Vivosun and a Smooth Warranty Experience

Well I figured others might appreciate this. I’m a woodworker and the warranty on my tools is very important. I want easy fast service when I need it and a company that owns a mistake and makes it right. Even more so with my grow equipment and let’s face it some companies suck at customer service.

@VIVOSUN though was awesome! I had an inline fan and the speed controller went bad. It would basically be at max or min with no middle range and keeping it at max was difficult because it had to be in a certain position. Anyways still under warranty so I reached out to see if they would help expecting to get a no and have to buy another. I was already running through other companies in my head. I filled out their contact form and within 12 hours had a response. They asked for a video showing the problem, which I provided and they offered right after to make it right, which they did.

All of this in less than a week, even during Amazon prime day and what I assume was a busy time for them. I was very impressed and just thought others might like to know that @VIVOSUN stands by their warranties and will actually help you out if something breaks. :v:


I agree. @VIVOSUN are good folks. :green_heart::green_heart:


Very cool, I have a 15% off discount code for their products if anyone wants it :wink:


I do as well also too, but y’all can have Doug’s :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Wait you’re .ca yeah? @DougDawson

I think that’s how that works.


I had a tent stolen off my front step by some pos porch pirate and @VIVOSUN was very nice in refunding me till i figured things out. It was very easy and made a bad situation much better.
During that time, i had a few amazon packages get stolen as well and that was a headache to get any help. Vivosun was so much more supportive amd helpful


It works on the .com site as well. I just tested it.


My next question, wasn’t sure lol