
Old Mcdonald had a farm…
And on that farm he grew some weed…eeiii eeeii ooow…come on everybody sing with me🤣
It looks like u have got the sustainable living situation going on…I wish I was ur neighbor so we could trade clones.


You and I and very alike apparently and have very similar goals. .

I also built my own home on farm land I aquired as that’s the route I could afford to get into farming. Was going to build with seacans but local bylaws made it more of a hassle than it is was worth. So built with stick and poured footings.


Yes been working towards being off the “grid” and being self sustaining for some time now. Have a long way to go, but its a step forward :+1:


I build with oak pallets…lol

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Ah damn your getting the good ones eh. All spruce here. I’ve taken many apart and run them through the planer and have made some real nice stuff. Great lumber still

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Take a gander thru that thread.


If your lucky their white oak… White oak is water resistant

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This is an amazing site!
I’m actually trying to purchase some land in the south. One of my goals is to raise and breed a few cattle. With the information shared here, and also a couple of helpful farmers here I should be fine.


My entire shake siding is white oak from pallets…Lol


It’s always been a lifelong dream of mine. To do what u r doing. Ur right a step forward is a step forward. As for me I would b happy if I could at least stand still. It seems as if I’m jumping backwards. Keep it up It looks like ur doing one he’ll of a good job, from where I’m sitting. Keep giving updates I truly enjoy them.

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Thank you. 4 years ago we lived in a different state, losing our cars and our life, simply by trying to pay realestate taxes. We decided right then and there, to do what we had to do to better our lives outside of the rat race as much as we could.
Spent a long time traveling the eastern us hunting for land…and landed where we are, blue ridge mountains.
And we got 10+ acres and a falling down 5000 square foot dump we have been rebuilding. You would shit yourself if you knew what I paid…people think I do the impossible…for which i always reply, just because its impossible for you, sure does not mean its impossible for me, sorry aboit your luck and or skill set…(was able to pay cash).and taxes are under a grand. It was a life changer :+1:


I’m heading more and more towards getting self sustainable. Been a suburban dude my whole life and I do love my creature comforts like being able to order food and being able to be at any store I could need anything from in ten minutes or less though. Ideally I’d have 20+ acres of woods and set myself well back into the property for privacy but I still want to pull out of my property and be able to get a pack of cigs, a pizza, and groceries within ten minutes of leaving my driveway.

I don’t know how realistic that scenario is but it would be perfect. My GF is from a town in MI that isn’t even called a town, its a “village” so she laughs about the creature comforts :laughing:


Extremely realistic…lol. We have that. Literally anything we could want within 10 minutes. We live right outside city limits…lol
We are incredibly fortunate.

Super wally world 2 miles away :joy::joy::joy:


Weird question, what does a cow go for nowadays and how much does it cost to feed it for a month.


Ill let you know in a month about the feeding…lol

Black angus seems to be 800-1500 a cow. Cost me 2oz of smoke. :+1:


Shit can’t beat that


I barter for as much as possible…lol


Huge props for you guys.

Am slowly working my way to something similar, hopefully someday soon!

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I dont have any cattle but live in cattle country, and black Angus is the number one in this area. used to be
you needed to raise at least two to make out financially.

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Raised cattle all my life, still do, about 80 head, currently bottle feeding and nurse cow feeding 20+ calves

Get rid of any bull you have scratched or brushed, it may seem tame and act tame but given time it’ll kill or maim you, though it may not mean to and was just playing, I’ve seen and heard it happen many times. A bull is never a “pet”

A “pet” bull doesn’t know how strong it really is

Just my 2 cents