Looks like I got lazy for a while, nearly 3 weeks since an update… I guess it’s probably time, if only so I have a journal of what’s been going on. After the MDS seedlings died off, I started another 6 seeds; 1 Jamaican Cruise from @BasementBeans, 2 Maui Mango Haze F2s from @middleman, and 3 OST x ASS from @SkunkHunt101. Once again, it didn’t go great, though at least they aren’t all dead. The fems are, though. The Jamaican Cruise sprouted after 2 hours soaking, then stalled and never went anywhere; one of the MMH had its head fall off while it was in the paper towels, and the other one died when it went into the pots even with weaker soil. Not sure if it was the soil though, I might have fungus gnats downstairs after all. I didn’t see any larvae when I was putting the seedlings in, but then the next week I was going to put the Foxtail Skunk clones into the same soil and saw a bunch of wriggling white things come to the surface when I watered it to get ready for transplant. This is the soil recycled from the pots downstairs, and downstairs is where I’ve seen what I thought were shoreflies before, so I’m thinking 1 + 1 = 5.
After those died, I started 6 of the random seeds from @SkunkHunt101 that I’d kept in the freezer for 2 weeks. The next week (last week) I checked them to find that none had cracked, they’d all molded in the paper towel. It seems freezer storage isn’t the way for me; I could probably make it work if I did it right, fairly sure vacuum sealing is required now that I think about it. I didn’t, just put a vial with the seeds in the freezer and took it out 2 weeks later. That’s also when I checked the soil for the Foxtail clones. I put one of them in the soil, fungus gnats be damned, and left one in the cloner for the roots to develop more so it could survive the larvae snacking on them. This was their roots last week; first is the BBP-treated clone, second is the control. The BBP-treated one stalled out again after its last treatment, so I stopped using it and then the roots started developing about a week later. They’re about 4 inches long, while the control grew over a foot of roots and started drinking from the reservoir. If it weren’t for the gnats, I’d have potted them both.
Anyway, after all that I was left with the Blueberry that’s going into flower soon, the two Ghost Rose, the random Spirit Train F2 cross and the 3 OST x ASS plus the Foxtails, which I’m bored of already without even getting through the first plant’s harvest. The clones refuse to stop rooting, and nothing else is rooting at all, so it keeps staying alive. Meh. Since 4 of those are regs, I decided to start 6 Romulan (maybe?) that I got on Strainly. With @Jinglepot’s seed run going, I won’t be using these to do a repro and will wait to hopefully get some of those since I’m certain of their provenance. With the way the Diesel and SLH runs are going, it looks likely it’ll go well too. A week later, 5 of the 6 are in the cloner to develop stronger roots before they go into soil. One of those 5 probably won’t make it. For now, group shots, and I’ll put pictures of the cloner at the end:
I pinched the top off the Blueberry and bent it at a right angle to try and train it, since I was really unhappy with the structure and those 5 empty, stretchy nodes; it’s a little better now, but now the rest of the plants downstairs are 5+ weeks in. I’ll be moving this one down by the weekend, and I have no idea how I’m gonna swing the last 4-5 weeks of flowering since the male jail will be occupied. I’ll figure it out though, that’s future @Cormoran’s problem.
The two Ghost Rose autos from @ReikoX are looking pretty good for such limited pot space and lack of training. The taller one seems to be more tolerant of nutrients as well as being (so far) the sexually stable one. The shorter one was actually taller the last time I took pictures, but it stalled for a day or two after a feeding and has now started developing balls, maybe because of the stress and maybe genetics; they have a tendency to throw balls on the bottom nodes anyway, but this isn’t exactly a bottom node, more of a middle, and there’s quite a few of them on other nodes too. Either way I won’t make seeds with it; if the other one stays stable I’ll probably chuck some GG4 RIL pollen so I can have a bunch of fast-photo fems which will hopefully lean towards GG4, with its homozygous pairs. The one that’s herming, obviously, will be going to male jail.
Three OST x ASS being seedlings. Kinda stretchy so far, hopefully that doesn’t mean the two stretchier ones are males… we shall see. Not gonna do any radical training on these so far, I’ll just leave them be for a while.
The Foxtail Skunk clone, a week after going into fungus gnat-infested soil. That said, there aren’t any fliers and I hope the infestation’s mostly subsided since I just did my IPM spray yesterday and I’ve been regularly spraying it before this. I’ll be potting up the other one tomorrow or Wednesday, whenever laziness allows; the roots are looking similar to the other one last week.
That random Spirit Train F2 cross; I decided to try training early on this one, so I’ve started on a mainline setup. I chopped up most of the plant into clones, put three of them into the cloner and two downstairs so they’ll start showing sex in 2-3 weeks, and tied down the branches; they’re up to 3 nodes already so I’ll give them a few more days then start cutting again for the second topping, then probably another week for the third. Not sure if I’ll push it to 4 cuts for 16 tops, but by then I’ll probably have found it’s male anyway, so I’ll decide in 2-3 weeks if it’s still a question.
One of the Guerilla Fume might actually be growing roots. It has what’s either mold or a callus forming on the stem in the root zone, anyway. It’s rough and solid, so it doesn’t seem like it’s mold, but with my track record I wouldn’t be surprised. It’s the one at the top of the column, also the best-looking of the bunch. I still have two more cuts in the fridge if these all die, but I’m not expecting much at this point. The GG4 cuts also haven’t rooted yet, but they’re at least looking healthier than the Fume; still, after 3 weeks they really should be rooted already, considering GG4 is supposed to be an easy-rooting strain in the first place. I think I may have to cave and buy some IBA/NAA powder after all, whether these root or not; it’s just so slow without it. I stuck the cuts from the Spirit Train random cross into the column labeled Blueberry for now, though I’ll need to rearrange things when I put the Blueberry into flower; the Romulans are on the far right.