Coupon Fiasco Thoughts

My lawyer completely understands what a piece of shit he is. At least he’s honest about being a piece of shit. :disappointed:


they never got any of that from me and i still got the box. i like the gloves actually, and the bag to carry around and advertise for them.

These days it’s all about your information and your personal details

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lol to me an assshole is someone who insults other people unprovoked and defend corporate interests like his own… wait… isn’t that a corp lawyer too?

Anyway, vivosun has pulled this sort of stuff before with not going thru with giveaways etc, and a well communicated apology would have included something like:
we apologize [instead of “we regret”], there is no way we can financially afford this mistake but if you allow us to cancel the orders, we will benefit you in such and such way. And those who do not agree can email and we will try to bring a satisfactory solution to all parties” instead “oh yeah, we just cancelled it”.

for ex, if youre a person who bought lets say 2000 dollars worth of equipment, and then gets their order cancelled and you missed some other supplier sale/bonus/coupon, then aren’t you in the right to be upset and not satisfied by their way of handling shit?

By the way, I don’t think its a big deal, I wish vivosun the best and I do understand it is a mistake (yet again that included personal information of value to them, and if we are to believe the 500K mentioned above, thats 1400 client’s data worth).


I feel a tip is earned by providing good quality service. I don’t think you should get a tip just for showing up, people now days are so entitled. The world is full of soft hyper sensitive crybabies. Just my opinion

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Vivosun is just a bunch of rebranded products that you’d be better off buying from someone else. I don’t understand how they’re even a thing… Mediocre to poor quality products you can get elsewhere for cheaper, and it’s not looking like their customer service makes up for it.


The quality on vivosun is all over the place. Some of their products are more than decent while others are fire hazards. Their tents and pumps seem decent. The lights have terrifying wiring or shorting issues

Their dischord server is insane. Echo chamber of shills and the like.