Cortisone Injection Anyone?

Thanks for the input!

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I find edibles made from a heavy Indica like Kush can be good for dulling muscle ache type pain but not much good for nerve related pain. Does nothing for neuralgia etcā€¦might just be me though :grinning:


The old lady has fibro and she intakes 3 to 5 gs of rosin a day, and about twenty bags of vapor from the volcano. She is a heavy medicater. She puts me under the floor when it comes to vaping oil out of the rigs, we cycle through four rigs until you cannot smoke out of them due to usually ten grams of reclaim. Which we in turn mix with coconut oil and make really strong tincture. This stuff either makes you feel awesome and or puts you to sleepā€¦ very good stuff. Plus the reclaim is activated so it works really rather well.


Wish i could get my Mrs to use a vape. She shouldnā€™t smoke cos she has COPD, she cut down but cant seem to stop. Itā€™s this tobacco/ganja mix joint thing our society developed. Itā€™s very damaging because the nicotine withdrawal hits fast triggering the urge to smoke another and another etc. After a while you cant smoke a plain cigarette any more, it makes you nauseous and irritable. A cousin of mine chain smokes ganja/tobacco joints, gets through an ounce of baccy and 1/4 of weed every day. On top of that heā€™s got a bad alcohol problem.

Heā€™s not looking too good these days, sad the state folk get inā€¦

Sorry to hear that, I am currently quitting tobaccoā€¦ I believe joints mixed with tabbacy are called spliffsā€¦ I am also allergic to alcohol. So I tend not to drink unless I want rosasia and hivesā€¦

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Good luck getting off tobacco, itā€™s a crappy substance to smoke anyway eh. I once quit the stuff for 5yrs but i substituted it for weed. Just as well i was growing the stuff and it did save me a small fortune in tobacco. Shit hit the fan when i had to dismantle the grow for 6 months. Went 3 weeks with nothing then gave in and started smoking tobacco again. It made me nauseous as hell though and it still does.

Iā€™m not allergic to alcohol but it screws up my guts badly and i donā€™t much enjoy being in a drunken stupor after being high for over 30yrs :grin:

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I would rather be stoned than drunk. Thats an absolute. I quit smoking, but I dip and have been for years, cigs were more of a social thing I guess. I loathe the day I tried tobacco. Its gross af.


wow thats really interesting that hanging would have so much benefit for a shoulder. Thats awesome!

Have you tried cbg?

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Actually, I have found a bit of relief with a balance of THC and CBD, Though I havenā€™t found a combination (strain) that will get rid of most of it, it has helped to drastically cut back on the NSAIDs.

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i hate shots too brother i know where you or coming from. j have had the said shots you or talking about. the shots do not hurt bad. but they will keep you awake @ night then again i have not had said shot in shoulder. just put it out of your mind and do it.good luck hope it stops your pain peace

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I guess Iv been pretty lucky not having much pain in my life but once in a while I tweak things that make it hurt back , legs knees etcā€¦ recently have getting into tincture made with mct oil 16oz and CBD hemp in a magical butter machine thats not even really very high in CBD but it works wonders for my anxiety depression that Iv had recently , I made just a real easy topical from my oil about 1/2 oil and 1/2 base like coconut oil/ lip balm base and it helps the wife and my self really well . She has been experimenting with canna ointment and a combo of deep blue over the top to get a deeper penetration effects for both muscle and nerve relief! Start making ointments if ya havenā€™t yet!

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Be careful letting them give you these injections. They can lead to long term joint deterioration. I believe the stem cell injection is a much better long term solution. It is not covered by insurance, because it promotes long term healing. Insurance likes the pill a day and surgery approach to things, so drug companies and hospitals can make more money. I have a buddy who is a painter and has shoulder issues. He had stem cell therapy and is very happy with the results. Good luck.

Edit: I should add that when I was younger inlet them give me one in my shoulder. Temporary pain relief for a few days was all I got.

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I was rear ended by a tractor trailer doing about 50 mph while I was stopped in traffic about 2 yrs ago. Iā€™ve had 3 MRIā€™s countless xrayā€™s. Spend 8 mths in physical therapy with no relief. Chiropractors wont touch me in fear of making it worse.

I have herniated disk in my spin and no major injuries so I consider myself very lucky as it should have been much worse. My 1st injection was an epidural in my lower back which hurt like hell and only gave me relief for about 3 days. My 2nd injection was some sort of big lateral something.

Basically 2 super long needles injected directly into the spine on both sides and it provided no relief at all. Needless to say Iā€™m completely done trying the shots.

Thatā€™s when I decided to get my medical marijuana card and start trying different strains. I have found some pain relief in heavy indica strains but nothing has helped me as much as cbd bud. In particular 1 to 1 or 2 to 1 CBD strains that are high in myrcene.

One of the best I have found for pain is pre 98 bubba kush cbd and my wife also loves it for her bad should.


My mom was a Orthopedic Nurse, till she retired. Always had mad respect for nurses! :wink: