Weed etiquette and things that make you crazy

So, I’m old skool and we had a certain weed smoking etiquette in my day. This seems far lost on many of the smokers of today. I have pet peeves when sharing weed and I bet you do too. I also have other general cannabis related pet peeves as well. I thought it could be fun and maybe even enlightening to share ours…

I have many, but I’ll get us started with two for now…

First of all and damn it Man, this is serious., When you share a bowl with someone, I was taught to always light just the corner of the green at the edge, then the next person has a fresh hit off the top too. Don’t torch the whole top of the bowl, ya buttholes!!! lol

Second peeve is with trimming. I hate when those crunchy hard leaves that separate each node on the bud are cut flush with the bud. Those leaves have to be removed. Period. I hate going to grind up a bud and have to pick off those hard crunchy harsh ass leaves. Sometimes I miss them and they jack up my joint. lol

Alright. Your turn… Go!


I got shouted at one time for not burning the corner of a pipe,I didn’t know I just moved from Ireland to the states,dude passed the pipe I flamed the whole thing lol,


No camping your story might be cool and all but pause puff pass and finish that story later.

You roll it you spark it. Rather if it’s your bag or not it came from.

I second the lighting from the edge.
I was a early 90’s baby so not quite old school but these where handed down the flag pole to my group of friends. That I learned the ropes from.


When I was in Ireland, I was appalled when they mixed tobacco in my joint. lol


You don’t keep puffing if your sideburning a joint either. Fix that shit before you waste half the joint! lol



You also don’t have to make out with the end of a joint no matter how sweet on it you are. Had a buddy that you always wanted to sit to the before him side.


We still do that shit lol Americans get angry at that lol,
I remember some Indian going on about this a few years back,American Indian there’s some balance between the weed and tobacco,I was tripping balls at the time and wasn’t really listening to him


Ew! Totally no lipping the joint! It ain’t a cigar, Bro.


Hey, to each his own, just don’t go messing up my dank joint with it! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I can’t share a bowl; I give you a 1/2 oz & me a 1/2 oz & let’s smoke.

:evergreen_tree: :smoking: :cloud: :cloud: :cloud::cloud::cloud::cloud::cloud::cloud::cloud::cloud:


not sure why, but it bothers me if someone is smoking out of a pipe and either they don’t use the carb hole at all or don’t release it upon their final hit leaving all that smoke in the pipe.


It’s worst when they use a menthol cigarettes to roll joints with ,smoking joints

made with kool cigarettes lol


@anonymous4289 I feel you there. That’s your hit, finish it.i want my own.


MJ Law also says that when going in halves on a bag with someone and you don’t have a scale. One person splits it (by eyeball) and the other person picks his half first.


I’m with you now @cannabissequoia. Since I’ve been a grower, I just give everyone their own shit. My last bonfire, I just rolled like 30 joints and stuck them all in a glass bowl like they were snacks. Everyone could have their own. lol Oh to be spoiled now… ah! Back in the day however, the struggle was real!


I dont know if this is a thing, but I always refer to it as ‘Roller’s rights’


in german it’s ‘Wer baut, der haut’, a universal law
when I was a teen and we used to smoke bong all day long in various places there were two kind of stoner groups.(split by villages) in one group the one who smoked a bowl needed to clean the bowl and screen afterwards for the next one, in the other group (ours) it wasn’t like this. u want to smoke? than clean it yourself.


I feel like weed etiquette was more applicable when I was a broke teenager and good weed was a hard to find, very expensive commodity. Like, don’t torch the bowl because we have 0.5 gram between 8 people at lunch between classes.

Now? Fuck it, roll another. I grow far more than I can consume.


We used to call it bogarting when you would pass a joint to someone, and they would just hang on to it, keep smoking it, and not pass it.

Sometimes they would be the ones to light it, and then sit and smoke half the joint before passing it.

Usually the same person.