Copycat genetics

Yea sure


Why would anyone ever buy anything from a company named after a practice of stealing someone else’s work.
The company is named “Copycat genetics” for Christ’s sake!!!
Why would you even consider it???
They are literally taking advantage of your desire to be accepted or whatever by naming strains after the most popular and wanted strains. You dont even know if they are legitimate strains or not.

There was an IG live a few years ago where Copycat went into another breeders live (I think it was Riot Seeds IG live) and proceeded to get roasted to hell about his breeding techniques.

The owner of Copycat genetics has no idea how to breed cannabis properly.

Would you eat at a restaurant where the head chef doesn’t know how to cook?

Don’t waste your money on clowns that take advantage of other peoples hard work.
What do you think you are buying???


You are not bullshitting. I still have half packs of more of what I bought originally. I have no loyalty towards him in any way. I was just trying to give dudes like me without mothering rooms to hold clones the best bet is his reversals and selfies.

He may have a New England/up north east attitude but that in no way takes away from the quality of his gear. I shoulda got some Mr Big stuff when dude around my way wanted to trade a few. I’m gonna run at least 1 GMO this round I’m about to drop.

Thanks for the tag. It is amusing to see guys ripping on each other over seeds. I like when he starts up on Riot Seeds. Just the sheer pressure he put on him was hilarious. Never grew a riot bean or ethos but looked to have a good strain or 3. They dropped Colin’s case search. That was something else. Mine would just be petty druggerey. I’ve seen some crazy shit these past years.

Bodhi and Berner?? Lol ok tag me in. :v::wink:

**Edit. I didn’t even see buddies comment above me. Not to say you don’t matter but as far as who’s gear I run is on me. I actually ran his stuff rather than steered people away over someone’s personal habits. I was just saying about Riot. Lol. Look these guys have to end up at cannabis events and put booths up. When someone gets fucked up over their personal shit. That’s on them. His genetics are stand up. Fuck a name or who he roasts. If your conscience is your guide in the weed game…everyone is human and hides things. Some just show ass dude. Touchy touchy. Lol. Good day to you.:grin::+1:

I have like 2 packs from copycat, and wile I’m not too big on ripping off others work. I believe if the creator did not want people to have it or to breed with it - they should have not released it in seed form and don’t let anyone kno what they used to make it.

You can easily make a 3 way cross and only give one parents name wile keeping the others a secret, hell you don’t even have to tell what you used.


Someone put together this real interesting video doc about him that starts by breaking down that Chuckers Paradise post linked above, he talked to a couple other breeders, pulled some really damning clips from CC’s IG Live (25:00 where he admits to abducting an ex, 31:00 where he admits to lying about how limited strains are to jack prices up, there’s more). I hadn’t run across this video series before but it’s very good:


Don’t forget the Hugh_Glass fiasco with the GG4 RIL beans from the Group Grow Show thread.

Pretty sure its the same dude or knows him or something.


I’ve been waiting for someone to bring the Hugh Glass bullshit up. What an asshole. :angry:


IDK if there’s any indication Hugh has anything to do with Copycat, but he’s certainly a jerk of the same degree. Reading Hugh’s old posts though, I don’t think Copycat is that helpful/conversational. If you listen to the CC live streams, his diction and general way of talking is very different. That said, there’s some overlap, Hugh talked about living in CT and while CC is from RI, a name and address search shows him currently living in CT. Hugh also had a classic muscle car obsession he talked about a lot, IDK if that’s something CC talks about in his Lives and podcast interviews, but given the specific details Hugh listed about his past and present car projects, if he does it would be an easy match to make. Another thing Hugh said was that about twenty years ago he burnt down a rental property his parents owned by overloading the breakers growing there, made four families homeless. Probably also something that might come up eventually in a CC rant if they’re the same guy. One thing I’ll add is that when you do a background search on CCs real name, you get a few emails addresses, one of which is linked to this profile from 2015, the year before he was charged with abducting a 22 year old woman, which makes me think it was some poor model that tried to do photos with him and he got real weird fast:


Damn interesting shit Dirt. I used to be one of Huge Ass’ closest on here, he is still on my most replied to. (how embarrassing to admit that)
Anyway, dude specializes in story telling. I started catching some of his lies as the group buy stuff was happening. Although not to the degree of him dipping with thousands of beans.


I don’t know anything about Copycat-

Other than his pictures and prices are hilarious…

On a side note, I popped one of the @Tonygreen GG4 RIL beans from the group buy.

Thank you @DiggySoze for your honesty and effort.

My plant was full of vigor in veg, smelled like candy in transition, then got frosty and sour smells late.

I chopped a branch last week to test, and it’s great-

It’s got GG4 terps and a decent buzz…


Beautiful turnout from your TG!
The way I was reading the story I totally thought it was gonna make a left.



So did I…

she is chunky! gg4 in seed form? im guessing he worked that for awhile. is it like a “super backcross” or something? ive heard that gg s1 are all over the place


It’s Tony Green’s GG4 RIL-

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anybody who can get serious cash for small packs of seeds deserves a medal in my book. right time right place right branding etc - cant be mad at em.

im more of an anarchist/nihilist type when it comes to regulation and paperwork and stuff, so i aint mad at em for rippin and runnin. like kennel club breeding contracts freak me out.

never bought any of their stuff tho, seems like a fancy pack of high risk high reward yugioh holofoil cards.

How many weeks did you take her?

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I’m terrible about keeping records-

I grow organically, and just read the plants…

I took the plant from seed a little bit early.

But it’s clone, I’m gonna let go the distance-

(probably about 12 weeks)


I found the post when the seedling was in transition…

I watched @Tonygreen grow show whilst he made these beans and he said 70 days was the spot for these if I’m not mistaken. Tagged him so he could maybe chime in.

She builds flower slower and bulks up hard later. If you chop at 8 you miss the final swell, new growers might think shes doing nothing at 4 5 then think shes done at 8. A lot happens 7-9 weeks imho. Most of us pull her 63-70 after final late swell.
^As he put it.^


Thanks @Indoornesian!

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That thread has a ton of knowledge sprinkled throughout it!