Coronavirus Facts and Fiction - January - May 2020 [Closed]

Yeh you have something bud, start to gargle with some antibacterial mouth wash it may help kill it off before it starts to over whelm your immune system. Either that or an infection those are the things that will raise your temps.


OG’rs tend to be an independent bunch.


Thank You, I have been being extremely careful, I had my wife using ISO 70% on everything we touched before and after , and have already been doing social distance for almost a month ever since I read what was happening in China months ago< I knew this was Bad then Now it looks like a lot are going to Die.


Although you may be feeling anxious, scared or like the “walls are closing in”, panic is the best possible reaction during a crisis. Keep it up…good job! Perhaps decreasing your medications would help…

Hey. Bok Choi or pak choi is a mix between a lettuce and cabbage. Excellent stir-fry candidate. Onions garlic fresh ginger soy sauce and the pakchoi in a really hot frying pan or wok and your in for a nice tasty veg. Also nice if you add other vegetables meat or fish.


How’s Spain coping with Corona, @SamwellBB
Maybe not up that high, we have a case around Bemidgi but that’s the farthest? so far?


we’re on lockdown here
things are getting nasty
we are going towards the peak of the crisis
take this seriously as they are saying 35% of the infected get it more serious than the other 65%
over 3000 deaths so far and climbing day by day
they said on the tv today that for every confirmed case there are probably 10 others which go undiagnosed and with only slight symptoms


What’s the age group on most of these , Sammy?
Elderly and kids yet.

Got on my folks today, they’re getting a kitchen renovation and ain’t happening for months.
But she has to go to Menards to buy a fawcet and garb disposal.
I think you guys need to stay in the house.


mostly over 60 and with previous problems but at that age we all have previous problems…


I can’t find the source now, but it was recently reported that somewhere around half of the cases in NY hospitals are in the 18-49 age group.

Plenty of people in very serious condition that are not on the higher risk groups. Every person has a small chance to get hit especially hard, regardless of age or health.

In L.A. county, similar numbers of infected, although I don’t know the numbers of hospitalized/ severe condition patients ATM.


Russia shut down their borders early in this mess.
Their president has a quick grasp of threats to his people and a opposition that has little access to their media.


Yeah its surprising they don’t have it nor none of China’s allies.

I have heard a different story from a close friend in the states that is Russian. Her family is still there. The Chinese have encroached on the eastern Russian border for many years. Putin is a master at propaganda.


The virus aside…There is definitely some tomfuckery afoot.



And who’s pressing articles of this fuckery, hmmmmmmmmmmmm gee the party don’t start with a D does it.

Im being sensored and don’t like it one bit


Because of my illness last week, my dr wants me to stay home for 7 to 10 days after symptoms subside. He called me to let me know he would write a note and he wanted to see how my son was doing after 2 weeks of the squirts. Well anyway he starts talking about Corona. He casually mentions that he thinks millions will die bc india fucked when it catches on there. He insisted I stay home as long as I can afford to.


Sounds like solid advice.

Reminds me of the expression “There are no atheists in fox holes” or to paraphrase “Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition” … No that’s not quite right…



Latest Zerohedge (3/24):

  • US reports more than 10k new cases in largest daily jump yet
  • Vote on stimulus bill won’t come tonight
  • Number of new coronavirus cases confirmed over last 2 days largest yet
  • NY Gov Cuomo says cases in his state doubling every 3 days
  • The first minor to die of COVID-19 in the US has passed away in LA
  • Pentagon says 174 servicemembers have coronavirus
  • Dr. Birx warns anybody leaving New York should self-quarantine
  • Harvard president tests positive
  • Alaska orders visitors to quarantine
  • UK reports another jump in cases
  • US records more than 100 deaths in a day
  • India PM Modi announces 21-day nationwide lockdown that will be largest world has ever seen
  • Pelosi says ‘real optimism’ Congress could reach stimulus bill deal in the next few hours
  • Global case total nears 400k
  • PM Abe, IOC agree to delay Tokyo Games 1 year, Paralympics still set to take place this summer
  • India expands lockdown
  • Italian designers making coronavirus face masks
  • Pakistan deploys army
  • Italy shuts down gas stations
  • Albania imposes 16-hour daily lockdown
  • Washington DC orders ‘non-essential’ businesses to close
  • Russia, Poland close more businesses, tighten restrictions
  • Myanmar, Laos confirm first cases
  • Dr. Birx says NY efforts will take 1-2 weeks to show progress
  • Steny Hoyer says 2-3 more economic stimulus bills could be on the way
  • Vatican refuses to close as 4 employees sickened
  • India bans export of ventilators
  • Trump to invoke DPA to produce 60k masks
  • Lagarde supports coronabonds
  • G7 promises ‘whatever is necessary’ to save global economy
  • Thailand to declare state of emergency
  • Macau, Hong Kong tighten restrictions
  • Beijing lifts lockdowns on Hubei, Wuhan
  • Nearly half of UK watched Johnson’s Monday night address
  • Belgium reports 500+ new cases
  • European PMI offer first indicator of economic damage
  • German finance minister says more stimulus to come
  • Hawaii reports first death

Latest statistics: Confirmed 422,652 Deceased: 18,901

Things are still accelerating around the world and we are on an exponential trend.