Crazy huge green worm in webbing under leaf

Hey I’m in Massachusetts indoor first of all I noticed on of my plants looked weird so took to inspect and there was a huge green worm in webbing under my leaf wth is this never seen anything like this inside idk what it even is


Caterpillar of some sort. Seen any damage? I’d imagine quite a bit.

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Caterpillar, getting ready for cocooning, next stage is eating to bulk up for the amazing transformation of its entire DNA structure, so just gently cut off the entire leaf and place it outdoors somewhere in a quiet corner. Thank you.

Sow vetch and/or brassica veggies like kale, broccoli, cauliflower alongside your cannabis if you want to lure them and other insects like aphids away from your cannabis, it’s their favorite food.


Nice reply

And on that note it’s time to Sherlock Holmes the point of entry.

Cheap dollar store pantyhose over a coffee can or similar makes an excellent and cheap bug filter for an intake to a tent