⚠️ Warning! abusive company : GROWGREEN Mi

Not sure if the best place to post… but I hope many see it and realize as well that growgreen mi is an abusive company… 1st look at the reviews… I didnt… if I had I’d known better… but I had issue with a ro stabilizer that I bought from them … it was 4 years old… and that’s according to the company that makes it… house and garden after calling asking them about why the ppms are so high. Now… after trying to get my money back they’ve been nothing but rude… hung up on me… deny that it was possible… added shipping costs after claims of free shipping… at this point they can keep the damn money… but just be warned people. :warning:
This place growgreen mi is absolutely abusive on all fronts… you have all been warned :warning: Happy growing everyone!!! :green_heart: The ro stabilizer is a good product as long as it’s not outdated by years… … just the reseller growgreen mi is garbage and abusive.

I should have went here 1st!!!


Thats a shame. I’ve ordered ferts a couple of times, and I was a little shocked how cheap they were, being such heavy items to ship. 3 gallons of general hydro ferts, and later 50lb of jacks. I’m in the same state, but still, really cheap and showed up quick. I hate navigating the site tho.


You should try making a complaint to customer support just to be met with a rude put on hold moment they never return from… or call back and have them treat you like your complaint is invalid and other customers that are purchasing things are more important and put on hold abruptly… I contacted house and garden… the company that makes this ro stabilizer… they dually noted growgreen has been causing issues… and they told me they’re sorry and they’ll send me a free bottle… and a t shirt… now… that’s customer service!!! They aren’t even responsible… but the fact their name is included in the mess makes them want to help… yet they didn’t have to… and I would have never thought worse of them if they didnt… but the fact that they did… bravo :clap:


I’ve had nothing but great experiences with them

Sorry I went thru that


customer service is hella important for sure. Glad the other guys took care of business. I was just throwing my experience in there, not defending them or anything.


I assure you… after talking on the phone with them… they are NOT a good company… sold a 4 year old bottle of anything!!! Then deny… then be rude… just pathetic… everyone read reviews alllllll the way down … they also have people fixing the reviews to look good… but look at all the complaints… they are alllll like mine… has been going on for some time now… I wish to God I’d have read them 1st

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Oh no I didn’t think that… no worries gromigo.

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I mean as someone who managed a local grow store here in MI

this is just a prime example of why it’s better to support your local grow store rather then Amazon or places like this hunting for the best deals

then you have places like grow generation which is basically corporate hydro
Support your small local grow store


I agree brother… lesson absolutely learned… keep the small guys alive!!! They are only ones who truly care honestly… as its more of a closer relationship vs a big hydro company that is online as well as facilitated


I honestly went through them for ease not price… but I do shop like that sometimes… well… DID… LOL

Amen… We really miss our Local Grow shops…
The one moved, then became more a head shop than grow store (and owner got to be a jerk)
But the other was run by a wonderful man who is also one of the Gents that produce M3 Soil…so he got too busy to keep it going. His family tried, but had to move to a different location, and that really affected sales…so now it’s closing.
Luckily, Lowes has Sunshine mix #4…and I get nutes from (gasp) Amazon…cuz, hey- free shipping and replace it if it leaks, gets broke etc…and I don’t have to drive 20 minutes for it.


Just be sure to check those born on dates!! From anyone!! It’s something I assumed was legally binding for them to be sure of… but it isn’t… apparently that’s only food… not the products that produce food lol… craziness!!!


I’ve never had an issue with growgreenmi. I’ve ordered many times and had good luck. Sucks when things go south like that though so I do feel for you.

I would love to be able to purchase local but my small town has a super basic nursery and most shops would cost me more to drive to and get what I need then to just have it sent for free usually.

Any reccomended online stores with good customer service and fair prices?


I’ve been ordering nutes from them for about the last 6-9 months and I’ve been loving the results. Got the bug planted in my head now and will keep a closer eye on my plants to make sure.

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So I literally today received something I ordered from them over a week ago. Understand there’s a long holiday in there, but it took them 5 business days to pack and ship, then a single day for FedEx to drive it across the state to me. If it wasn’t literally half off retail price at any other store, I wouldn’t have ordered from them.

With that said, I better open up the box and make sure it’s all there and nothing’s busted up–especially since their shipping method was to wrap brown paper around the item’s box and slap a label on it.


I’ll never … no matter what…ever go through them for anything ever again. I don’t expect perfection. . I expect at the minimum quick accurate courteous resolve. This is NOT what I experienced with Growgreen… It isn’t like I was rude… and then they got rude… it was more of a plea for help to them… met with arrogance and insufferable intolerable bs. Won’t be my money going to such a place… keep the sales… you got to be decent at some point or I’m not a fan… just the bottom line…

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You in Grand Rapids?

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have to say ive ordered lots from GrowgreenMI and never had an issues. dealt with Marsh in their customer service team on more than a couple of occasions too and never had any issues there either.
Sucks you had that experience with them @Terpsnpurps

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Nope-- Ludington!


Still… not far

MI represent