Corm's Grow Show: Vegging, autos and clones, oh my!

Unsurprisingly, been a while since my last update… I was gonna make an update last week, but then I got high. :stuck_out_tongue: Nothing too exciting, plants continue to veg and I continue to move them downstairs when they get too big or whenever the whim takes me. Almost got all the 10g pots cleared out now; there are two more Blueberry in 10g that should be moving downstairs this weekend, along with some duplicate plants in 3g pots that I haven’t tested yet. This puts me in decent position for vegging through the flower cycle, I think… we’ll see. I won’t have anything in 10g pots, just 3g, and will be starting out with mostly small plants, so hopefully that should hold for the 2-3 months it takes to start clearing up room down there. Anyway, here’s the group shot:

Blueberries doing their thing. I’m getting used to their mutant ways and learning how to train them a bit better, at least I think I am… we’ll see in a month or two how well it works.

Groups of clones of Old Silver Ass #1, 2 and 3. I’ll be keeping one of each as a mother until the plants are tested, though I’m already starting to think #3 is a favorite. It’s got somewhat of a real skunky smell to it where the others just have sweet and fruity. We’ll see how it carries through to cure and how it smokes, though.

Two more Blueberry clones in 3g; the bigger one might end up going into flower this cycle too, the smaller one will be trained in a manifold, as best as I can with the weird growth.

Two GG4 RIL F2 seedlings. One is definitely gonna be fine, the other one maybe not so much. It’s been in soil for about a day and a half and hasn’t opened its cotyledons yet. It might not ever; I think the root tip was black when I transplanted it, so it might have just straight up died already and just be taking a while for the rest of the plant to realize. I started another seed germinating while I see what happens with this one.

The cloner, looking pretty empty. I had 5 clones of the female Romulans, but 3 of them turned into mush in the few weeks they spent in the cloner; the other two seem to be doing ok, though no roots yet. Number 2 seems to have bumps forming, and it seems like a good sign that her leaves are praying. We’ll see. :crossed_fingers:


The funny thing is, mom didn’t have those mutant giant balls at the joints… And cuttings get it and then they seem to grow out of it for me. Got 5 in flower at the moment, maybe 4ft tall, branchy and open and heavy as all hell… But new round of cuttings always has those knobby joints and wierd growth…

Looking good there though :smiley:

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The weirdest thing for me was getting used to where the branches were going to come in… they have this habit of growing the sun leaf first, then there’s an hour or two where it looks like it’s just a sun leaf and nothing else is coming, then the plant suddenly remembers it’s supposed to keep growing and a little growth tip comes out of the base of the sun leaf where it looked completely empty a few minutes ago. The knuckles are weird, but not alarming to me like when a plant seems to just completely stop growing periodically. :stuck_out_tongue:

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A month and a half since I updated this thread… where does the time go? I guess there hasn’t been much happening in here other than moving plants out of the room and into flower downstairs anyway, but even without autos I should probably be doing something in here. Oh well, next run this may have to be the flower tent anyway, so that should give me something going on in here to post about. :wink: For now, it’s nice and relaxed and easy to care for everything in here, which is nice. Group shot:

Frankensteins are getting a little out of control. Since it’s only a little, I figure they should get 3 more weeks of veg or so… that, and I don’t think I’ll have any room downstairs for more plants for another 3 weeks. The plan is to keep vegging in here while I clear space downstairs, and then hopefully after another… 2 months or so?, everything will be cleared out of here and I’ll have nothing left but a few small clones to keep in 3g pots in the closet while the remaining flowering plants get moved up here to finish. Then I can finally finish the renovations downstairs and actually call it a “finished basement” if/when I sell the house. Pretty sure NJ is never going to legalize growing at the scale I want, and most of my friends are in PA anyway; if it’s still illegal there, so be it, but when PA legalizes I bet they’re going to do a whole lot better of a job at it than NJ. Seems like swing states tend to be held to a higher standard, while the politicians in deep blue or deep red states turn into tyrants very quickly. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely…

Another Blueberry, completely out of control… so likewise, probably gets another week or three in veg because there’s just no room downstairs. Gonna have to scrounge up some extra cages soon - maybe they actually have the normal ones at the store this time, rather than making me pay three times as much for brightly colored ones. Worst case, there should be more cages free once there’s enough room downstairs.

Spirit Train random cross, possibly with the Foxtail Skunk. She’s still alive because the ones downstairs are turning out much nicer than either of the parents last time, so far… bigger buds than the Spirit Train F2 mom, much nicer smell and frostier-looking buds than the Foxtail Skunk did last run. Should be able to tell how they smoke in a few weeks, hopefully.

GG4 RIL F2, in a weird in-between training stage. It’s probably gone far enough to tie down the two branches that I left before because they weren’t long enough, and leave it what I guess would be called a quad-line? Dunno. Whatever I’m supposed to call it, it is what it is. Unfortunately, I’m thinking more and more that it’s a male. A few more days and I should be able to tell for sure, hopefully; it’s been a little bit less than two weeks since I put it into 12/12 for two days to trigger preflowers. They’re growing, they’re just still so small I can’t be certain yet.

OSA 3, chopped yet again to keep her from getting out of control. It’ll probably be another week before I have to either chop her again, transplant or put her into flower, and the mom is still foxtailing and throwing lots of new white pistils at week 12… cloning sativa-leaners to keep them alive while you test them is definitely an interesting proposition. Maybe I should learn to grow in solo cups just so I can do this better.

A clone of either the Blueberry or OSA 1, can’t remember and don’t feel like going in to look. I think this is OSA 1, which should be almost done flowering at 12 weeks; no foxtailing or white pistils from her, and most of the trichs seem to be a little cloudy.

Whichever the last one wasn’t, this one is. :stuck_out_tongue:

A bunch more clones. As of yesterday I wasn’t sure, but today I looked and they all seem to have roots. Still just throwing a few roots here and there though, they could all probably use another week to grow better root systems. There’s 4 Frankenstein clones, 1 Romulan, 3 GG4 F2, an OSA 1 and two OSA 2s. I suspect I’m going to end up throwing out or giving away some clones at this point… hopefully giving away. :slight_smile:


Seems I spoke too soon as far as the Frankensteins being only a little out of control… not even four full days later, and it’s emergency time. :stuck_out_tongue: They’re not even in flower yet, but they’re already too top-heavy and won’t hold themselves upright. Last night I went in to spray them and found the one on the left had collapsed entirely, snapping at the base of the stem and ending up at a 90 degree angle. I managed to bandage it up with some honey and masking tape, then stuck a spatula in the pot to tie and anchor it when it still wouldn’t stay upright. Not exactly perfect, and I’m going to get some stakes & hopefully tomato cages today, but at least they’re still alive and upright! The one on the right wasn’t quite as exciting; it was leaning over at about 45 degrees and was clearly on the way to snapping entirely, but I tucked it behind the power cord for the LED for now so it doesn’t actually fall over until I can stake or cage it.