COVID19 - Should we be sharing postage right now?

Thank you.

My line of thought is that we could be helping it to propagate (should it still be viable even out of its host since it’s being considered a contact virus).

Image the following. Hypothetically speaking.

One of us has it but still hasn’t shown any symptoms (don’t forget there is a 14 day window) One user happily and of good will is preparing seeds to be sent out. Sneeze cough cough (as it’s normal this time of the year colds flue etc) and sends it to the other side of the world. That’s what occurred to me. I’m just trying to be alert and warn others to a possiblity of transmission. I’m sorry if it has spoiled anyones day but I think it’s a bit too early to be candid about the matter.


Thanks for your concern about our health but right now there is no evidence that the virus may be spread other than person to person contact.

In fact, there are dogs contaminated with the virus and so far they don’t propagate it. If packages could spread it Amazon would be the largest propagator over the world, better sell your auctions if you got them before the crack! Just kidding, stay safe … :sunglasses:


I’m a reasonably healthy middle aged male and am not worried. I would happily continue to receive mail. I could see why some might be cautious.

Also, I have to be realistic here: I live in a building that sees a lot of international travel, so I’m screwed anyway.


You are definitely ahead of the curve on this one.


that would include every other mail as well…the latest amazon order,the birthday-card from your aunty, the power bill,…

every morning on my way to work i stop at the bakery for my breakfast bun. the lady gives me the bun,then she takes my coins,put it in the register…and so on without washing hands. it´s like,i was shakeing hands with all the earlier costumers there!
should i wash or sanitize my bun bevor eating it??

live must go on…kinda


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Coronavirus Facts and Fiction

I wish I wasn’t. Just hope it calms down. And it’s not only starting…

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I’ll be moving non-postal specific concerns on the Covid19 topic to the other more general Coronovirus thread, from this point forward. Thx.


Ok while I think a lot of this is over reaction I have to respect those that are in the group most likely to be affected or love with someone who is so I have a question. I’m packaging up seeds from a seed run. How do those of you at risk or living with someone at risk want them sanitized before I send them to @MomOnTheRun. I won’t do anything to the seeds themselves but how do you want the vials and packaging cleaned before I send it out?


I would leave it up to the receiver. The ability for the virus to survive is relatively short except for on plastic and stainless steel. Which are both easily cleaned. If you wanted to be a clean guy you could wear a mask and wash hands before putting on gloves before packaging up seeds. But all receiver would likely have to do is just isolate your package a few days to a week.


Plastic vials so that’s why I ask.


Cleaning the envelope before it arrives helps but wont make it clean by the time it arrives as 2-10 people may have touched it between you and the recipient. Best to leave it to the recipient but gloves and mask and a quick clean never hurts.


Before I pack the vials I was going to give then a clean waiting on motr to get back with me for shipping instructions

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I use those plastic vials too.
Even though I use nitrile gloves I give a quick wipe with a clorox wipe.
The exterior packaging is what will risk exposure.
My last trade saw me in gloves, mask, bleach wipes at the ready.
Brings back my 'shroom days.


Oh I know I can’t keep the outer package clean, just don’t want anyone getting anything sent to them from my but the seeds know what I mean. I personal think it’s getting blown out of proportion, but I respect most of the people here and will respect their wishes to take precautions out of respect for them. I can think someone’s actions a bit foolish and still respect it lol


I agree with you that some of folks reactions to what this means for our communities is overblown.
Especially the toilet paper thing, wtf???
In a very short time though, this site and its contributors have become an extended family to me.
As with any other crisis, I want to assure and reassure my family that I’ll behave responsibly to them, for them.
So while I’m not part of your giveaway, I’m thankful and respect the actions you’re taking and I’m sure the participants do as well.
Good work.


Guys, just wash your fucking hands after handling anything that came from outside your home i.e mail, it’s simple. You should have been doing it all along anyway. This was on my local news last night people were too scared to go get their amazon packages off their doorstep… Even the news kinda clowned the people… You’re not going to get coronavirus from simply handling a package, even if it was dipped in coronavirus… Wash. Your. Hands.


Let’s just keep it simple spray bottle with water and bleach we clean all packaged items when it enters the home paper and cardboard it lives for 24 hours so it in box it throw it out then disinfect your hands

Keep safe


Much appreciate your concern on the matter. I also submit that it should be up to the receiver. I expect you won’t cough on the package but who can say if there was some transfer during shipping.

Full speed ahead and a quarantine period for those who feel the need.



Anything coming into our home is handled as potential point of infection at this point.

We are including postal pieces in the calculus and will disinfect the exterior surface of the package appropriately.