Coronavirus Facts and Fiction - January - May 2020 [Closed]

Man, timing was everything for you quitting eh Buddy? :slight_smile: Imagine trying to quit during this shitshow?



I got so lucky I decided to quit when I did . I don’t think I would have made it during this shit show . Stay safe out there …


Latest via Zerohedge (3/22):

  • Global case total nears 320,000
  • UK death toll jumps ~60 to 281
  • Rand Paul tests positive
  • US case total nears 30,000
  • Ohio, Louisiana, Delaware join lockdown
  • Harvey Weinstein reportedly tests positive for COVID-19
  • NYC total cases passes 9k, while New York state nears 20k
  • US death toll hits 374
  • Italy reports slowdown in deaths, cases
  • IOC sets 4 week deadline for Tokyo Games decision
  • WHO says lockdowns “not sufficient” to stop virus
  • NY secures supplies of meds that purportedly work to combat virus
  • Mnuchin proposes $4 trillion rescue package
  • Afghanistan, Kosovo and Romania all reported their first confirmed deaths
  • Italy set to revise death totals lower
  • Cuomo says nobody can say how long outbreaks will last

Confirmed: 335,974 Deceased: 14,632

On the “WHO says lockdowns not sufficient to stop virus”, we can only imagine it must have something to do with the “Xenophobia” which they seem to be more concerned about:

“Stigma, to be honest, is more dangerous than the virus itself,” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO director-general, stated recently. [1]

Also of interest,

US shelter in place orders active in (refer to the State governmental website for detailed information about specific locales and duration) hyperlinked:

New Jersey
New York


13% of resolved cases have ended in death so far (14,611 / (14,611+97,636))


Well at least this virus is good for something : Harvey Weinstein is put in isolation 'after contracting coronavirus' | Daily Mail Online

What is the percentage of famous people with this virus? Seems to be a lot…

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a high school friend who is a US marine serving in Okinawa Japan just ended his deployment and came home. his base was involved in some capacity with evacuation efforts for the cruise ship passengers in japan.
he’s in quarantine but feeling well. armed services supplied high end n95 masks for him and his family.


The continued attack on the vapes is interesting… My doctor’s reaffirmed that he’d still much rather I vape than smoke. Started me back on Advair just in case (Im notorious for pneumonia usually at Christmas)

Passed me a sample rescue inhaler - first ingredient is propylene glycol…

Around here people are just nuckin futz. Still hoarding like crazy; tried to get groceries - managed to find enough for 3-4 days… What was left was the hippy stuff I can’t afford… The local FB groups are full of people complaining about “not taking the stay home seriously” - like 10-15 posts because kids were out sledding. I was there - took both kids… Kids were staying apart all fully bundled up like snowmen… I know super high risk of transmission there eh?


Canada will not send athletes to the Olympics if they go ahead as planned, calling for a 1 year postponement


JP Morgan COVID-19 Report March 20:

03_2020_JP_Morgan_COVID_Report.pdf (2.0 MB)


My daughter is an RN.

She is advising all of the family and friends to stay away from hospitals and dr offices if at all possible.

Convert all appointments into phone visits or video visits.

If you have anything scheduled at a hospital that is not absolutely critical - put it off.

The reason is they simply do not have enough protective gear to protect the staff, nurses or doctors - for sure not enough to protect you. They are also where all the sickest people go. Those who are most likely to infect others.


So far, it looks like covid lives longer and is more likely to spread in colder dryer weather conditions. Check out that PDF @Northern_Loki posted from JP Morgan a few posts down from yours.

Could the onset of spring and summer slow virus transmission rates?
There have been press articles and government statements on the possibility that COVID-19 infection rates could fall as the winter comes to an end. There are three main theories as to why the flu season in temperate regions peaks in winter months:
• More clustering of infected and uninfected people indoors due to colder temperatures
• Colder, drier air is more conducive to airborne travel of viruses; colder air allows viruses to survive for longer periods and to travel longer physical distances
• Lower levels of winter sunlight may play a role given the ability of UV light to sterilize surfaces and kill both viruses and bacteria
Some details:
• Scientists have found that influenza peaks in periods of low humidity, low temperatures, low solar radiation and low precipitation. In other words: in cold, dry winter months


That is a very interesting document. Much of it is dense and difficult to wade through - especially the financial stuff, but the covid data is very good.

This is interesting and somewhat reassuring as far as how long the covid lasts on surfaces. Not as long as some have reported.

Topic: how long can viruses like COVID-19 last on hard surfaces?
Hard surfaces and objects which can carry disease are called “fomites”. Every disease and surface type has its own survival duration. Here’s the latest research on coronaviruses and their persistence on hard surfaces.
• A March 2020 report in the Journal of Hospital Infection30 cited 4-5 day survival persistence for both SARS and the Common Cold (sometimes referred to as HCov, or “human coronavirus”) at room temperature on most surfaces, such as glass, plastic, PVC, rubber, steel, ceramic and Teflon. The only exception was aluminum, on which HCoV only survived for 2-8 hours
• However, while viruses may survive in trace amounts for several days, they usually lose 90% of their virus infectivity after several hours. A paper just published in the New England Journal of Medicine31 tested both the SARS-CoV-2 and original SARS-CoV virus on aerosols and on various surfaces. As shown in the charts, SARS-CoV-2 viral load intensity declined by 90% with 8-24 hours, depending on the surface
• Surfaces contaminated with viruses like SARS and HCov can be disinfected in just one minute using cleaning fluids with standard concentrations of sodium hypochlorite (bleach) or ethyl alcohol (ethanol)


In Canada :

Population 37.59 million.

1430 cases
20 dead.
Bc has 14 of them.
BC is loaded with old folks…Edit : 13 out of the 14 people who died in BC, were in old folks homes.

Tested 98,824.
Positive results 1,377.
Negative results 86, 800.



Thanks for the advice, Larry. I struggled with this.
But there are positive indicators.
Untreated this problem I have, if cancer, will kill me slow and painfully.
Wuhan promises a quicker death.
That’s where I’m at.


The biggest number from that report that jumps out at me is 14% drop in GDP…


The only kids who have been out on my block are the same kids who are out there when it’s dark, cold, rainy, snowing, 6 am on a Sunday morning eating spaghetti out of an ice cream bowl…there parents gotta be some kind of dope heads there like 6 and 7 years old I leave them snacks on my porch


I can’t grasp how people would keep the kids tied down all day.

Probably ones who leave the kids to watch tv/video games all day already.

Mine needs to get out and move - or he goes insane. Even the toddler - she would go nuts without the dog walks.


Very Strange here in the states, I can find number of people infected but not how many are in actual hospitals. one would think that would be a published number somewhere?
Are hospital not allowed to release this info due to HIPA , if so that;s bullshit, I want numbers Dang It!


Pretty sure snow is wet, I don’t see sledding as any possible route to transmission when the kids are bundled up. Unless they start sharing sleds or having body contact.

I’m fully of belief in the isolation measures but people are just going way to far. Take the dog for a walk lady yells at me to get back inside…

People are just nuts. And my list of houses to raid when it gets worse gets longer lol


As as ex cigarette smoker, please do not think that you have it licked! there will be “urges” for at least a year after you have quit! (I quit over 35 yrs ago after 3 pks a day!). My mom was a smoker and died from COPD…it had to be a miserable death.