Copa Genetics

What were the flowering times for the testers again?


There aren’t any rookie or dumb questions well (maybe one or two), I’ve been doing this for 20 years, I’m still learning. Hell technology has been changing, like nutrients and soils and lights so we have to learn how to adapt and improve. It’s a never ending process. Some of you youngsters might teach an old dog new tricks. It’s just a plant but some of these hybrids are finicky little bastards. Good luck on your grow and welcome to overgrow.:peace_symbol:


Welcome to OG @Trial-N-Error ! This is one of the better places on the internet in my opinion, and this thread in particular is real nice and helpful. Glad to see you here, I saw you met @TopShelfTrees1 on another forum, good on them for inviting you over. I haven’t tried that Time Trip yet but I have grown Icy Grape twice and I love that strain, she’s a beauty of an indica for the nighttime.

Good luck with your outdoor plants this year, it’s supposed to be warmer than usual in most of the country so I hope you make it


I have a few plants I suspect won’t finish until November. I’m in it till the end so we’ll see how far I make it, didn’t take down my last few plants until the beginning of November last year so there’s hope.


Thanks Greenfingers,
I don’t think I could ever be done learning. Like my handle implies, I used to just go with my gut and wing it, but thats proven to be disastrous on ocasion. Lol
It didn’t take me long to figure out that most growers, are more than happy to help others have success.

Love the growing community.

I’m a bit of a late blooming oldtimer myself. I was stuck in a zero tolerance Industry, till I got the kids raised and started working for myself.
I missed out on the past 30 years, now I’m loving my growing journey! Pretty much everything is new to me.
I’m like a kid in a candy store.


Thanks for the positive vibes.
I have been lurking here and 100% agree, knowledgeable and friendly members. My kind of people.

Looked at the next weeks forecast, 70’s and 80’s with no rain.
Thats definitely boosting my chances.
Gotta love those Indian summers.


I like the way you think. There’s always hope.
I was just getting a little nervous. Lol

Making it into November is impressive!
I hope you get a stellar finish!
Looking forward to seeing your
results. :v:


Looking to pop my pack of GSD F6 soon, anyone got any photos or reviews?


Ancient Elephantizer

Got this as a free-be this year in my seed order from DC and wanted to post how it came out. I found this strain ready to be extracted just ever so slightly earlier than a few of the others. The daylight at my latitude (43.15N) is down to about 12 hours of daylight currently. And full disclosure, my plants all were false flipped around 6-8 weeks accidentally when i brought them outside, and the daylight outside wasn’t quite lined up with my indoor grow light that i started these with. All my photo’s re-vegged in a few weeks, so i chalk it up to growing and learning.

I noticed the red in the stems, as they certainly set this strain apart from the others in the garden. I had 3 females that made it from my sampler of 5, and they all started trait after about 6-8 weeks:

Decent height, around 5-6 feet tall for my run:

And moderate yield for each of my plants as well (one plant got me this uncured in the tray):

Bud’s look great:

And under the scope, we have cloudy pistils now, almost some browning, should turn out well:

Anyways, wanted to get these moved out and drying sooner rather than later to avoid rot. Our mornings are wet every day as the temps dip down to the 40’s most nights. I will try and update later with the smoke report once its cured.


bring on that sweet bud swelling weather headed this way for the next week or so. this 100amp x appy 4 will really enjoy the finish.

my soft side for the runts. if you have the space let em go. would not use this girl to breed, but you never know what a runt can do till you let it go to find out. planted some gsdf6 on fourth of july and this runt was not up potted left in the 1gal with moderate inputs during growth. use the zoom and check out the frost. turned out to be a mighty fine runt


I’m also excited for this upcoming week of almost 80 deg weather and no rain. Hopefully both the P25 f2 and GSD f6 will finish up soon… edited to add that I’m at 44 Lat in New England.

This P25 f2 (fem) is talking a it longer than I’d hoped. Been removing mold patches throughout this past week, but there is still plenty on the plant. Super sticky/greasy and a real unique terp profile. Feels like medium density nugs.

And here is a GSD female. Nugs on the small side, for sure, but seems to help with mold prevention. Have only had to snip a few small buds here and there. She’s been a simple pleasure to grow and is smelling chemmy/berry. The trich coverage on this is pretty wild. Some sugar leaves are so frosted they are curling back in on themselves.


Nice we must be close to the same region. My forecast says sunny and warm for the next week or so too. I still have a couple out. Cat piss was taking her sweet time but started filling out this week and sour grape is in the ground so there’s no moving her around, it’s been cool at night and it’s getting purple. I wish I had some Copa outside but I have some inside 14 days flower.
Forbidden purple x Ancient og


i have not heard much about forbidden purple? do you know what is is from? can really see the stretch from last photo.

i planted 5 gsdf6 on the fourth of july to see if and how they finished. the runt is shown above. check this out @Klyphman they are twin sisters.

i had 3 that have this structure and 1 finishing a bit earlier that has more fox tailing going on. in two gal pot started 4th july, finishing early october.

@Dirt_Wizard can usually answer these type questions, does anyone know the story of make up and have a smoke report on @CopaGenetics secret chief?


Secret chief is a Bodhi strain
SFV OG x 88g13hp

It was ‘gone’ for a long time, probably why Copa f2’d it for freebies. Bodhi has since released (or made?) more packs for recent restocks.


thanks for this…


I got them as a freebie when I ordered some other seeds. They called them testers so I thought I would give them a try. Thats all I know, I don’t really research anything I grow. I just throw them in the dirt and see the show.:peace_symbol:


trial and grow the best medicine there is some of them runts have kicked my arse…


Ancient chocolate. I was very happy… if you can get a hold of that strain, it is a good one to grow. I believe it probably could’ve gone another week. Maybe two. I pulled it because I had another plant that busted some balls. Not a big deal. Very impressive. Very strong and pungent smell. Smells like oranges, or some type of citrus.

I do believe it went another week then I pulled it. It had some very nice foxtails starting. I would recommend the strain for anyone. Like I said, it is very pungent.


The plant could’ve been topped. I’ll do it my way for a reason. I’m worried about the flip. I never had any problem with COPA. 65+ days and flowering. I don’t even think I let the plant veg for 3 weeks. Very big producer. The stretch was very minimum. I do not adjust my big lights.
Anyway thc I would say 17 - low 20’s maybe. I smoke a lot.


hmm i have ancient lights.