Coronavirus Facts and Fiction - January - May 2020 [Closed]

On the lighter side of things.


Question…Do you trust mainstream media?


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No way in hell…,


So “owns” is not the word I should have used…Perhaps…Influenced, would have been the better word? Either way, that should be a very serious case of conflict of interest, no?


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From Canada…In BC, 11 of the 14 deaths were from one old folks home (Lynn Valley Care Home Center), two are from another old folks home, and another elderly fellow.

They still refuse to give the test results for the Vancouver Dentist they said died from a Corona virus. After they plastered it all over front page news in Van…How many days, and they won’t release what really caused the death?

The media deserves to be punished, after all this settles down. The mental abuse used against the people here, is on a whole other level…



Latest from Zerohedge (3/28):

  • Global case total tops 600k
  • Global COVID-19 death toll tops 30k
  • Japan fast-tracks approval of treatment drug for COVID-19
  • Third UK minister self-quarantines after showing symptoms of virus
  • Calif. death toll tops 100
  • Trump weighing enforceable quarantine order for all of greater NY area
  • Trump tells NBC reporter that quarantines of New York, NJ & Conn. were “possible”
  • Axios reports infant dies in Chicago after testing positive for COVID-19
  • Italy case total surpasses China
  • Spain reports deadliest day yet
  • UK case total climbs north of 17k
  • France reports another 5k cases
  • Navy hospital ships leave for New York, LA
  • Abe says he’s “just barely avoiding” declaring a national emergency
  • Yale University slammed for denying aid to city of New Haven
  • Shinzo Abe promises unprecedented stimulus package
  • Trump gives Pentagon power to call up retired soldiers and reservists
  • NYPD detective dies from COVID-19
  • Italian centennarian survives battle with COVID-19

Confirmed: 664,608 Deceased: 30,846 Recovered: 140,156

On the exponential. No, this is not “just the flu”. Have some supplies stocked. Wear a mask when interacting with the population outside of your home. Try to minimize the risk of infection and stay safe.


The WHO in action:

And, “Hey, I’m noticing a pattern”:

A large part of the mouth masks that the Dutch government has imported from China is unsound. Because the masks were already distributed to hospitals, the Ministry of Health has held a recall.

This concerns almost half of a batch of 1.3 million so-called FFP2 masks, 600,000 pieces. Healthcare providers use it to treat critically ill patients with Covid infection. Faulty masks put doctors and nurses at risk.

The masks have been rejected by TNO because they do not meet the safety requirements. They do not fit well on the face or have membranes that do not function properly, the very fine filters that have to stop virus particles.

The masks were already distributed among the hospitals. “The mouth masks that are not satisfactory have been retrieved,” the Ministry of Health told the NOS. “We have no overview of whether the defective mouth masks have also been used in hospitals.”

Hospitals own initiative
A number of hospitals had the masks tested by TNO on their own initiative. The batch of masks was distributed across the hospitals without being tested to see if they meet the quality requirements.

“When they were delivered to our hospital, I immediately rejected those masks,” said a person from a hospital who received a batch of defective masks. “If those masks do not close properly, the virus particles can simply pass. We do not use them. That is unsafe for our people.”

And, from another forum (New England):

In other news, NH setting up Alternate Care Sites. FEMA/CERT is working at the Nashua HS with NH Public Health and NH Nat’l Guard. Supplies expected in next week for an expected surge between 2-6 weeks from now.
Two lockable cages on-site for the Pharmacy and ten cages for N95 masks - very short supply. Stuff expired from as far back as 2009 is being prepped for use.
Very good cooperation between Fed/State/Local entities and jurisdictions - not like LEO pissing matches over a crime event now over.


The British government are rolling numbers down they don’t add up .on Friday in tower hamlets overnight 110 died. Not necessarily residents of tower hamlets , TW has several hospitals that are struggling . This number has not been mentioned anywhere. Source is from a family member who worked for nhs and now council.


The police in NS are pulling over cars with more than one person in it. They ask where you are going and if you say getting groceries or meds they tell the people that only one person should be out at a time, every one else needs to stay home.


Latest via Zerohedge (3/29):

  • Trump says he wants ‘travel advisory’ on NY area
  • Total COVID-19 cases tops 700k
  • US death toll passes 2k
  • Global total tops 660k
  • Ireland death toll hits 46
  • UK deputy chief medical officer warns life won’t be normal for 6 months
  • Mayor of NYC OKs fines of up to $500 for those caught not social distancing
  • Mnuchin says decision on reopening economy will be ‘health decision’
  • Italy reports 2nd day of declines
  • Texas, RI, Florida & others bar people traveling from NY and surrounding area
  • France reports another 300 deaths
  • Medical evac flight to Tokyo crashes in Manila
  • Dutch reject masks made by Chinese
  • Inmate dies from COVID-19 in Louisiana
  • Even Spanish politicians criticized for traveling to vacation villas
  • Navarro suggests Chinese may have exposed US officials to virus
  • More than 700 NJ police officers test positive
  • Modi asks for “forgiveness” from India’s poor
  • Syria, Jordan report first deaths
  • Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards says his state needs more federal help or it will be quickly overrun
  • WHO criticized over treatment of Taiwanese journalists
  • Russia closes borders to foreigners Monday
  • US issues guidelines banning ‘protocols’ on rationing equipment

Confirmed: 721,817 Deceased: 33,984 Recovered: 151,901

NY projection vs on-the-ground:

Difficult times in Italy:


This advice lines up with the research data for mask sterilization (except using home oven and the protective bag):



Why is cardboard safe after 24h, and masks take 9 days?


The number is based on taking the greatest level of precaution. Some tests have shown the virus being viable for up to 9 days on some surfaces (steel for instance). Perhaps not cloth or fiber, just greatest precaution since things are evolving and studies are not peer reviewed, yet.

Like anything, you have to do what you have to do and a used mask would be better than nothing. Optimally, quarantine those things once used.


Good stuff, that wasn’t in the vid from yesterday.


Helps seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.


Does this take into account most of this spread is people’s own stupid fault.
Like people out dancing in the streets and having a party over it?
Not protecting themselves or others around them.


True, depends on the city/country but I’m sure there are those people everywhere. We’ve had our business closed for almost a week now by the government, let go all our employees on the 15th. With everyone staying home we lost about 5k this month. If we stay closed for another month or two I would expect a lot of small businesses to loose 10k or more, many to close their doors for good and go bankrupt. I think one million people lost their jobs last week, not sure how many will loose their homes, families and sanity.


Latest via Zerohedge (3/30):

  • Dr. Fauci says 100k-200k Americans may die from COVID-19
  • Trump extends guidelines to April 30
  • Spain case total passes China
  • Maryland Gov. issues ‘stay at home order’
  • Italy reports slowest rise in new cases in 2 weeks
  • South Korea reports worrying rebound in cases around Seoul
  • Virginia to become latest state to issue shelter in place orders
  • Russia expands Moscow lockdown throughout country
  • 2 dead during outbreak at Tennessee nursing home
  • Ford partners with GE health to produce ventilators
  • NY confirms another 7k cases
  • NYC remains undisputed center of US outbreak
  • Seattle area reports optimistic slowdown in new cases, deaths
  • New York surpasses 1k deaths
  • Indian migrant workers ‘washed’ with disinfectant
  • Dutch navy sailors test positive
  • Netanyahu goes on quarantine
  • Trump: US has enough medical equipment & ventilators to deal with peak of virus outbreak
  • Mnuchin says front-line workers deserve ‘hazard pay’
  • Spike in cases should arrive around Easter, Trump said, deaths expected to be “very low”
  • Washington DC Mayor issued ‘Stay at Home’ order
  • JNJ announces encouraging progress on vaccine
  • Mexico refuses “to implement state of siege” as case numbers remain low
  • Russia ramps up testing
  • WHO said outbreaks in Italy and Spain “potentially stabilizing”
  • LA County reports another 7 deaths, 342 cases
  • UK reports another 2,619 cases
  • Chinese press publishes photo of Xi standing in public without mask
  • France reports another 4k cases
  • NJ case total climbs to 16.6k
  • UN proposes $2.5 trillion global rescue program
  • Australia launches worker subsidy program
  • Tokyo Olympics officially delayed until 2021
  • Poland imposes more restrictions on life
  • Amazon workers planning strike

Confirmed: 784,716 Deceased: 37,638 Recovered: 165,288


This shit is real. I was very skeptical at first but now I’m a believer.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones. These are trying times but we’re Canadians and the most respected warriors in both world wars and we got this!



Wow… Is it just me noticing all those super extrovert friends on Facebook are going way off their rockers today?

It’s like something snapped yesterday and they all went loopy.