Corn husk roll up

I prefer toilet paper tubes, they roll fatties that last me most of the day, if im going to a party ill roll em up in paper towel tubes so there’s more to share. I can pack about an oz into a paper towel tube. The bonus is they’re already sealed, just stuff n go

One day, my goal is to roll one up with a wrapping paper tube. Sonthing about a 4 foot blunt makes me tingle in inappropriate places


Now you’re talking!

You know those poster mailing tubes? The bluntest blunt.


Here in Brazil, it is very common in more rural regions for people to roll their cigarettes in corn husk cigarettes. There are even brands that already sell them rolled up here.

I’ve smoked with cannabis and tobacco, but I don’t like it very much, it irritates the throat, it keeps opening the joint, it has a smell that I don’t like when it burns (even the thinnest leaves).

In case you don’t have any other alternative, I think it’s a good way out, but I still prefer conventional roles.

To fasten you can use the straw itself, shred it into strips and tie the joint. Here they sell a rubber that adjusts to the thickness of the base and then you just move it as it burns.



My .02 is that there’s so many products designed specifically for smoking that I really cannot see a reason to do this to yourself. I haven’t personally tried it but I can imagine that a thick ass corn husk would change the flavour of your smoke a ton. Seems pretty gross imho but to each their own.

People smoke from that shit cause they don’t have access to glass or papers not because it’s enjoyable

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Who would smoke the thick husks?!..dude I’m talking about the paper thin husks that’s closest to the kernels. FYI I do have access to glass…vapes…papers…rigs etc. All I’m doing is exploring an alternative.

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@tresbundles U can easily remove yourself from this “shit show” u know that right?

New life goal activated

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I just get confused as to why growers smoke flower? Imo concentrates are a whole world better, and presumably more healthy than flower. Nothing better or more tasty than that first rip of hash to the head. @Hashton_Kusha are you rolling up hash in those corn husk blunts?



It’s all in good fun! A digital hug will be offered for anyone who’s feelings (or brain) was hurt in the scuffle of jokes and rapscallionry.


I use paper towel tubes to make shatter.

It’s true. Smoking anything is bad for you.

Yes I am…and enjoying it.

Great observation sir…of course this is a show n tell, that’s pretty much what this site is about, right? Ppl show what they got going on and talk about it…:man_shrugging:t6::roll_eyes:.