Copa Genetics

lookin pretty close to done. the gsdf6 i started late is about 3 1/2 feet or so tall. i have grown a lot of “4th of july weed” over the years to ensure i had something i wanted / needed or just for more varity. you wont get as much to harvest, but it is nice to know you can start some late season plants and see them finish. i keep them to smaller pots that way if they need more time to finish i can drag them inside.
i also start new plants this time of year to get a jump on the indoors. i try and use the free sun for a couple of month to get them going before i bring them in. saving 2 months electricity really helps with the indoor grow bill.


Yep. That was the lesson here. You can start from seed in July and end up with plenty, as long as you start with decent seeds, treat them nice, nice things happen.


You guys all look awesome its this and the rollitup thread that i was scrolling through as i was researching what i should look to play with outside

Cheers everyone i am happy to be taking care of a couple of vale tudos round1s ( both green stemmed,one with purple flowers) i like the way the gsd grew up and is smelling nice and.berryish last i was around her, hope everyone has a great harvest



First picture is vale tudo round1 green flower and stem
Second picture is up close GSD


Been a bit and the Skunk#1 tried to get PM its been a humid year from the start and PM and Bud rot on others is an everyday threat so far Frankenstein was the only one out of all of the to not get so much as a scratch from the shit no PM or Bud rot Kudos to @JohnnyPotseed good work.I used Dr Zymes and it actually Fucking worked wiped that shit out and have been spotless for days.Will have to do spot check follow ups with the Zymes so far no burnt anything and no snells were imparted in the buds thay are dank as hell now and that stuff got them super clean


No tricome burn either not a one


I’ve always had good success with using Dr zymes. I have seen some spots on mom this year also when growing her out, which IMO wasn’t ideal but is what it is. Looks like a nice and chunky plant. Hope the smoke is at least worth the hassle. Great job and hope the rest of the season treats you well my friend. Thank you for giving them a go.


You know up in around our parts of the woods being north easterners you a bit more north than i Humidity Rain and PM is just a way of life especially living next to lake erie at 100yards away.Some plants get it a little some get it a lot and to be in my honest opinion The Skunk pulled it off 1000x better than even Tonys backpacks the one had to get stripped and zymed a couple times just to hold the line the skunk is still clean.In Tonys defense where hes at up near Mt shasta PM isnt a problem and he dont really breed for it he had nothing to get it to compare it to PM is nearly non existent in his neck of the woods.Its holding well and none of the buds have been touched so for her all is well.The backpacks are a different story they are clean as of now but ill have to look at them twice a day every day for at least two more weeks.The only one im not worried about is the Frankie that fucking plant is bullet proof if you aint growing it yet up in Maine your missing out big time.Still an awesome grow ill take her as long as i can.Plus i still have a cutting of her that just keeps exploding (Hard to believe but she came from a one and a half inch micro cutting i used a quarter block of grodan as an experiment )and she reeks even more now that before ive babied her @Enjoi802 .I have masterd the art of no PM in my indoor so she is safe.


She will be sticking around i want to see if i can put something into her to get a good pm resistance.Might just get a bottle of xElitex and make some frankie pollen with it and take it to one of her cuts and see if it will hold up next year and put them through a PM torture test .Im not giving up on this one i sense something great in her fabric of the universe.Im gonna keep her around for a long time.Last cutting i held like that was 4 years just retired her this last.

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been back and forth on starting to take down the forstitute x appy 4. starting to loose trics getting knocked off from the rain, and temps dropping to low 50’s at night to mid 60’s during the day. not really enough heat to dry things out well. roots / pot staying damp wet from all the rain, so have been getting a little bit of bud rot. took of the main tops today leaving the lowers for another day.

did a bit defoliating on the earlier 100 amp x appy4 to open her up a bit. also did a bit on the later finishing 100 amp x appy 4.

some shots of the frostitue/appy tops. this plant did very well outdoors.

a big ole mainerJ thank you kindly to @Enjoi802 and @CopaGenetics for this oppertunity to run these testers. stay tuned 100 amp x appy 4 to follow shortly.


Very nice buddage, I have been getting the same type of weather. Already chopped 4 of my outdoor because of rot.:peace_symbol:


she did very well considering how tough the growing season was with all the rain this year
a testimate to the copa genetics being bread to be able to grow in this neck of the woods.


That’s good news. I didn’t have Copa testers outside this season but did last year and it was one of my top plants. I have a pack of testers one of our fine members bestowed to me, I’ll put them on the list for next year.


Post 2136 is testers signups. Still looking for testers. To sweeten the deal I’ll send along some headband x 07 Sour d


Those are some high quality genetics you got there. Would be a shame if no one signed up to grow those beauties. I’d sign up but my tent is full till next year. Good luck growmies!

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I’m smokin some frostitute x appalachia right now. What I have left of the lil OG pheno and damn is it still nice. This was a jar that fell to 48% and didn’t even cure. Just been in the jar for 4 months at that RH. Something happened cuz it is better but not by much! The cured samples of the tall pheno really smoothed out in both touch and inhale. No come down on these. Not as potent as I wanted. Still kind of cool in its own way.


Same here, I won’t sprout seeds again till May 1 2024.


Can you please provide a little more info on this? When do you expect packages to go out and how many seeds?


For sure. They are durban X lambsbread crosses. There quite a few crosses using 100 amp cut, frostitute, and a few other Copa cuts. And they will ship rather soon. Was hoping to see more than just @Papalag and @Greenfingers giving up some space for the long flowering fire. But who knows. Maybe some will flower nice and early. Anyone’s guess that’s why there testers.

The females are all proven winners. This is for male characteristics documenting, meaning what traits he passed over to the progeny


Hello, new to OG.
I got my hands on some Icy Grape and Timetrip and loved both of them. Started researching COPA and found my way here. I got to say , after lurking through this site, you all are some amazing growers. IMPRESSIVE!
I am fairly new to growing, August 2021 I started. I am attempting my first outdoor grow this year, using a couple of chucks I made and a tester cultivar from another forums member.
I was able to harvest one , turned out to be a fast finisher, but I am skeptical about the other 2 being able to finish. Time will tell. I just threw anything I had started in my indoor veg area without much planning. Spur of the moment.
I’ve been so impressed with everyone’s success here, and all the work Copa has put into his genetics, I figured I would join and learn more.
Plan next years grow, and purchase some of Copa’s :fire:, and see what I can accomplish.
Wish everyone the best for this year’s harvest and apologize in advance , for any rookie questions I may ask. Lol