and true cookies gear and mixing it up a bit with something fresh. philosophically i see cookies as a “framework” of sorts that breeders can use a as a baseline and add interesting features to.

here is an example of cookies bud that i really like, notice the random foxtails


@sardinebags I’m not fond of some cookies but some of what’s in my tent currently has some cookies genetics and I like the potency. I’ll grow anything once and my main requirement is that it gets me high and I don’t have to smoke it every 30 minutes like a crack addict.

Those buds look good to me. In fact, I really like the way it looks. I don’t mind foxtailing and get it with a lot of stuff that isn’t supposed to because I fertilize with composted chicken poop and usually have too much nitrogen left during flower. Some of the best stuff I’ve smoked has been relatively larfy and wouldn’t sell in the dispensary.


Cookies is hard to get away from nowadays, it’s in EVERY F-CKING THING.


Dope and funny insight.

Scaring budtenders in your local area, aren’t we?

Keep it going. That’s precisely the kind bud we all want to sift from the bullshit mids.


That Anaphylaxis (f) I mentioned I had going :confused:

…almost 2 months of wasted time


Not really. I can name a dozen breeders off the top of my head who don’t use cookies, or have maybe one or two crosses.

Bohdi, AG seed co, Humboldt csi, dynasty/relic, akbb, blue star, katsu, high and lonesome, fluer de mal, Crickets and Cicadas, costal seed co, and snowhigh come to mind.


Sorry man. That happened to me yesterday but I only lost 30 days of flower time and a clone.

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Yeah, it happens. Shouldn’t as much…

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Ah that sucks! Not surprised tho coming from MMS, just saying…


That’s my issue with cookies. It also get worse when you realize they just keep mixing and mashing the same handful of strains and renaming it all because of the hype around an otherwise just ok strain.

It’s basically the world we live in. Take mediocre things, hype them up, the idiot masses follow and if you dare speak negatively about their beloved hype thing then the hype mob comes for you.

There are far better strains out there but they don’t look as pretty and in the day and age of fake instagram image, that’s all people care about.


I don’t find fair to mix people that actually NEVER were one wagon of the cookie train : Fleur Du Mal (Beaudelaire) , Blue star (specialized in BB) and … well that’s all.

You are quoting some in your list that have milked the cow pretty dry lol It’s not a curse to have breeded with the GSC (whatever version), just … don’t blur the picture like this, it’s not fair.



I didn’t make a point of not buying cookies seeds this time around but my pov was looking for breeding stock, and looking at my purchases I seemed to naturally drift in the opposite direction of anything cookies.
Since most people here like to make seeds it would make sense they want something else, but also I didn’t have any problems finding non-cookie stuff from breeders who also have GSC lines. I don’t think holding that as a purity test is going to work to your advantage.

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I have a love hate relationship with cookies. I love some of it but cant stand a lot of it. I love some of the flavour profiles and smells on the elite stuff I’ve found but I wouldn’t say it’s something I tend to smoke for medicinal value before bed. That being said my cut of unicorn poop is some of the craziest fire I’ve ever found in 25 years in terms of all round greatness. Heavy indica buzz and amazing flavour but I grew about 300 cookie influenced plants over the last few years and it’s the only thing I’ve kept. I’ve found loads of bag appeal but not much substance and I think that’s why it gets so much hate. The irony is that my best stuff is also cookies influenced at the moment but I also hate on cookies in general lol.