Coronavirus Facts and Fiction - January - May 2020 [Closed]

Looks like China will return the favor though. They are sending out supplies and help etc. now.


This is the media reporting. I personally donā€™t know what the actual rationale for the notice of a lockdown but some sleuthing could probably find out.

That is what the South Africa ministry of health reported at the time, available through several sources. According to the South African NHI, they later retracted one death noting that the individual who had exhibited the same pattern along with ARDS died from other unspecified causes (the later COVID-19 laboratory test did not show a positive) [1] [2]. Could have been due to a different virus with similar symptoms or from a secondary infection such as viral pneumonia, for instance.

In the US, there are various laws on the books that a person could be charged with if someone spreading an infectious disease, usually intentionally. There are varying state issued restrictions with various level of law enforcement. Depending on how well those measures work will determine if additional measures will be implemented (probably more draconian).

False information is a tenuous definition. Are you claiming something, here?


Iā€™m a South African in South Africaā€¦giving you info on whats happening in South Africaā€¦and as you stated now only one death.

And was just mentioning the laws we have in place.

Yissus you North Americans cant handle being corrected can you?


Ditto to you. Iā€™m just responding to you and have only simply reported what has being reported in the news outlets. Which you are taking exception to. Sorry.


And apologies from side too if Iā€™m sounding like a poopypants. Iā€™m a bit sensitive to stuff about my country after some members on OG have referred to it as a shithole, backwards and a 5th world country.

Just proud that for once our usually shitty government is actually do a good job and getting on top of things before they get worse


This is being played down on various levels by almost all governmentā€™s at this point. There are tons of flaws in the data, testing is just starting to get going here in the USA, there far more pending results then completed, my friend works at a local hospital, they are at capacity with suspected cases and have not gotten any results back yet, There having trouble even reaching the lab where the testing is being done. Doctors are starting to go down compounding the problem.
Please be safe everybody and take all the precautions you can. I should have ordered a mask when I had the chance , nobody is wearing them which is starting to freak me out, but we canā€™t get them there sold out everywhere for the forseable future so itā€™s not really a option. I have one construction style disposable I plan on starting to wear and sanitize with heat and sunlight.


Hereā€™s a reason to tighten the foil hat up a bit lol.
With the other things known about Mr Gates like him being on the ministry of sciences board in China, finding the construction of the bsl4 lab in Wuhan and funding the foundation that owns the patent to the Corona virus after gain of function work done on it. We now have him pushing micro chip vaccines. Not downplaying the seriousness of the virus but this is looking more and more like a plandemic than a pandemic


This is what I said, was there plan about a month ago.


For those in the US, calculating stimulus cash to the individuals / couples:

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Rhode Island has the right idea

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I think the main problem they had with the Microwave technique is that they melted the respirators.

I did find another source that notes something more like what Shady was thinking and look promising:

They note that steam sterlization is not suitable but then go on to describe some alternatives:

Microwave Generated Steam (MGS):
Plastic reservoirs with perforated tops as shown are filled with about 50 mL of tap water at room temperature, the contaminated N95 mask is placed atop the center of the assembly and loaded into a commercially available microwave oven and exposed to radiation for two minutes (one minute each side of mask). Use of this method resulted in an average log reduction of 5.06 of viable virus. Note that some designs of N95 mask feature metallic nosebands which when exposed to microwave radiation will melt the surrounding area of the mask, rendering it unusable (9). However, average aerosol penetration and airflow resistance was not shown to have changed significantly for masks subjected to this disinfection method that did not contain any metallic components.

And, something like Stiggyā€™s thought of a double boiler:

Warm Moist Heat (WMH):
A sealable container is filled with about one liter of tap water. A plastic support rack is placed in the container and this assembly is to be heated to 65ā„ƒ for 3 hours in an oven after which the mask is placed onto the support rack and returned to the oven for another 30 minutes. Use of this method resulted in an average log reduction of 4.81 of viable virus (5).


I guess I donā€™t know what they mean by steam sterilization since both seem to use steam. Maybe it refers to superheated dry-steam?

They also do not talk about the effect to the electrostatic charge though the previous posted chart includes a ā€œsteamā€ like sterilization with good results.


I read that the metal nose shape piece was heating up (metal does this in MW) and has been melting the material of the filter around it.


Yeah, if it has metal in the assembly could be a problem.


We really are asking a lot from a few coffee filters stapled together!

I thought some one had found that sticking the mask in a plastic bag and tossing it in the freezer for a bit might be the best ticket for keeping the electrostatic aspect.
Once that gets saturated itā€™s likely gone mostly.
Martenson has a new vid about masks.
Iā€™ll give it a watch during breakfast.

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True (electrostatic and diffusion capacity). And, someone probably couldnā€™t tell when that actually occurs since airflow is probably unaffected.

Iā€™m not sure if freezing will ā€œkillā€ the virus. If you have seen a reference on that, Iā€™d be interested in learning more.

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Look at you slipping some Jesus in on me :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:


Yeah watch your mail as well if you are steralizing in the microwave I was doing 4 x 30 seconds the wife just now did 3 minutes straight, and the mail burst into flames lmao, luckily they were bank statements.


I tried it , it killed everything

See I am feeling better I posted a pic LOL


Freezing absolutely doesnā€™t kill it. Preserves itā€¦

The initial studies showed hot and dry to kill it.