"Cookies" hate. Don't get it

For me it has been. Maybe it’s one of those, herb effects people differently things, but it’s not just me.

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Yes his friends were uneducated in our ways

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Oh I know

My total experience with them has been. WC Mac and CM

WC will never leave my stable , MAC will , but Lost Cap , a cross i made of it never will either

So 2 for 3 for me

The Mac 1i bought in Colorado 2 times , WAS NOT CAPS CUT , Real Caps Cut , grown well is dank and vile to the max and upon first half hit of her you know your getting fried


Even in the emerging grow market there’s a large amount of people that think “Panty Twister x Big Toe Cheese Funk” means they won’t like it because “Ice Cream Pie” sounds good. It’s def some dishonest business practices with talking about weed.


Sorry but Cookies and all her hybrids are mids. Yeah you can get sedated and feel stoned but there’s always something missing. It just looks good in a bag or in a picture. The problem is most people don’t have access to truly potent varieties anymore. So they think they are as high as they can get on cookies :joy:


Yea I dunno the saying all MAC is dif but you got the one kinda sounds like unstable genetics to me, too.


No I’m saying just cause it says it’s Mac 1 doesn’t make it so. Shit I got as Mac one was not , absolutely not Mac 1

The WC I bought was not same either

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Like 2 years dispos open in my state. I finished my first photo grow this spring. Every single partaker that’s been over has gone wide eyed “this is the best shit I’ve had since buying at dispos”

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The WC you bought isn’t a cookies thing? Then what are we talking about here.

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That was more of a confession / self awareness than anything else. :smile:

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We all have our excuses :rofl:

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What I meant was the cut of WC I grow
Was not the same as what I bought . What I bought was mids , Holys def of Cookie mids . Looked ok, smell only decent , taste good but not BRIGHT . High was not strong nor long lasting , it was average bud at best . What i grow of WC , is loud bright stony and long lasting incredible high . Beautiful weed

So yea it is cookies , of course . My point is

If you buy from dispo , or get seed , you really have no clue what your getting . I will not call anything bad if I have only smoked it from dispo market and not grown it myself


Some of the cookies, wedding cake, and Mac I got looked like some of the best herb I’ve ever seen in my life. On par or better than what I produce. Loud as fuck. Tasty. Still mids.


I’m enjoying my SKunkxHazexNL this morning. The non cookies stuff is still out there.



If you told me 15 years ago that the Girl Scout Cookies clone would blow up this big. I would have said you were absolutely nuts. This is the kind of shit you just can’t predict. It really wasn’t that much of a standout from the other clones going around at the time. I threw out the GSC cut just like the triangle, chem91, chem sister, and about 150 other so called elite cuts. I’m extremely picky with what I keep around to breed with.


That THC percent though isn’t what they push for selling. Def agree there’s shit to find, though. I still can’t find the absolute doberman poo on a hot sidewalk terps in a strain a commercial grower here has at it’s mid 80%s all the time. Moby Dick is another that is around at dispos, not popular unless you know THC percent isn’t a thing.


Coming out of retirement for this :laughing:
Some already know what i think but noone knows that when I grew commercial I ran tables of WC amongst other things. That’s all the 20 somethings wanted to smoke so said f it, let’s give them what they want haha. Same cut the big boys are running around my parts.
Looked stunning.

Some of the college kids were decent people so we’d chill a bit and smoke. I always turned down the wc and smoked my own stuff. When asked why I told them “too strong” lol. After a few times they wanted to smoke some headstash… start slow, small tokes OK?

They looked like Uma Thurman in pulp fiction when she OD’s on ro. Nice feel good weed eh boys :ok_hand:


"Careful. This isn’t baby weed’


Personally I’m not a cookies fan when sold in dispos cause I work in the cannabis industry and this work force is rampant with overhype. As a grower I have 0 opinions. Maybe even would like to grow a staring or 2

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Gimme 15% weed any day with nice flavour. Anything else I’m not overly concerned about.