Covid-19 check in

Son had it spent 9 days in an induced coma.
S l o w l y getting back to normal after a couple months.


Wife and I had it in mid-October 2020. She had intermittent high temps, up to 104 F, that spiked up in the evenings for about three days. I had about two weeks of tiredness (slept an extra 2 or 3 hours per day, light fever, loss of smell( not taste). We are in our early 50s. Luckily, no breathing difficulties. Treated with fluids and Tylenol. Fully recovered now, except my sense of smell is not as discerning as it was before.

A friend of mine in his early 30s got it in November 2020, he lost his sense of taste and smell. He still has not recovered his sense of taste or smell. In addition, he has had severe insomnia ever since, staying awake for days at a time. Very unusual for a non-amphetimine user.

Wife and I fully vaccinated with Pfizer, first dose on 4/20/21, second 5/11/21. No ill effects from vaccine.


Same for my GF, she got it early Nov 2020, still has issues with taste and smell.

I got lucky and skirted around it. I went to Cozumel last year a week before it ā€œhitā€ and travel bans started happening. Opted to ride out the beginning in Mexico as our numbers were far lower there at the time (my 3 week trip to Coz turned into 3 months). Yeah, DONT think I got lucky and spent 3 months in paradise, I DIDNT. My 3rd week there (the week my GF was originally scheduled to arrive) we went into lockdown. That meant no eating out, curfew from 11pm-6am, eventually curfew from 4pm-6am. ALL water activities ceased, so no boats and not even shore diving. 1 person to a vehicle (makes it hard to food shop when you dont have your own vehicle).

Came back to the US in late May as numbers declined here, went back in October (this time the GF came down when I did), my plan was a test run for moving there, and she returned home after 10 days. Well, 2 days after her return, she was positive. Thankfully not much other than body aches and taste / smell for her.

We were worried about me catching it. slightly overweight, smoker, I had my negatives. Got the Jannsen vaccine a few months ago myselfā€¦ No ill effectsā€¦


I lost all taste and smell for a few weeks in late March early April 2020 but never got tested because it had just come out. My guess is I had it but if I did my wife never showed any symptoms or didnā€™t get it herself šŸ¤·


I had it about 2 weeks before it was a known thing. Brutal knockdown unlike any flu or cold Iā€™ve ever had. Was tested and confirmed for antibodies in June which was a difficult test to get at the time. Got the vaccine and still wear a mask in certain situations. Donā€™t wanna find out what the delta variant is all about.


Damn, some rough goā€™s for some of yā€™all. Sorry to hear about all that. Unsure myself, think me and mine got it back in Feb. 20, but we were being told it wasnā€™t in the U.S. at the time so we just figured we were flu / cold sick or whatever. I havenā€™t been to a doctor since I was a minorā€¦~20 years ago. Thatā€™s kinda scary to admit out loud :rofl:.


Which part? the 20 years older part, or not going to the doctor part?

Iā€™ll admit, my last checkup / bloodwork was almost 20 years ago. Otherwise Iā€™ve only been to the doc for broken bones / torn ligaments, things ya canā€™t ignore.

Really should make a point of getting a more current checkupā€¦ hmmmmā€¦ Dang dude, donā€™t be making me think of this stuff this early in the dayā€¦

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Both, now that you mention it!

Yeah Iā€™m really considering making an appointment somewhere now that it occurred to me butā€¦I feel good. Donā€™t eat red meat, donā€™t drink, donā€™t smoke cigs. And I really am not a fan of doctors or the pill happy turn medicine has takenā€¦Iā€™ll probably carry on as is.


drs like to bandaid symptoms. many are trained monkeys, lacking critical thinking and burdening a tremendous fear of outlash at stepping out of line.


6 of us in our house back in March 2020 had it, the 4 early twenty year olds didnā€™t get affected much only one was off work for 2 days from the headache it caused.

I got it next, it made me tired the first two days with the headache, but after that not much of a problem other than 3 nights of fever and heavy sweating. I had lack of oxygen when doing anything like going up more than a couple of flights of stairs, for a couple of weeks.

The wife is a heavy smoker she had the same symptoms as I did, only she felt she had pneumonia for about a week. She went to the doc and was told not sure what you have but its not pneumonia.

My daughter and her boyfriend who had it here ar the same time are now in BC and have been able to get an antibody test 14 months later, and confirmed they had it and still have high T and B antibody counts. The company my daughterā€™s bf works for all caught covid 4 weeks ago, all 17 employees had no bad problems and the daughters BF had no reoccurring symptoms and tested negative for it, they had all been at a company party the week before when they probably all contracted it.

If you look at independent studies, not what the media is scaring everyone with, the variants are more contagious, but less damaging. If you had it and your immune system is not compromised you are probably safe from getting it again. People who caught Sars Cov 1, 15 years ago are still producing high antibody counts.

Data is also showing, people who have had it and then get vaxed may have more severe side effects as their natural immunity is already primed. After phizer and Moderna changed a chemical in their jabs to make it enter cells more easily, after they finished the testing, it no longer stays local to the injection site and moves around the body attaching to Ace 2 receptors where ever there is inflammation. Which is why there are a lot of cardiac and blood clot problems being seen in the brain and otber major organs because thats where inflammation builds up.

Other data out last week says if you have had the vax you have a 60% more chance you of getting the variant, as the phizer and moderna shot reduce natural antibody protection after the second shot.

If you want to protect yourself take a 50mg zinc supplement everyday minimum, it blocks cell penetration and most people are difficient, as well as in Vit D3 and K2 as well, a respiratory antiviral like Echanacia helps block it before it gets into the lungs.

High doses of vit c and D3 are being used in hospitals to treat covid successfully, as well as antivirals.

Another natural remedy used for other serious viral problems like african sleeping sickness and denge fever is Suramin.

It is obtained from pine needles of a couple of species. White pine is one local to me, each bracht of needles will have 5 needles. Make a tea with them either dresh or dry, using 50 grams, steep for 20 mintues, theycan be used twice.

Reduce your bodies inflammation, cut sugar and refind carbs, reduce alcohol consumption. Use the Wimm Hoff breathing technique to oxygenate your bone marrow that makes yout T and B monocyte blood cells and boosts your immune system. Improve your gut bacteria with fermented foods.

Fasting and a low carb diet is a quick way to reduce insulin resistance, and arterial, heart and brain and all other organ inflammation caused by sugar and refined carbs and other toxic substances we ingest.


Yes Canadian doctors have been told if they speak out about what they are seeing in their practices, that criticizes the public health advice to vaccinate at all costs, will meet with their licence being revoked. There are many top experts in the world including the doc who invented the MRNa vax technique saying, this should have been tested on animals first, and as the virus has not been isolated they dont even know enough to treat it correctly. Now it seems the spike protein is what is causing the major problems and not the virus it contains.

There is a lot being found out now with independent studies from all over the world. This is an emotive subject to some, so I am not going to post it here. All I will say is look on NewTube for Dark Horse media and uncensored information, if you are interested in your health and what is being found out by other experts that are being silenced in the main media.


Lol I knew antivax/anti-western-medicine people would show up before too long peddling nonsense about pine needle cures and vitamins.

When it comes to health, listen to your doctor folks, not what you read on a weed forum.


And here come the conspiracies. Lol

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One, odd, thing I learned while travellingā€¦ North American (and more often US) docs are reactive. Many love prescriptions, big pharma, and band aiding symptoms instead of solving the root cause.

Europe / Asia tends to have more proactive medicine. Finding a solution to the issue, no ā€œprescription for lifeā€ bs, not relying solely on a pill and big pharma to come to the rescue. Just simple things like checkups even. Avoiding issues before they become issues.


We Americans do love our lifestyle diseases, itā€™s true. We are also terrible at listening to Dr. advice.

Before someone goes on diabetes medication, they were definitely told to lose weight, quit smoking, eat better and exercise, probably several times.

My dadā€™s on a half dozen plus medications and theyā€™re ALL from poor lifestyle choices. Doctors been telling him this for 2 decades or more.


Had it in February it was fucking rough. Iā€™ve lost whole bunch of weight since and donā€™t really have a taste for alcohol anymore.


I had a sinus infection years ago. I went to the doctor to get antibiotics. He refused to give me antibiotics because he didnā€™t feel they were necessary and was going to prescribe me a saline rinse. I told him that I didnā€™t come there for a saline rinse, I can do that myself, and that I want antibiotics so give me some fucking antibiotics.

He was a bit shocked to have his authority challenged but he gave me the antibiotics.



I believe I contracted covid in December 19ā€™. I could not stop coughing for the life of me. I couldnā€™t smoke cannabis or concentrates of it for right about a month. I was so sick I didnā€™t care to much until towards the end when I was feeling a little better but could not get high because of the coughing. I thought about making edibles, but I didnā€™tā€¦ I was vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine. Although, I am trying to see it through the eyes of a non-vaxer. Therefore, I started listening to darkhorse. Iā€™m trying to see why they think the way they think, mainly because my best friend and his entire family are non vax. Anyways, I follow science. Although, I think the government has been lying to us (the population) for a to very long timeā€¦ happy growing. Stay lit and safe.


Iā€™ve found that being direct to the point of rudeness usually pays off when dealing with people who assume their authority.


Can I do this simple trick for moreā€¦sayā€¦abusable prescriptions? Asking for a friend.

In the future, plenty of antibiotics can be accessed for veterinary purposes without a script.