Corm's Grow Show: The Underground (or, How I Killed my Valley Ghash x Cake Fighter)


Next three people, AIs or computer-literate goats to post that they want one will get a 5-pack of my Ghost Rose x GG4 RIL! Dibs, answers to the question of life, the universe and everything, and amusing memes will all be considered equally. :slight_smile:


Well, I want one, but don’t know when I’d get to growing them.


Considering that’s been my answer to every pack of seeds I’ve gotten in the mail for the past year, not about to say no just because of that. :stuck_out_tongue: If you get to growing them, that’s great… if not, at least they’ll be in someone else’s stash rather than all stuck in mine.


I went down the rabbit hole of ABC crosses and didn’t realize how much it would prevent me from getting to so many of the other things I want to grow. But I’m in it now, and I want to see it to the finish. But once those are done, no more projects for awhile. Just growing seeds I already have.


Definitely a lot easier to start a project on a whim than to devote the years it can take to stabilize a line… I’m still at the pollen-chucking whims stage myself, so no need to take these too seriously. I’d love to see pictures if they get grown, and if they end up in people’s fridges I won’t be offended by that. :wink:


I’d like some Corm… if still available.


Absolutely! Shoot me a message and we can discuss the best way for it to get to you. :slight_smile:

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Update time… kind of. I should probably be waiting till Friday because that’s when I’ve been starting flower, and I intend to move the Blueberry in a 3g pot downstairs then; she’s big enough that I should be transplanting her into a 10g pot otherwise, and I don’t have any more 10g pots made up. Too lazy to repack a bunch of 3g bags, and not enough growstone left for another 10g, so I’ll make do. So yeah, there’ll be one more Blueberry at the end of the row of OSAs. I took pictures yesterday though and got too lazy to post them. If I don’t update now, I’ll be too lazy to take more pictures and won’t end up updating till next Friday, so here it is:

The first three OSAs, coming up on 11 weeks in a few days. Number one is not as done as I thought; still about 80% cloudy, but there aren’t actually any ambers. Just like last time, she’ll wait another two weeks. :stuck_out_tongue: Hopefully I won’t still be saying this two weeks from now.

Foxtails, coming up on week 9. Another 2 weeks, once again… every clone of these has come down at 10.5 weeks, so in this case I don’t think I’ll be saying the same thing in two weeks. Amusingly enough, she seems stickier, stinkier and bigger buds than the first time. Possibly the magnesium was an issue right from the get-go, but under the same conditions this was still the worst plant, so I still won’t be unhappy to say goodbye to her and hello to Frankenstein in my flower room. :slight_smile:

Spirit Trains; manifold coming up on 9, others 8 weeks.

Two Romulans coming up on 7 weeks. Apparently I was confused; I thought Romulan was entirely a sativa hybrid, but it turns out there are some Afghan genetics in there so it’s not particularly surprising that it looks like there’s Afghan genetics in these.

All the OSAs, or at least most of them. Looks like I cut one plant out of the picture, but she’s doing pretty much the same thing; just a few weeks ahead, I guess. The cut-off one and the one on the left are at 7 weeks and the others at 5.

I moved the herming Blueberry upstairs into male jail with a spare 200w light over the weekend, at week 4 (now coming up on 5); I didn’t pull any balls or nanners because I want to see if we actually get any seeds. The last one that hermed apparently didn’t make any seeds, according to my friend who ended up with the whole harvest from her. This one pictured is coming up on 2 weeks.


Stop stressing the blueberries!

Looks sweet otherwise!!

As expected, was too lazy to update last week and just did it yesterday. Well, I tried to do it yesterday and then my cell phone froze mid-picture and I had to wait for it to run out of battery so it would automatically turn off. I’m sure there’s a pinhole somewhere on the phone that I could’ve reset it with, but I didn’t feel like digging out the manual and I couldn’t call anyone - not that I’m sure who I would’ve called. The Ghostbusters? Not like the store I bought this from knows anything about the particular phone, and it would probably be harder digging up the phone number for someone who does than digging up the manual. So, since it wasn’t an emergency, I just controlled the urge to hit it with a rock and let it be. It didn’t take long to die with the screen frozen on, I recharged it and finished up the pictures this morning while I watered. The OSAs and Foxtails came down last week, as expected, so it’s a bit less crowded down here… though of course, I immediately moved a Blueberry and two Frankensteins in, then immediately moved one of the Frankensteins back out when 90% of the plant died overnight. Group shots:

The four Spirit Train clones; not sure if it’s because of crossing with whatever it got crossed with, or if it’s a s1, and it might be simply because of spraying magnesium - but these buds are definitely bigger and smell better than the mother. Still not exactly huge, the Romulans put it to shame, but better. Dunno if I’ll run it again anyway, probably at least once more because I have another clone ready to bust out of her pot if she’s not flowered soon but maybe not more depending on the potency. I’ll know in two weeks or so, these are all almost ready to come down. The manifolded one is at week 11, the others are at week 10.

Romulans at week 9, definitely starting to fade. Huge buds compared to everything else in the room. Sadly, the second one is no more; I have a clone of the first one, but the second one’s stem rotted out after less than a week in the cloner. Number 2 is more compact, grows slower but has much bigger buds. I’ll probably try for a reveg, assuming I can remember while she’s coming down in… 4 weeks, I’m guessing? Maybe they’ll be done in 2, but still seeing plenty of white pistils here.

Blueberries at week 4, 2, and 1/2 respectively. These don’t seem to be herming, yet anyway; I’m thinking it was the supplemental nitrogen I gave the other one that stressed her out. We’ll see how the next few weeks go for these. The one upstairs is at week 7, a complete mess because I didn’t get a chance to cage her and has basically turned the closet into her flophouse. There’s branches all over the place, trying to grow into the walls and collapsing and turning upside-down and nearly brushing the floor. Only 3-4 weeks to go though, which’ll be nice since I’m out of Blueberry otherwise. Not the most potent smoke I have, but definitely tasty, and potent enough anyway.

The one Frankenstein that made it into flower. The other one is back up in the veg tent; she managed to survive the initial stem-snapping, but not being carried downstairs and then caged. Hopefully she’ll bounce back and be ready for flower pretty soon, starting out with four tiny branches and a root system that’s ready to feed a three-foot tall plant… either way, I’ve got three more clones of her also starting in 10 gallon pots, and one more finishing up rooting.

All the OSA 3g pots lined up. The first ones, on the left, are at 9 weeks and the others at 7; not sure if they’ll be ready as soon as the others though, they definitely don’t look as close to done. Dunno, I’m not good at judging and even worse in 3g pots since I usually don’t flower in them. They’re starting to get heavy and need staking though, which I guess is a good sign.

Forgot about the GG4 F2, but I’m pretty sure it’s a male anyway. Just waiting on completely sure and then it’ll be dead and the pot space can go to something else. I’ll probably start more F2s as well.


Beautiful plants very healthy and happy

I do like your set up :+1::+1::+1:


Some how I keep missing this thread

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Not all that surprising really… I update pretty rarely compared to others, one big photo dump every week or two while other people update a few pictures several times a day. I guess I just don’t chat all that much either. Some threads end up de facto chat threads, some don’t, and I’m just not that popular. :man_shrugging:


We always keep a low profile :+1:


These are all nice @Cormoran! Good frigging job.VG x CF caught my eye 1st. G or it in my box. Starting to spend enough time here to see a lot of different strains than where I was lurking most. Interesting. I’m a curious guy, but also a broke one with a bin of great stuff to run thankfully.

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Looks like it’s update time again. Everything’s pretty much automated and does its thing just fine by now, other than occasionally spraying and watering. I think I might try wrapping the sides of the fabric bags with plastic wrap so that the water doesn’t evaporate. Not sure, but I’m wondering if maybe the sides drying out early is causing issues since part of the root system can’t get water - that might be what’s making the sun leaves die more than deficiencies. Either that, or it’s because the growstone I’m using for filler and a wicking layer uses calcium carbonate as a foaming agent and that’s causing calcium excess, magnesium imbalance and phosphorus deficiencies. The first is a much easier fix and much more palatable since it doesn’t involve replacing a bunch of medium that I’ve already paid for, so I’m gonna see what happens. If not, well, adding epsom to the water seems to have improved things and maybe I’ll just let it ride from there. Eventually the calcium will mostly rinse out, I hope. Then I might end up with a new problem, magnesium excess and stunted plants. :stuck_out_tongue: We shall see. Oh, and speaking of seeing, the GG4 RIL F2 that I was waiting to see balls on did indeed show them a few days later. He’s dead and I started two more F2s - one of them promptly died on going into soil, one’s still alive. Probably a male again. :roll_eyes: Again, we’ll see! For now, group shots:

The Spirit Train clones are still alive at week 12 & 13, unfortunately. I have a friend who usually does time in trim jail for me, but he hasn’t been around lately so the OSAs and Foxtails are still hanging. They’re in 58-60% humidity anyway so it isn’t hurting the cure, but I’d like to get these down soon anyway. Hopefully in a few days he’ll be back and we can get moving on this. I have no doubt they’re ready to come down, just hoping I’m not pushing it too long and don’t end up with rodelized seeds or bud rot.

Romulans at week 11. They look terrible in these shots, but I assume they’re on their way out anyway; most of the looking terrible is from the taller one, which was too close to the lights when it was standing up straight. I assume that’s why it’s looking worse, the lights pushed it to grow faster and use more nutrients which weren’t there. Now the leaves are showing those deficiencies a month later. I could strip off the dead & dying leaves, and probably will over the next few days, just been too lazy. The buds still look fine and fully green. Number 2 has had multiple branches fall over and start snapping, so I’m taping her up and attaching the branches to the cage for support. I really wish I had this one in a clone rather than the other. :frowning: Hopefully reveg works; hopefully I don’t forget I want to reveg her when I’m chopping and just end up with a stump and then realize I wanted to keep her alive, nearly as likely as the reveg failing.

Blueberries at week 9, 6, 4 and 2.5 respectively. Still no sign of balls on these last three, so I’m pretty sure it was the extra nitrogen that made the first one herm; still no sign of more balls or seeds on her, which seems like a good sign. Obviously that could change, maybe I just haven’t seen them yet.

Frankenstein at week 2. Flowers starting to show; not much smell coming through, but that could be because the whole room stinks and I’m just so used to it. Might also be a few more weeks. The smell I’ve gotten from her so far is just pure weed, I can’t describe it any better; it’s basically the same smell as I get from decarbing RSO, though, no matter what strain it’s extracted from. I think that’s probably a good sign as well.

Just one pic of the OSA row this time; it’s pretty much impossible to tell which plant is which at this point anyway. They’re all falling over each other - if I hadn’t used twist-ties to form a lattice where the wall and trellis are supposed to go eventually, they’d be on the floor already. Had a few branches snap under the weight on Tuesday before I tied them, that’s what prompted this. The two on the far end of the row are at week 11, the others at week 9, so they should only have a few weeks left to go.

Another OSA 3 clone just starting out, 1 week in - this one is staying up on the stool near the lights until two weeks of stretch have passed, though. The ones I left on the floor are too crazy and tough to keep upright, that’s just not a good way to do things.


Great space I wish I had the area available

The Romulan at 11 weeks It should be about done soon and yeah that’s quite normal the look of it the only thing that bothers me is the rhubarb color stem but I do believe that it is a trait of that strain so I wouldn’t be too concerned great job so far bro definitely need to get together for lunch talk to you soon

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Kind of a semi-update here. I won’t be doing pictures for the foreseeable future, until I figure out how to get my new phone to transfer photos directly from there to my computer without going through Google photos… and until I make sure that there’s no other malware/spyware installed on it by default. Just went through the other day and deleted Facebook and a bunch of other pre-installed crap. I was wondering how Facebook knew to email me about a friend’s birthday when I’ve never had a Facebook account and they should have no way to know that he’s my friend in the first place. Turns out this is why. They paid AT&T to bundle Facebook with my phone, and bam, they get plenty of information on me to aggregate and sell because I didn’t think to go through every piece of software on there and delete the useless ones before having my contacts, etc, transferred over. Goddamn information vampires. Luckily I’m not very susceptible to advertising, since that’s the main way they exploit the information for now, but I’m also not very happy about being capitalized upon against my will.

Anyway, plants. I still haven’t managed to harvest the OSAs, so they’re now at 15 and 13 weeks and still going fairly strong; it’s possible that harvesting them at 12 weeks was too early in the first place. Dunno, but even accidentally I’m not that unhappy about this. The Romulan came down last week, after going way too long because this is the first plant I’ve actually harvested myself. The friend who usually helps me with this stuff hasn’t been around for about three weeks, which is part of the reason the OSAs are still going. :stuck_out_tongue: C’est la vie, they’re all still fine. Upstairs, I’ve got two Frankenstein clones that are about a foot tall, just topped and branching out nicely; another quadlined Blueberry that should be going into flower in a week or two; three more OSA3s, also just topped at about a foot tall but needing to be transplanted into 10g pots; a clone of the Blueberry in 3g, needs another few weeks or a month of veg; and three GG4 RIL F2s in the cloner, which should be going into 3g pots as soon as I actually have some free. Needless to say, I won’t be shutting down the flower room this winter either. Decided it makes more sense to shut it down in summer, since otherwise it tends to get hot and running the AC for the three months of summer means having to pay for power the rest of the year. Screw that noise.

The OSA 3 that was just starting out flower went into a 10g pot three weeks ago as well, she’s recovered nicely, and I also moved another quad-lined Spirit Train cross down. I’m not sure if I’m gonna want to keep growing it since it’s middle-of-the-line potency and smallish buds, but my friend hasn’t sampled it yet so I still have clones going. Then I moved another Frankenstein clone (the one that had her stalk broken after 1 day down here) down to go into flower. Might have waited too long, there’s like 14 tops all starting at the top of the tomato cage before stretch so this is gonna be interesting. The one that’s now at 6 weeks of flower, pictured above, only got about 6 inches above the cage and they’re all flopped over by now because they’re too dense and heavy. Also starting to smell amazing, probably better than anything I’ve ever grown except possibly GG4 RIL or the Blueberry. It’s a tough smell to describe, but it’s definitely strong and pretty distinctive. It was fruity last week, now it’s starting to get sharper and turn into kind of a gassy/diesel, I guess? But the fruit is probably still there, just overpowered at the moment, since it’s not harsh. Excellent job with this one, @JohnnyPotseed, as I’m sure you already know. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just a quick list of how long everything’s been in flower (as of the weekend) so I don’t forget myself:
Blueberries - week 10, 8(3g), 6.5
Frankenstein - week 6, 0
OSA3 - week 5
Spirit Train - week 3


Funny I was saying the same thing to my mrs today

For what every reason this summer was more difficult to manage the 101 plus degree in the tent it’s just not worth the trouble

This year the worst harvest was the summer plants really suffered and stressed :tired_face:


Great job on the grow my friend :+1::+1::+1::+1:

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