"Cookies" hate. Don't get it

I like cookies because I like weed. Variety is good. If it isn’t super potent, who cares. Enjoy it for what it is, then get blasted off your ass on something else if that is the whole purpose of cannabis to you.


I may have misunderstood, I’m not sure if you’re saying my hate for berner is a bad thing. But he backs politicians and puts money into the support of laws that hold back homegrows from being legal and makes it impossible for a hardworking small grower to get a shot in the legal industry. I feel any grower that has hate for him holding back the legal transition is fair. We’ve been cuffed and had our lives messed up too many times from the laws. Not only does he help hold back life changing opportunities but these laws not changing is what gets cops to point guns at peaceful growers like us and we then have to deal with court, jail, insane legal fees. The cops last time wouldn’t let me take my epilepsy medication before jail and made jokes about me dying in the cell (only in trouble for weed). So when berner acts like he loves the people but then continues to help the greed that is holding us down, the hate naturally comes lol.


I don’t know what a Berner is. What’s a Berner? Why should I care about this person?

I remember this guy Steve back in my old haunts used to grow great weed. I wonder where Steve is now.

I don’t give 2 shits about a rapper selling weed. Hype hype hype my balls (which are tastefully obscured in my calendar you should buy).


That dude ain’t no el chapo tho lol I can promise you on everything in this world the average person is closer to an “el chapo” than him. I support everyone growing and smoking what they want but this man’s presentation as a gangster and breeder are waaaaaaaay off. I’m not presenting myself as a gangster, I’m a farmer. But that man is more similar to a human turd nugget than a gangster lol. In the US he really has stuck with prohibition in the states he profits in. He really does not care about us. I wouldn’t care if everyone smoked cookies all day but for their sake I hope it was grown by a good grower and not one of his legal facilities.


i am not sure how one could know that without seeing it with their own eyes. i could generally tell the guys who wouldnt make it, too flashy talked too much etc, he was kinda flashy but not really he was everywhere hanging around some serious guys.
whoever bred that strain gave it to those guys exclusively probably for a long time, they made a lot of money before legalization.

when i showed up in canada the price of high quality hydro was around $1.5k, within a few years it doubled and when cookies came out people were getting upwards of $6k per lb of shit they grew out of smuggled bagseed brought back from cali.
there are many who see him/cookies as not good or bad but for what they were and are, and they helped a lot of people make a lot of money and probably helped with legalization as well.

the tides seem to be shifting in the direction of consolidation in the legal space, the weak are dying off fast and when they are weakest is probably when we get full national legalization so that the fortune 500’s can come in and scoop it up, make it all nice and clean for the investors, berner is not that so he will be tossed aside when that day comes. i chose to not invest my emotion on waiting for it or hoping for it (or against it).

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Thats because GMO hits like chem, not cookies.
That’s why wedding cake looks and hits like TK, not cookies.

Cookies adds bag appeal, fake frost, and terpenes for a worse, shorter-lived, more boring high.


I promise you he did not help with legalization do you have an instagram? There’s a guy that’s shared lots of legal documents from cookies and the other brands putting money with movements or politicians that act like they get weed legal for stoners, but when you read deep it’s a focus on holding back growers and anyone that can legally compete with them. His gangster shit is bull fuckin shit I promise you that, idk what Canadian prices were, but I’m not talkin out my ass I’m talkin from so flo, to nyc, to cal. on my fuckin family that fat lyin greedy pussy is not a gangster. On my son im not guessing, im not basing this off someone’s comments on IG , im not telling you what I think. Im tellin you north, east, south, west this dude ain’t no gangster. Him giving free shit to “real ones” and paying them to post it, doesn’t lock him in. If he had no money tomorrow who’s gonna hold him down on a life sentence inside? No one, who holds him down now is money and that’s it. I understand what you’re saying and why it “seems” like he’s a gangster to you. But he’s not. He’s an employee, marketing tactic, and an actor. He started this all after prop 215 in cali. He never dealt with the actual Illegal shit he wasn’t movin no other shit. He middlemmanned and marketed packs in the bay area after prop215. Movin hard stuff and Being a gangster isn’t a good thing but It’s what he portrays himself as and it’s just fake as Martin Lawrence as an old lady in the big momma movies.


Great examples with the GMO and wedding cake there


He talks about helping patients in Florida as they opened there. But the laws he put money with made it still felonies for any plant at all. Why wouldn’t cookies back the other laws that supported homegrow they’re tryna help?


$$$$$$$ obviously


never said he was or wasnt a gangster. said i lived in the same neighborhood and saw him all the time. pimping was a much more realistic explanation for what he was doing that growing weed from what i saw. those packages he was promoting went far and wide and got big dollars where they went. in that world money is everything and when you put that much money in the hands of that many grimey people im sure as hell not going to assume i can just roll right over you.


Exactly to them its the growth of profit > the end of prohibition.


If the whole world wants to smoke cookies it’s no sweat off my back. I’ve got my own very pleasant variety and have little use for them.


Oh yeah, can spend 5 seconds listening to Berner talk and KNOW he’s not hard, he’s not some gangster, he’s not grown up with a tough life, he’s not smart or some evil genius. He’s a front man, marketer. Whole shit is a con. Someone(s) else is pulling the strings.


I misunderstood What you said the, he portrays himself as a gangster to the world, hence his last project im pretty sure being named “Gotti” as he does marketing up here in ny with John gotti’s son LOL dudes great at being selfish and being the cutthroat American businessman/politician, but he ain’t bout to cut nobody’s throat. He was doing all this marketing and stuff around here in ny with John gottis son and named his project “Gotti” it’s like cmon dude really?? And if he’s saying he’s big boss gangster one minute then why is he saying he’s doing this to help the community the next minute? If he didn’t have pricey body guards he wouldn’t walk where he walks sometimes


There’s videos of him lookin,dressin, actin like a little bitch boy before all this as he worked as a dispensary girl in San Fran during prop215. If he was helping laws change for us I wouldn’t throw the hate out there. But the fake shit while holding us back pisses me off.


That’s rich :rofl:


i understand where you guys are coming from really. maybe its due to my own experiences just before moving to SF (what we literally ran away from) but the whole “dirtbag” brand he had made sense. i spent so much time around those people, i saw how he would use this boyish charm then sort of flip into another personna, that was how all those pimps (or wannabees) were. all the good bud we got there was from asians, theyd drive around the neighborhood in these suped up little cars trying to dodge their mom or aunt who was out trying to find them. those were serious guys, not “mommas boys”. perception is a crazy thing without the proper info and context imo.

but his brand was dirtbag, he told everyone he only cared about money and hed do anything to get it. and thats what he did lol. so from the pov and timeline i saw he is insanely successful, came from nothing or virtually nothing, and made it out of there - made his vision come true. whatever i think about his morals and ideals dont change that he clearly isnt stupid and has determination.


Didn’t say he’s stupid and not determined. I’m just sayin he’s not a gangster or a grower. He’s a lying greedy businessman. It’s the same as a guy that would lie and sell cars better than anyone else in the world. They aren’t a “gangster” for this grimy hustle, but they don’t know shit about cars compared to a mechanic, but they also aren’t really tryna find this family a car to make them happy and safe. The dudes tryna make a buck he’s a lying greedy scumbag that cares about no one but himself. He’s Matilda’s dad for christs sake!


Yep. The comparison between Berner/his whole op and a similar situation I grew up around in a different area and time is uncanny. The dude that was the front man of that basically was Berner himself, to a freaking tee. The guy in my situation ended up getting busted, because he was being dumb flashing money and cars and trying to talk the talk. But the dude’s pulling the strings of the whole op? Yeah, no one ever knew and still doesn’t know who those guys were, for a reason. They never got caught because of it. Made all the bank and got out. Everyone thought it was the dude up front, ie Berner, but in reality, he didn’t do anything at all. He was just the one out front. He was put out there on purpose. Maybe Berner is getting pimped out himself from some other dudes because it sure seems, sounds, and looks like it to me.