Coronavirus Facts and Fiction - January - May 2020 [Closed]

The Council on Foreign Relations doesn’t own all media.

It is an unduly influential organization, with a lot of old money and relationships with powerful and rich people, but it isn’t the sole arbiter of media.


Good idea. And easy.


Yea, reading about it, it sounds more like a gathering of the media elites with other rich and influential people. I don’t think the council “owns” anything itself, but is attended by the people who own almost all of the media.


The weather stations on the web are mapping the outbreak.
Based on the numbers at the time:
158,113 total recovered and dead
Dead 27198
÷ 158113 =‬
17 % FR.

I wish for once they would report the number of recovered or the number that have mild cases instead all they want to report is death fear death and more fear


I was thinking about this the other day while reading another “holy fucj I almost died” FB post… if they start saying how mild it can be etc, people will start taking it less serious and it would likley lead to a spike in cases.

Not that I agree with the way the media is handling this, but ppl are stupid they need the doom n gloom and people making choices for them


Well, my dad just got tested. Going to be a couple days before results.

I’m not at the point of worry yet. He had a fever last week, and got through that part. Now he’s dealing with the chest congestion, and they were finally willing to give him a test. Mom has no symptoms, and is probably already past the incubation period.

One thing that I’ve learned so far is that testing is very limited right now. 100% certain it’s the case that far more people have been infected than what is reported. But asymptomatic and mild cases aren’t being tested, and aren’t counted toward the mortality rate. So the actual mortality rate is lower than what the numbers will show. It still seems very dangerous, but I don’t believe the true mortality rate is greater than 10%. I think it’s only greater than 10% in more severe cases that are resulting in testing and positive confirmation of infections.


The tried would be nice though, I mean what’s the harm in putting the number of recovered on the same screen with confirmed and dead? Smaller writing lol. If all you push is gloom and doom you’ll get the reactions you have been, people hording and panic buying everything. This younger generation can’t think die themselves but damnit give me the facts I’m can think for myself, they didn’t stop teasing that in school yet


All the numbers I’ve been looking at list recovered aswell

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My thoughts exactly, the mortality rate is heavily skewed because of the limited testing. I’m all for people at risk taking precautions and their care takers as well.



Thank you, where did you find that?
Those numbers appear to be old as they say the us has passed China in cases confirmed

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think those are current
USA is gonna rise
started taking it seriously really late


The US Has Passed China in number of cases now


I agree, in Canada right now we are at around 1% - 1.5% mortality rate. At least 10x the number of infected in the “wild” would drop to 0.1%. Still if 100% of the world catches it, it’s a lot of people. The first wave will be the worst and people will build up anti-bodies. If you go to the doctors office they usually don’t test for mild symptoms for a few reasons. It doesn’t matter if the result is positive, they will offer the same treatment; also they don’t want to waste tests.


You get that when you type coronavirus into google, then st the top bar slide over to statistics… I’m guessing they are the most current numbers… usa has surpassed china because “china is basically corona free” according to the chinese government lol


To get actual numbers would require a randomized sampling as well. In a western society, that’s just not going to happen. You can’t have true random sampling and allow people to opt out, so no matter what you’re going to get biased results.

The best we could do is make sure that as many people as possible can get tested. That is one thing that would actually help calm the fears, because the numbers wouldn’t all reflect the worst case scenario.


The main concern is enough ventilators for people; my friends Mom in the UK was infected. No signs one day and in the hospital on a ventilator within 24 hours. Luckily she recovered and is okay now.

I hope the tests come back okay for your Dad, there’s still other bugs floating around out there.


they are doing that here - deciding who lives and who “doesn’t get cared for”
they don’t have enough respiratory equipment for everyone


Yea, he doesn’t have a dry cough… lots of mucus apparently. So I’m not yet convinced he’ll test positive. But we’ll see… I’m not gonna be very surprised either way.