Copa Genetics

Deals with how the plant grows. The plant requires certain criteria be meet to produce certain things +(leaves, branches, flowers, roots). So the plant will shut down leaf growth and branch growth (trimming the leaves on a cutting causes this) until the root growth is appropriate size to support whole plant growth. Hopefully that helps. The science is auxins and cytokinins aswell as a slew of other things make things happen lol.


Thank you.

YMMV, but I have never cut the tips of leaves when cloning. Obviously, people have great success cutting and rooting them, I’ve just never seen any real science to back it. I have never used rooting hormones either. I don’t doubt they work, I’ve just never used them. I did find this article with a quick search that advocates for the rooting hormones:

@Enjoi802 answered this perfectly.Goes on grower preferences really.I’ve cloned with leaves intact I’ve cloned with trimmed tips to me I seem to have a faster rooting rate with the trimmed tips but I also went back to 24 hour lighting for my clones till I break them off then I transition back to a 18/6 to get them all back in a normal sleep time for everyone in my lab.Main reason why I do it is to fit a couple more clones in the humidity dome I don’t like to pack a whole dome like that takes too long to dry out the blocks with combined wet masses and everything is all jam packed nutt to butt too much condensation for me.I leave my lid closed for 5 days for the pressure deficit and the humidity to tease out those roots.Then I open vents more and more every other day


I really have no idea how long mine take to root. I cut, shove in a solo cup full of coco, water and set under fluorescent tubes. They just continue to grow. I just bought root riot plugs for the first time, but I’m not sure I’ll use them for cloning. I veg 24/0 for everything, clones and plants.

You would see more of a difference given the fact you’re working in a lab environment. My sample size is much smaller. Why do people use humidity domes? My limited experience with cloning would lead me to believe high humidity would be more of a risk with a cutting that has just had the ultimate stress test and open cuts.


I’m trying to recall the “logic” I’ve read about why you trim leaves when you take cuttings… I thought it was two-fold, that it slows the rate of new leaf growth, and that it reduces the amount of transpiration occurring?

Of course that could be bro-science, or I could be misremembering the explanation.


The pressure that is created from humidity pulls with gravity and the motion of that coaxes Roots to protrude outward and grow and find water and nutrients.Everything I clone is always treated with sulpher before I even put it in grodan Mother plants are sprayed before I take cuttings.The humidity dome is sterilized with bleach.So far have never gotten mold yet.Haven’t had PM in a year so that’s working.Cuttings need intermediate moisture until they grow roots to seek it out.For a bit they will be reliant on transpiration for water in combination with the moisture in the grow blocks I use.The dome maintains that humidity as moisture as uses it to keep plants watered as well.

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Quick update on Ban Ham OG v2’s.

All sprouted and by exactly 1 month all were showing sex. I ended up with 3f and 2m, I culled 1 male and kept a purple stemmed pheno. I kept it for 6 weeks of flower to harvest some pollen and pollinate the first flowering female, she had a 3 week head start. Here she sits just shy of 7 weeks.

Looks pretty loaded with beans to me.

This was the only pictures I got of the male.

The last 2 females are 3 and 4 weeks into flower.
They stretched significantly more than the first one did.

The purple stemmed female is the one that is 4 weeks into flower.


The male plants look great.


Growing Icy Grape F2 in an Earthbox. Part of my indoor grow, 4x4 tent. The node spacing is ridiculously tight.


If and when you decide to hand out seeds I’d be interested in a pack . Great looking plants you got.


Is that the Root and Veg EB? If so, how you like them? Never seen anyone run them, I don’t think.


Yea IG is a stocky one, especially the Black Domina pheno, the Purple Skittles one is a little taller and leggier with wider node spacing but they both just stack the nodes tight either way. Yours is looking BD with the shorter wider leaves and more prominent veins/ribs:


Copa P25 regular testers are ready for their soil bed, and are in! 4 seed’s germinated out of the 5 shared, out of those, lets see how many turn out to be girls.

Should have nice sun exposure…

Should never go thirsty, its been a wet summer…

Could only get 1 Master Thai / Mel Frank to pop, and its riding along on the end. Thanks for the fun!


They are in fact regular and I boned up when posting them and what not. I addressed it with the two fine folks running these the way they are.


Ah, gotcha! I hope you get a good number of females then!

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My 3 project GSD girls in flower under natural sunlight. They all smell great. Varying types of buds. The wide dark green one has the fattest buds so far. My favorite is the girl that all the leaves are praying up. She smells fantastic


You got it brother, distribution was the plan, but can’t even pay all the bills currently. I’ve got time to figure something out still.


Lil update on my P25s here too:

The one farther back is flowering, although seems to have slowed down, maybe because of all the rain, the one up front has been pushing pistil but not setting bud sites yet


Just the original EB. First run in them actually, but the veg growth has been great so far. Also running Atomic Jelly and Slurricane #7 from IHG and one of my own crosses of 2 Bodhi strains in them. I will post updates on the grow as it goes.