Copa Genetics

I’ve been very impressed with their genetics even their freebie stuff. I’ve never had a problem with. Probably my fourth strain of copa. I don’t let them get very tall. That one I had to bend over a little bit. Some training and a net, very big producer.
Anyway, good luck.


I think I have some ancient lights. I believe it’s like a northern lights cross. I don’t know it sounds good. lol


Skunk #1 is putting out some beautiful black purples I didn’t even knew she did that?Hard to see on my flash but shes there The smell sets her aside from the others she still kept that Mexican sweet funk and never lost it very happy smell reminds me of Clinique Happy In the backround i pulled the backpacks her and frankie are the only ones left.She is still pm free so she shook it rather easily with the DR zymes.Saved the day and the crop this year


please check this out @Enjoi802. gsdf6 planted 4th july. cut october 4th, almost an outdoor auto 90 days. even thru the 48 plus inches of rain this year. .refer to post 2190 to see the runt. and post 2192 for early fox tail early gsdf6… still waiting for three more gsdf6 to finish.

fox tail followed by the runt.

with great genetics even the runts can perform when grown well. she held her own for sure. the runt smells amazing :wink: possible smaller breeding structure for those who need that. :seedling:


there has been a sever fog warning all day today and then again for tomorrow. think Lodon fog cannot see shit zero visibility. :nerd_face: can you say it is liquid air? then 2 plus inches of rain for saturday. had a great late season warm and dry spell. thought it would help finish them off. but made them want to start growing again.
with the fog and rain this earlier finishing 100 amp x appy f4 time has come.

this one is very impressive @CopaGenetics and @Enjoi802 . serious club/bat tops very very solid and heavy buds
grew very well for me out doors. always love running the testers,.they are amazing. :wink:

in closing i got some really strange flat shaped seeds? have you seen this?

does not show how flat they are in the photo, but they are flat not round? :thinking:


One thing I have to ask, is did you pollinate. If so not sure why flat seed besides a Ethylene production problem during fertilization.


i did try a small pollination. it was so wet and humid this year where i am that the pollen i collected and had in a sealed in a tupper ware caked up / stuck together somewhat. i wondered if the pollen was still viable? maybe that is why. i also noticed some random seeds i did not pollinate, pretty sure it was the bumble bees they seem to love my plants.


Chopping P25 this evening…some of it. She’s a big plant. Some nice bud swell, pistils changing from white to orange during this warm week. Mostly cloudy trichs with a bit of amber. Really frosty and sticky, medium density.

GSD will come down within 5 days.

Darn rain coming in, boo.


I gotta say everyone’s work is looking so incredibly awesome!!! There is so much love and amazing plants being grown in this thread y’all should be proud of yourselves!! I got some post coming this week when I head up to continue harvesting everything at my Outdoor spot in Maine. Already took down doc d’s Chem 91’JB x Af/pak because she was getting moldy, that said everything else (Copa’s gear) has zero pm/budrot and is doing wonderfully for the amount of attention they’ve gotten, which hasn’t been a whole lot.

crazy bitch filled with F2’s and 2nd pic is Purple Reezez i made last season using Copa’s PSD[Purple zkittlez x Gsd F5] X Reeses cut[Pbb x oreoz] x Gsd f6)) also filled with crazy bitch progeny (Compost mama[inzane in the membrane x blue orca haze] x 98 black domina males 1-4)


Here’s a Zip Tape (Early Glue x Black Domina) in a 2G tall cloth pot around F28-35 something like that, she’s extra frosty and chunky and also a spaghetti stemmed plant:


Here’s 3 Forbidden purple x Ancient og 21 days flower.

the second picture is two.


Hi Manky, these 2 posts are in the wrong place. They are not Bodhi strains, so please use the Copa thread for them. Thank you.


200$ for F2 ? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
What a deal :roll_eyes:


It is an F3. It is 100 seeds for $200. They have been having sales where you can get it for $120.

I think that is reasonable since the strain has given multiple people good livelihoods and it is rather universally praised as a good strain that can produce up to 20+ pounds from 1 seed.

It isn’t the only way to get it though. You can go directly to motherlode which is the F2 COPA used in the cross, combined with Doc D’s f2.

They now have the F5 version is refined to their tastes and the project is to retain as much variation within the line as possible.

I cannot forget Bodhi, if you can find real original packs. Then you can start the journey like these others did.

I have a 5 pack of COPA’s F3 :slight_smile:


Great info. So Copa used an F2 he made and crossed it to an F2 Motherlode Gardens made?
And is now selling “breeder packs” ?

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What did you think of PSD?
I really like Icy Grape terps from the skittles mom but it doesn’t grow well outdoors here in the PNW.
GSD grew well last year and actually finished faster than ‘Fast Purple’.
Go figure…


Skunk #1 Finally have her all cut down left some kolas out to see what the cold would do and all them purples came out the smell is such a treat


Zip Tape at Day F?


Day Fing awesome.:green_heart:


Looks like we got different phenos.
Mine from last year had rounded ‘dome-like’ nugs, no pointy tops like yours.
I still have some left and it’s excellent smoke.
Hope yours finishes out strong.

On another note, I’ve been harvesting my GSD and P25 f2 throughout the week.

The frost on the GSD is impressive, even stems and fan leaf petioles are coated. The little sugar leaves are curled in on themselves with trichomes. Buds are on the small size and kinda look like mini traffic cones or pyramids, coming to a point that is only a few calyxs thick. Open node spacing allowed for great airflow. Smells are remaining in the chemmy berry zone. My wife says it is the strongest smelling of plants so far. You can really tell the thought Copa put into breeding and selecting for outdoor success. I’ve thrown a bunch of pollen at various branches for my own projects….

The only gripe I have about the GSD is that I had a handful of mutants that simply wouldn’t grow beyond their cotyledons. A few never germ’d and of those that did, almost all were male. Oh well, I took it to f7 with two males this year so I have plenty of seed for the future.

P25 f2 has larger nugs of medium density with a super unique terp profile, tough to explain, but I definitely smell the Freezeland influence. I just trimmed up some top nugs that dried for 10 days. Really nice frost coverage on these as well.

Hope the next few weeks treat us outdoor growers well…