Creating True Breeding Strains By Vic High

Thank you @HolyAngel for your insight.

I personally found this to be the most interesting. :exploding_head:
Could the addition of jasmonic-acid help fix a sterile male?

I may have found a use for jasmonic-acid after all…LOL

@Cactus should find this all very interesting. :wink:

Of course this was very interesting also.

This is where I get confused…LOL
I understand the concept but not much else…

This seems to suggest that a monecious plant would have been developed from mutants. :thinking:

The way I understood it was…
Unisex plants are normal and stable plants are mutants.
If I am wrong please help me to understand the error in my ways. :upside_down_face:

Could a hormone treatment be used to create a mutant that is Monecious?
Or would one need a mutagen to make a stable plant.
I am pretty sure GA/Gibb is a known mutagen and why it is seldom used to reverse plants.
Maybe gene mutation is what we really need.
Just spitballing here, you big thinkers are stetting the pace, I am just running along side to see what I find useful.
