Coronavirus Facts and Fiction - January - May 2020 [Closed]

Found something that’s sure to make folks take another look at the role vaccines play in infectious diseases.


This study was done in the winter of 2017-18.

Vaccine derived virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus and human metapneumovirus; however, significant protection with vaccination was associated not only with most influenza viruses, but also parainfluenza, RSV, and non-influenza virus coinfections.”

The +65 yrs old folks in Lombardy, Italy, the first and hardest hit region in Northern Italy, were given double dose injections in that area in November of last year. 2019.

Starts at 12:05, whole vid worthwhile.

We’re all in this together.


I seen a difference in my father after his flu shots a couple years back…Sounds bad, ever since the shot. Still sounds pretty bad. He is 80 years old.

Thanks for the info, I for one appreciate it. They already said the flu shots don’t even work.

Good day Space…



Recent preprint study indicates airborne “like” qualities of this virus or at least some transmission by air flow:

They found virus foamites in the ventilation, under the bed, and in the air outside in the hallway.

If this is true, you should wear sealed eye protection along with other PPE to include masks/respirators, and gloves. When arriving home after a trip to a public space, consider all of your clothing as being contaminated. I’d suggest taking a shower immediately after removing contaminated articles of clothing before wandering around the home.

Note, this study was based on admitted patients. There currently is no study available on the transmission from asymptomatic carriers.


I quit taken flu shots after the first one some years ago, me and the wife.
Of course the elderly will do what the physicians tell them too and it’s word.


Damn maybe they could do this here🤝

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On a similar note my lady is a sales rep for a business supply company and just got a huge order for clear sheet protectors. She just figured out why. People are using them as masks.


Don’t think had flu jab ever?
But I’m not one for doctors that will either go one way or the other.
I’m in a unique position I’m the last of my blood line with no heir.
This might be alarming to most, but I feel set free liberated!
I can speak my mind knowing I’m the only casualty of my actions.
I can do the things I care about without compromise and not worry about the consequences.
And I’m kinda at ease with this it makes you appreciate life, yeah I do my bit for society I keep my friends kids on the straight n narrow weather permitting. Lol.
But nothing like the unadulterated fuck you I won’t do what you tell me to appreciate life in it’s full!


That’s an interesting study, doesn’t surprise me either.

I looked at an independent study for flu vaccination about 15 years ago after my doc kept bugging me to get vaccinated.

The study I saw said, it had less than a 17% rate of success, when you weigh that against the long term damage from the heavy metals and other crap they put in it, to lower your immune system, so it can establish itself, it is not worth doing in my opinion.

There seems to be always a give and take with pharmaceuticals, they may help with the problem you have, but create other problems elsewhere, and then you are on the slippery slope of pharmaceutical drug dependence, living on a large cocktail of expensive drugs, all dealing with the symptoms from the previously long term used drugs.

Drug companies are always pushing for us to have vaccines, in the US they want children under the age of five to be compulsory vaccinated for sexually transmitted diseases. Why would they need that? The US citizens are vaccinated 25 times more, from the last study I saw than any other country, yet have the worst health of any Western country.

Japanese children are the least vaccinated children on the planet in first world countries, and have the healthiest children with the lowest mortality rates.

The bogus tetanus vaccination given every time you have a bad cut. Unless you work on a farm or you handle manure regularly, there is no need for it, the pathogen for lock jaw comes from bovine feces, not rust as every nurse or doctor seems to think.

I don’t want to get a vaccine debate started :persevere: every one makes there own decisions on what’s right for them if any one wants them, that’s fine by me

I personally don’t want them, haven’t had one since I was 17, which was for tetanus and a waste of time as I cut my foot on broken glass in my kitchen.

It would be interesting to see how countries with low vaccination rates for all diseases compare to countries with high vaccination rates with the wuflu death rates.


Whole lotta antivax nonsense coming out of the woodwork.

If y’all wanna get measles, mumps, diptheria, rubella, polio, be my guest.

We have eliminated a major cause of death in children, and some of you are trying to fuck that up.

Spreading false information is wrong, spreading DANGEROUS false information is worse.


Did you watch the video spaceman put up?


Agree, let’s not turn this into an anti-vaxxer thread. Take that somewhere else.


The study on flu vaccine, on the otherhand, is relevant as it shows the possible adverse effect as it relates to this coronavirus.


The video from the Qanon channel? I’ve had my fill of crazy from that well.

I think I’ll pass.


I spent my whole childhood wondering if tetanus ate rust, and how in the hell that sort of organism would infect people.
Somewhere along the lines people must have started assuming any piece of rusty metal has probably been in contact with moist soil, so Tetanus shot just in case.
And then eventually we forgot why we started giving tetanus shots for rusty metal.

It’s kinda fascinating IMO. The unusual stupidity of humans. Lol. I heard someone say “people are smart, humans are stupid.” this is a good example of that.


The study referenced in the vid was a Department of Defense study.
Sad to see folks close their minds to various information due to some ingrained bias.
Sure is a limiting factor.


Somehow I don’t feel limited ignoring Q-anon based media.


Here’s why the Corona death rate is so high. No matter what kills you if you have it they list that ass the cause. Was reading an article earlier that said that 80+% of the deaths in Italy were people that were on their way out with other major problems


It is interesting situation for sure. Our government did nothing, did nothing, did nothing, then just tried to violate of the constitution section 53 and the Magna Carta by giving our finance minister unlimited power to borrow and change taxes for the next two years, as the people just sat watching their TVs. Simple terms they tried to revoke “no taxation, without representation”.

Numbers game is what it is right now, no one wants to be the highest fatality rate or most cases. It would let them seem weak to other countries and the world. I’m not sure the governments actually care about the people rather than the numbers. I have yet to see one temporary hospital put in place with all the empty schools and building around the country.


And all MP’s just got a raise, and the carbon tax goes up today


MP’s should of all had their wages frozen when they closed parliament like everyone else.