Coronavirus Facts and Fiction - January - May 2020 [Closed]

Their were a lot of reports earlier on about secondary infections from this Wuhan virus.
Not so much now, which adds to the growing list of things that don’t make sense.

Right off the bat, China’s response was stunning in its severity.
Why announce a lockdown of the Hubei province and then let millions of people out from it?

Early vids show people dropping in their tracks from this, nothing since?
More and more social media posts show sedate hospital scenes, not the “warzone” reports from the hysterical msm.

Expert reporting and analysis of this crisis from day one by the likes of Chris Martenson has been right on compared to the wavering from experts at the WHO and CDC (which is now saying the public SHOULD be wearing masks).

Lockdown should be effective at stopping ANY pandemic yet folks still are riding subways, buses, airplanes, all ideal environments for this to spread.

Out of all of it the nonstop screeching of the left, sjw’s, Greta and her bots seems to have vanished as they were only manifestations of a too wealthy society.
Something that this virus promises to “fix” as well.


No, Quebecois generally swear in english. It’s a gas to listen to the radio, they will be banging along in french but all of the expletives are in english - and they do not hold back. There was some legal action about it a couple years ago and the courts ruled it OK. If they switch to french swearing - that is a whole new ballgame - that’s the serious stuff.
(I know where of I speak, my wife is French-Canadian) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



tabarnak - but only in Quebec


A post was merged into an existing topic: On the edge, too much Corona

The old Roman empire is still alive and well! It just evolved. The Vatican controls more people than any one country.

Meanwhile in the US:

Couldn’t possibly fix our problems, but 1/4 of the GDP to the printers for Wall Street? No problem. Anyone suspect anything funny, when we have a $6 Trillion bailout, when the net damage to the world economy is that much?


Follow the money :mag_right:



Years ago the Detroit Red Wings had 2 stellar radio announcers, Bruce Martin, play by play and Sid Abel, former player and coach, as color commentator.
Whenever the Montreal Canadiens(les habitant) would play the Wings, Sid would struggle to pronounce french names.
In particular, Yvan Cournoyer sent Sid into oratory purgatory as Cournoyer would come out as “Cornveyor” or “Cornerver”.
One time Bruce teased him about this saying: “Sid, I thought you were an expert at speaking french”
Sid responded: “Only the swear words, Bruce.”.
I miss those days.

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I was always ‘the traitor’ when I was young, because I rooted for the Habs, not the Leafs.
That and telling the downtrodden Leafs fans “well, they are always ‘first’ on the golf course…” Yes, the perennial family gathering conversations…



I don’t think that’s going to be possible. In the midst of chaos, I have no doubt things will get “misplaced”.


We need a strain of weed called covid19…someone will be famous and its the story that sells!!! Makes it into high times magazine

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And oddly, …they don’t want any oversight… Yeah, nothing to see here…



Some hope yet. Now hopefully it doesn’t take forever to get this treatment through to the people. Edit: the video starts at the good stuff, the previous 10 minutes we’ve all heard/seen through other sources.


@Jellypowered Crazy that the treatment would only keep the virus at bay for 8-10 weeks. Interesting video.

Looks like I missed all kinds of fun here today haha.


Latest via Zerohedge (3/31):

  • US reports more than 500 deaths in a day for first time
  • Coronavirus death toll exceeds 9/11 death toll
  • US confirms largest one-day case jump
  • Russia reports jump in cases, deaths
  • Maryland, Virginia and DC all locked down
  • New York reports largest daily spike in hospitalizations
  • UK reports another 1k+ cases
  • France reports biggest 1-day jump in cases, death toll passes China’s
  • Global death total passes 40k
  • New York reports 14% jump in new cases
  • Thailand warns it will prosecute all “April Fools Day” coronavirus jokers
  • US death toll passes China’s
  • China plans to announce “asymptomatic” carriers of the novel coronavirus
  • New Jersey cements No. 1 spot, Calif. reports new batch of cases
  • NYC reports first minor died from COVID-19
  • Dr. Fauci warns he fears virus will return this fall
  • A Dutch centenarian survives COVID-19, joining an Italian man who did the same
  • Prince Charles exits isolation
  • Ford, GE warn 100-day window for producing 50k ventilators doesn’t start until April 20
  • Tokyo reports another rash of new cases tied to travelers
  • Spain reports third straight ‘deadliest day yet;’
  • Spain reports rental tenant-support package
  • Migrant in Greek camp tests positive
  • FEMA sends 250 ambulances to NYC, 500 paramedics
  • CDC weighs asking Americans to wear masks outside their homes at all times
  • Orban takes unilateral power in Hungary

Confirmed: 858,785 Deceased: 42,139 Recovered: 178,119

Starting to feel sad, Italy being ravaged along with other hard hit countries while the trend on the East Coast isn’t looking so great right now.


Any real numbers out of China yet ?

Any answers to the millions of phone accounts missing there?


If I was in TO, I’d be an Habs fan too. :slight_smile:


Sounds fishy to me… anyway how do they keep track of each individual when there are many millions called Wang or Wong?


Definately Sum Ting Wong!