Coronavirus Facts and Fiction - January - May 2020 [Closed]

Took a shot this am and went to Walmart…They actually had meat, bread and fresh veggies! I didn’t go crazy as I had done most of my shopping a few weeks ago, but after checking the food storage…I had already eaten 10 days worth of food. Still NO TP or for that matter…No paper goods at all.
Happy to be back home. Fifteen minutes after I got in the checkout area…the grocery section was already getting packed with panic shoppers.


My dad works maintence at a local homeless shelter. Even when some there was diagnosed they cannot tell the employees who has it due to these laws.


Same here for me and my wife. We both had procedures scheduled to treat various issues that are very important in the long term, especially things that are painful and/or debilitating, but none of them are critical. We put some off, and our docs cancelled the others.

We are just putting up with it and trying our best to get by until we can get back for some treatments.

Its no fun for sure, but if either one of us catches it, the other will have it long before we can get tested. Odds are we would both die - we are both in hi risk categories.


I don’t think she was planning smoking it.
As she said she saw it advertised in the pharmacy.
I’ve seen it myself but didn’t look to far into the product

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My eldest daughter has it for sure. All the symptoms are quite obvious and strong.

Based on a local news report (both in print and in a video) that said she should go to the urgent care centre at the hospital and be tested, my daughter went and she was turned away and told to stay home for 2 weeks.

So, everyone, there is proof that there are cases in BC Canada that they are simply refusing to test. She can’t be the only one, and someone else I know reported the same to me earlier (a friend of his).

Our system is letting us down, folks. It is as if they want this thing to spread. Either that, or they are totally unprepared and already overwhelmed.

She lives in her own place with her boyfriend, so at least my other daughter (the less healthy one) isn’t getting exposed.


I was watching the numbers on van island over the weekend… from a steady increase thru thecweek it mysteriously “slowed” to like 4 cases since friday


It’s the same in most places. They do not have the capacity to test as much as they should. I think only South Korea does it really. People with mild symptoms are sent home and told to only come back if it gets worse.

It’s not intentional, we just have really bad and unprepared health systems. We could have learned from China what was going to happen but we did not care.

All the best for your daughter, I hope she’ll get well soon.


Did they are least swab her for influenza a/b?

If she has a fever that goes away which then comes back a couple of days later (or lasts over several days), vigorously communicate this to the health care providers. God bless.


They did sweet fuck all.

I’ll tell her about the fever thing. Thanks.


Only 21000 tests done in the entire province

There was 2 case rise on the island and from what I remember the numbers for the lower mainland havnt changed. I don’t think we get the full story


I’d bet big money there are 10x as many cases. At least.


Guaranteed!, atleast 20 characters more


If a lot of ppl are asymptomatic that number maybe 50x


I think the government in the uk was number crunching and wanted same thing as they could could see the lack of resources to save everyone.
So took a damage limitation approach, I think they have slightly changed tact and taken into consideration civil unrest that comes from feeling your abandoned.
Think everyone just gonna have to get used to war footing, forget the things we take for granted band together have compassion.
Be less I’m alright jack and do what the human race has always done work as a team.
I’m lucky to have been exposed to family that fought through ww2 and others.
When I was younger had a girlfriend that had daughters one asked about rationing as was school project, until I rang my grandfather I think he said they were still rationing in 1958 and said something about whale meat.
Half glass full wishful thinking won’t make this go away but maybe it can bring some community spirit back? Stay well :pensive:


I went out for a walk to buy milk today. I only saw two people. It was a long walk.

The first person greeted me warmly with a “good morning!” The second looked at me like I was a real and dangerous threat.

I prefer the first.


Maybe prince harry returned and corona thought fuck this I’m off!


There saying two metres safe zone here.
As long as can communicate without getting to close?


Yep, that seems to be the AHS policy too. Unless you or a family member traveled they won’t test.

Artificially keeps the number low. But really they’re just trying to control the panic and get military into place for the true lockdown that’s coming. (Friend in the reserves says they spent the weekend running checkpoint/blockade drills in full biowarfare gear. First time they’ve done it with his unit since they were deployed to Yugoslavia - what’s that 97-98ish?)

That and the labs can’t run all the tests for everyone with the flu.

Scary part if you want to look, check out the pandemic response planning etc budgets for your health regions. It’s a line item in the provincial budget, it’s a line item in the health service. What the eff were they pissing those billions away on since they have no real plan or ability to respond appropriately?


Someone I know on another site posted this:

" One of my cousins is high up in the US National Guard. He, and all of their members were called up to Active Duty as of yesterday. Military leaves have been cancelled and most I know also received return to base marching orders.
The concerning note is that these folks were informed “This is a live ammunition exercise”."


There are all kinds of rumours / fakes around lately that work like this. “Somebody told me a close person is high/important in someplace and stuff is going to happen”. Like total lockdown, all shops closing, no more food to buy ever (or toilet paper. sorry).

Not saying this has to be a fake, but it follows a pattern used by a lot of fakes in times like these.