Coronavirus Facts and Fiction - January - May 2020 [Closed]

No doubt. I guess s few of the conservatives are donating there raise to Covid19 charities… obviously a minor move / buying favor. But atleast its somthing i guess lo


Candice Owens also continues to say things like “it’s just the flu” and “only old people will die”. Sounds scientific and empathetic.

And the antibody tests, as noted by “Mike”, aren’t even widely available at this point. They’ve only been available in very limited quantities for about a week most of which are not POC. Certainly not widespread yet.


I don’t like the “it’s just the flu”. The flu is very serious and kills many people every year. Worst case scenario this becomes another flu and people die from it yearly. Worst case Italy would have 68,000 die from the flu every year, then another +/- 68,000 from the COVID-19 without a vaccine.


this is serious and real folks
we’re in our 3rd week of isolation and I think it’s gonna be a month or so more


The fact still remains that no matter what you die of you get added to the Corona numbers making the death rate artificially high. Like I said before over 80% of Italy’s deaths were people with serious health issues then add in they refused to treat anyone over 60. We’re being played people.


I think it will probably be 2-3 months here in Canada, if they want to keep that curve flat.


Yep, but that’s the normalization bias some folk continue to rely on.


Media like this will make you feeel better:


6-9 months to not overwhelm healthcare system. Likely repeated more regional lockdown after to control the outbreaks.

Many of those doctors/epidemiology types are saying a year+ to manage it.

However it could get back to that contagion (movie) like scenario where those who’ve been infected could get tested and allowed limited freedoms via wristband etc


Yeah the test that measures antibodies, and can show if you have it, will be good, it will save a lot of PPE being waisted by those that have had it.


Where I am in the States we are on lockdown stay home until the end of April Now


Yes, that could be the way out of this mess eventually but it means we’d have to test everyone.


OK I have a question for my prepper and smart guys LOL
I put 5lb cans of Chiefboy ardee Ravioli down for an emergency 5yrs ago sell by date is 2016 now
I found two cans dented and oozing from the tops (garbage now) The others are fully intact and not swollen . I opened one and no gasing off was heard of seen, they smell good and look like the sauce has thined down more watery. It says no preservatives on label.
But there has to be something keeping them good, maybe the salt used.
Does anyone know if they are good to still eat?
I don’t plan on using them unless things get real desperate here


Air and bacteria cause the breakdown and make things go off, salt acts as a preservative but you would need a lot in it I would think.

A lot of sell bye dates are just advisory, once open I would not let it sit long before eating it, and then only if you have nothing else.


They sure don’t sound good to eat. I would save those for a legitimate last resort apocalypse scenario or something…you can beat your neighbors up with the cans and steal their food lol

I’m just really confused about this whole corona situation. Why are we shutting the country down for a disease that’s not particularly deadly? Like why don’t we do this for the flu which kills thousands every year?

Also when we resume activities after months of being shutdown isn’t it pretty much a given that a few people will still have the virus and infections will inevitably start spreading again anyways?

I really don’t know what to make of the whole thing, it’s totally unprecedented.


Basically it’s to reduce stress on the under equipped medical system, because when it does hit hard it uses all resources. I think I read somewhere canada has like 2.1 hospital beds per 1000 people. I don’t even want to know how many ventilators we have per 1000…


It’s that rate of transmission and the 15% who need ICU level care that’s the major issue.

Yeah 2% so far are dieing, but that number could hit 10-15 easy if we can’t effectively help those who develop major respiratory symptoms.

Canada’s number is 11 ICU beds per 100,000 - and most are full already for the usual reasons. …


I saw the average stay for someone that needs to be hospitalized due to covid-19 is like 25 days. My guess is you wouldn’t be in the hospital for so long with influenza A/B and it is/would stress the medical system. My thoughts anyway.


Spoken like a true Bully…



Or a Pro-Vaxxxer thread…Sounds great.
