Creating True Breeding Strains By Vic High

Well I wonder if it goes back to the fact that the x chromosome or haploid is the only one carrying the mitochondria and if you have two Y’s going at it with no mitochondria then nothing to mDNA like @LonelyOC mentioned. So making a big assumption that it lacks mitochondria so… lot of circular thinking going on :upside_down_face:


Clever thinking :+1:

I know Samskunkman selfed a male and grew 30(?) Seeds but then said results were inconclusive.

Nevil also selfed a male, but can’t remember what he said, or what conclusion he came to… ?

Maybe they were just flexing on us lol


With all else being equal they were looking for something and probably found it?? Yes Skunkman mentioned that he created a variety that was completely devoid of THC which is true and had some desired psycho-active effects. I found the statement totally true for a complete CBD type would be devoid of THC or so nearly zero that it would qualify for the THC <0.003 or there about.

That magical 30 N!

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Yeah, he did say that he bred mono cannabinoid strains by selfing and that he made pure extracts from each cannabinoid to test their value/effect.

Haha the magical 30, that’s from Allard I think?


Yes and goes back to the 70% female to male ratio. 100 N * 0.0476 =4.76, 4.76*70% =3.33 Females that might be very desirable. The stdv is little over 2.06 for this type theoretically so…

When looking at Allard for a simple recurrent selection, if a person could breed out enough to get say 5 super females that have the desired characteristic then you could use these to go into a recurrent selection process. 5 types; A,B.C.D.E… Self these five idiotypes and take the selfed seeds grow them out and pick the best of the progeny to cross.

A x (B,C,D,E) = Crossed seeds
Bx(C,D,E) = Crossed seeds
Cx(D,E) = Crossed seeds
DxE = Crossed seeds

Get equal numbers of seeds from each cross, say 100 from each and combine.

In the first year, the superior plants for the character under improvement are selected from the heterozygous base population. These plants are grown from the selfed seed and intermating is done among the progeny. The crossed seed is bulked in equal quantity. This completes original cycle of selection.
In the third year, bulked seed is grown and superior plants are selected and selfed like first year. In the fourth year, progeny of selected plants are grown from selfed seed and intermating is done like first year. The crossed seed is composited in equal quantity for use in the next cycle of selection. This completes first cycle of simple recurrent selection. Thus selection cycles may be repeated till the desired improvement is achieved.


The 70% female is ultimately an handicap…

The recurrent selection scheme seem like quite a project. What is your goal ? Are you after the high or looking to improve the line as a whole?


The way I see it, starting as many as you can, keeping those with the desired high, selfing them and growing their progeny to identify which is homozygous for type of high. Bulk the winner.


Mating 1:1 superior females looking for compatible genotypes, giving raise to the same phenotype when combined. Bulk the ones with the best combining ability.


I think the handicap gets eliminated after the heterozygous selection from the first year and then just females after that. The male can be brought in later like @TomHill said and back cross it to the best females to make seeds and whatever. You still keep the lines open to produce the selfed seeds but the original population you can open pollinate and save kilo of seeds for the fridge or the “BANK OF THE FORrEST”!

Yes Tom hooked me up with a book that a lot of people don’t want to read and a method for selection. So for @TomHill I am eternally grateful for what he has given me. Gave me a fishing line, hook, pole, and a ocean to go fishing. THANK YOU TOM!

Sorry @Mithridate this was directed toward me and how ungrateful I was for not realizing all the great things that have been given to me for free on this site so…


The goal would be to pick the best high since the haze is such a tough project and if anything else shows up then that would be a bonus!

Numbers yes, going to take a while won’t it! I got nothing else but time and to do this for the rest of my life should be a fun purpose. I think that the plants will be very narrow in their genetics but should be very prepotent but since this is a simple recurrent selection no guarantees on how it will interact with other varieties. I am thinking that anything that has a haze background might have possibilities but would have to do some crosses later to see what works. I like going the 2 plus standard deviations whether it be a Cannabis Indica/Indica or an Indica/Afghanica,(Paki)…

Yes your idea of breeding with Recurrent selection for general combining ability method has a lot of merit. Project would get bigger definitely. Might have to elicit some help?

Sorry for bumping your thread so much!


You certainly have the right attitude getting into your project, one trait at a time, numbers, no rush. Can’t be in a hurry if you’re growing 16+ weekers haha.

I think the geno/phenotype are all still in Tom’s haze, no hard selection pressure while preserving…

As far as crosses, some people are more successful than others, depending on what variety they use. I know some over at the other site are pumping out very nice crosses.

I thought this step had combining ability as a secondary goal :thinking:
A x (B,C,D,E) = Crossed seeds
Bx(C,D,E) = Crossed seeds
Cx(D,E) = Crossed seeds
DxE = Crossed seeds

As you may know, I’ve been looking for THH for quite some time and can’t accept undocumented reproductions if I’m going to put this much time into something.
It looks like it may happen. Patience.

And hey, you can post all you want, this is a discussion board after all haha


Well in reality you could take A-E back to the original population since it is suppose to be heterozygous. A person could do the same recurrent selection with THHZ and cross into the THHZ heterozygous line and see which one gets the best results.

So in reality you have a testing line sort of.

I suppose if we wanted to cross it into a deep chunk that say has been selected using the same simple recurrent selection process and produce some potent F1’s and then do an F2 with these seeds (Haze x Deep Chunk:Recurrently selected prior to this cross) and look for the transgressive segregation. Wow full circle again :wink:.


Yeah brother I’ll hook you up with seed and clone.


@Mithridate @HolyAngel @Foreigner @LonelyOC Wow you really brought me along. So funny looking back at the messages you threw out and man it was a great experience slowly teaching me all this stuff. Wow you were really awesome for being so patient and really enjoyed the process! Sorry if I missed anyone. Haze Project!

Thank you


Wishing you a smooth seed run brother Tom.

And clones take out half the fun, I like seeds😋


I’m just repeating what I learned yesterday so to speak :wink: long live the nerds who did all the work !


What’s a “true breeding strain”?
Like which plants are you referring to?

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True breeding strain would usually refer to a line that passes/displays certain traits consistently; could be flavor, type of high, structure, resistance to x etc or any combos.

I did not write this article, Vic High did. The guy knew what he was doing and is being forgotten so when I found this text I thought I should post it here.


True breeding simply means mostly homozygous. Measured on a scale, a curve. When about 50% or better offspring resemble the parental inputs, the line can be said to be relatively true breeding, prepotent, and homozygous.


So like yeah. AA x AA begets 100% AA. aa x aa begets 100% aa. Homozygous genotypes expressing a phenotype that will also be true in the next generation - true breeding.

Heterozygous genotypes ie Aa x Aa begets like 4+ genotypes (think Mendel) in the following generations what you see in the parent will not be true in the offspring.


As clear as Gaspesie spring water :ok_hand: