"Cookies" hate. Don't get it

i think the correlation between being the front man and somehow being a giant pansy is not really 100% but i get it and ive seen the same thing as well. just not anything close to the scale at which berner did it, if money is what one cares about (not really my thing anymore) then its hard to argue with the results.


The word is patsy

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We say “ big girls blouse “
: )


You’re obviously young. There is nothing wrong with that, but when you make statements like “I bet you wouldn’t say that to his face” and “he’s closer to el chapo than you are,” you sound immature.

I’ll enlighten you a little bit. I guarantee you the federal government has a file on him as tall as one of his plants. You don’t just make millions of dollars off of something that’s illegal at the federal level without attracting the attention of all of the alphabet boys, IRS, ATF, FBI, DOJ, you name it. They love to let criminals do what criminals do, and that is dig the hole even deeper until their case is rock solid. I really didn’t know anything about him until this morning when I decided to do some amateur investigative work. Not instagram, not facebook and certainly not the cookies website, and he seems to enjoy flying way above the radar. The federal government’s favorite charge is ‘Racketeering’ when it comes to cases like this, and I promise you he will see it in writing if half of what he’s been accused of is true.

I personally don’t care who he is or what he does, but believe me, he is no Robin Hood. I’ve never seen a “Cookies for St. Jude” sign outside of his shop.


It’s hidden in the corner somewhere.


He’s the idiot that is ok with being the face of the operation like holy said


I seen a few people say they didn’t like the cookies, mainly because it’s in everything now.

BOG is the same with his bubblegum, if you go back far enough it’s in about everything.

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That’s what Marijuana man and Michelle Rainey said when the DEA and RCMP raided Marc Emery’s shop.

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im not sure how i am the immature one for pointing out that flaming someone online doesnt really correlate to being about the action in real life. in my experience the more they talk themselves up online the less i need to worry about them, every now and then theres just one whos truly crazy.

im aware of how that all works and im not sure how that is relevant to the discussion. the drug dealers who brought in the most work pretty consistently spent the most money on flashy things. its hard to put ourselves in their shoes because we dont make millions of dollars a week and have to come up with ways to wash and spend it constantly.

dont mind being called young either lol because i sure dont feel it these days


Before coming on this forum, I’d never even heard of Berner. Cookies was just another strain name, and most of the time I expected the strain name to be a lie anyway. I don’t know if I’ve ever smoked an actual Cookies strain other than MAC1, which I enjoyed. I wouldn’t even know where to start hating Berner because he’s just completely insignificant to me. One more corrupt corporate dude trying to profit from weed and control its legalization. I guess he’s flashy and a loudmouth, but I’m not listening anyway so I couldn’t care less. :man_shrugging: Easy to understand why people bombarded by advertising would hate that and transfer it to him, though.


Unfortunately, legal cannabis is going to be made up of people worse than berner. He is actully pretty mild in what he does and in 10 years, he will be seen as not so bad.

A Saudi prince is one of the owners of one of the biggest cnnabis firm here in canada. Those are the real scum we do not want to be involved in the legal scene, at least there is no blood on berners hands.

Edit, and the various cookies stuff i have had have been pretty good actually. Quality smoke, especially the old forum cut


I have tried countless cookies crosses. Right now I have GG4 x GSC by Equilibrium genetics and Ice Cream Cake. GG4 x GSC was a mistake and i did not order it but they messed my order up and so I tried it and damn is it nice. The high doesnt last very long though. It is real energetic. Gives a slight headache.

The ice cream cake is my favorite cookies strain. Not all the cuts are the same but the one I have is amazing. Nearly perfect buzz for what I want, creative, energetic at lower doses and narcotic and intoxicating at high doses. The problem is it affects my mood tremendously. It makes me a very irritable and angry person if I use it for more than 1 day at a time. I didnt notice this until about 3 or 4 months of doing it everyday so you can imagine what the people around me were thinking.

Most cookies crosses seem muddled and stifled compared to their parents by themselves. Some occassionally do better like Rainbow Beltz for that OG face melt. I always wonder though if my favorite GSC strains are just other strains which have become dominant in the cross. Like the TK in Ice Cream Cake or the GG4 in the Cookie Glue.

Seems most cookies crosses have the bag appeal without a guarantee of good effects. They can definitely be there but it isnt a given like how it used to be back 10-20 years ago. Even if the children arent as nice as the parents, theyll pass it off because of bag appeal. I am in land of cookies. It definitely has a dirty edge to it where I can tell if something has GSC in it so maybe that’s another reason. Slight headache in all of them also. Very slight though. Some strains like Banana Cream Jealousy give more of a headache and seem to combine almost all different highs into one which makes it kind of shitty but it tastes so good. Like it doesnt know what direction it wants to go so it just does a lil bit of everything.

Ice Cream Cake though as opposed to nearly all GSC crosses is different in the way that it lasts a really long time and has no ceiling and almost no tolerance.


I personally love the smoke of rainbow belts


That’s crazy compared to my experience. I’ll give that Ice Cream Cake was one of the prettiest flowers I’ve ever seen

but it was also one of the weakest strains I’ve ever had. Smoked a gram to the face and barely felt anything at all.

Rainbow belts too was weak for me.

Cookies is basically the beaster’s of the last decade+


I personally like the ballistic of the GSC as a whole, it’s an all-in-one lesson. Also, in my books, a singular hype.

A bit of context : Here there is no really “hate” or segregation in front of the cookie-thing and its growers. I don’t speak about the resonance of the cannaweb, but on what you can experience on a daily basis in most of growshops. It mean also real sale’s volume and shares.

At first, it was something ~a decade ago and literally refreshed the OGK wave that was already vanishing fast. Practically it mean “everything x GSC” after a “everything x OGK” to give a down-to-earth reality. So actually, it’s more seen like a nice ride of the past in general. Both for stoners and people forced to feed the demand.

For the Cookie brand in general and Berner … they just don’t exist at all. Also in term of music. I mean by this, let’s play the swiss neutrality, that maybe no real effort was made to conquer our lands in term of marketing and branding to be a surviving trend. So it’s really a thing from the past, it’s more “you don’t know the GSC ? it was a fun ride, get at least one those cheap fems to figure out a bit. Berner who ?”.

Now the “everything x personnal” that i expect as fascinating that Berner for our local stoners ^^

I have respect for Berner and the “Cookie project” as a whole. In term of networking, cadence and understanding of the new codes of the vulgarization of cannabis … i’m still impressed today. The guy, very officially self-presented as just a flagship actually, transformed a single lucky shot in a kind of Burger King of cannabis. And lasted like this, in growing at the rate of a mushroom. Now they are operating cannibalism, like all others industries are doing in saturated cycles. Americans finally got their own Arjan after all this time, that’s my very personal pov. And it was not surprising for me afterward to see the both around a table with a Marley son ^^ Also to fail to eat Bodhi, because the real “bankable” asset of this one is his strong international community and aura. Can’t be hacked like a cut of runtz or any other glop sauce. Don’t throw stones, i say all of this with the eyes of Chimène.

Now the GSC on a biased view built on a “thin mint x everything” experience. I don’t qualify it as a good plant as a whole. Greedy, slow, a bit diva to feed to keep his unique qualitative trait, not even a good motherplant while in production. But : easy to STS, a true “top model” even in hybrid, singular terps (not really related with EU pastry for me, even homemade or industrial cookies we can buy ^^) and refreshing smoke when you’re saturated by the last hype to date (OGK back in these days).

Potency … well, it’s when the war look like to begin oversea. Not here, it’s not a polemic or even something. Let’s say i’ve not the right receptor to enjoy it. It’s another “binge smoking flower” for me. And i don’t really like the messy stone it create when you’re saturated, also in the hybrids made with it. At least it’s a positive point, the chemotype is passed as a versatile backbone in general offering pretty much creative combos. I personnaly liked the combo with a NL5H, but liking too much this strain as it … it vanished fast after the discover.

So globally, i don’t like the plant and the flowers. But i will never say that it wasn’t a good horse ten years ago, she have done what she was supposed to do : animating the grinders with something new, and breaking the routine a while. People love the SPG in general, specially the germans, and even if this plant is the most shitty i’ve ever known (bad at everything but terps) … it still lasting since age. I don’t think that these two references are at the same level, even if the GSC is superior as a plant.

Hell it’s enough too long. The subject still fascinating me, and i consider that i’ve a lot more to understand from this equation as a whole.


The rainbow belts isn’t tk/chem to me but compared to other fruity strains of today I feel it’s a hitter. The truffle strains many love today, the purple punches, the straight cookies, I’ve felt were a step below the rainbow belts that I’ve had from a few growers around me recently.


Thats why I was saying there’s different cuts and a mostly mediocre cut has flooded most of the market.

#5 seems to be popular here in CA but i dont know which cut I have been using but damn is it nice. I have one sealed live resin cart left. I did not grow it myself which of course would be different variation.

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Lol I was waiting for you to chime in @HolyAngel i was gonna tag you yesterday but figured you’d find it.


I’ve smoked cookies and a few crosses. Didn’t really stand out to me in any way. I feel that way about most dispensary strains though. I feel like too much thc ends up crowding out the other cannabinoids that differentiate the effects.

I haven’t spent any time reading about who “berner” is, but from looking here, I think I’ll just remain ignorant :joy:


He makes coasters en masse.