Creating True Breeding Strains By Vic High

Sam skunkface was the one that said to select for large heads, but ya’ll know what I think of that guy but it makes good sense to me.

Large heads and more of them per sq. centimeter would be a winning combination in my book.
But then again I am far from an expert on this topic. :thinking:


Good paper on this here:

Cannabinoid Inheritance Relies on Complex Genetic Architecture - PMC.


I did microscopic imaging of the buds I wash to make sure the trichome caps are stripped clean. The process seems to get them all!


What I do, is predict the hash yield of the plant based on the microscopic image. I’m getting really good at it! Soon, I won’t have to even bloom the plant, I’ll be able to tell in veg if it’s even worthwhile. I flip through people’s macro images on OG here and I’m like …bad…bad…bad…good…bad…bad…bad… I find most aren’t good. The good ones are rare!


indeed! But then I definitively didn’t get your question.

Maybe that’s why?

My turn: let’s go the @Mithridate way and throw a

Transgressive segregation!



I like that :point_up:

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For hash lovers; big heads that drop on the first wash, trichome density, quality high.
Then looser buds can contribute to better and/or cleaner yield, because you won’t have to beat them up as hard to get the good stuff.
Flavor, texture, color is a matter of preference…

Plant vigor, bud size, plant structure etc I think is irrelevant if you’re hashing the room.

Seek to adapt your grow method to your plant, not your plants to your grow method.

You can yield about the same with any line, if you turn their “negatives” into their strongest point.

I’m not much of a gamer but have an example for this. Back when world of warcraft came out, people complained the warrior was the worst character, lacking in everything. One dude was like hell nah, warrior is the absolute strongest. Everyone insulted him. The guy then posted a video, showing that if you build it like this, and play it like that, you’re doing the most damage output out of all characters, and you’re basically invincible. Guy rag dolled every pvp room. Everyone was shocked.

Then for weeks blizzard nerfed the warrior more and more lol


I don’t think anyone is an expert on any of this right now, so I think you are in the right spot. Need to keep throwing stuff out here so we can draw some conclusions on how the system works and how it changes with new inputs. Don’t mean to be prejudicial about this but many of the nerdlingers working on these projects probably don’t even smoke pot so… Just like reading all about growing; it helps if you grow to understand the concepts that are behind these methods.


I am ignorant of what this means other than everybody ragged on the guy until he put the bell around the cats neck?

Hah np,

Blizzard is the game developer and “nerfed” means to reduce something power or effectiveness within a game, like an ability or certain combos

The point is “build it right, play it right” and chances are you can get much more than originally thought :slightly_smiling_face:

Bubba kush grows slow, stretches little. Wouldn’t make sense to grow it in vertical hydro where fast growing stretchy plants perform best.
But does bubba really yield like crap?

Put it on tables, keep canopy 1ft thick, a la scrog, small plants. since light penetration is not a concern, use 400 watters, spread em, if you’re feeling adventurous, use racks.

Then :slightly_smiling_face: check yield per sqft or yield per watt and bubba yields quite good actually :wink:


The more I read here the more I realize idk shit ! Smh


Yes and still don’t understand how the system works, their best observations come from additive situations from their view point. Yes the simple just a bunch of bases in the correct order that are able to exert their influence isn’t quite working anymore. You have cross-over, independent assortment (TE, mobile/non-mobile), epistasis, and environment. These processes can be seen better if the combos are there, if we could breed 1000 plants at a time that could make hunting better. Thialand might be a good place for person to look at but…

Not yelling at you brother just that you brought up more info that poses these questions and I am just trying to find out what the system is telling me since I can’t grow an acre of this and observe what is happening and that is frustrating as hell!


I’m seeing more a derivative of the punnet square personally, if you have structured a selection behind the blank numbers and letters, why not. But it’s always the same story buddy, you can’t avoid the necessity to adapt your hands and your decisions to the context of each selection.

At one point you have to choose if you will burn the seeds until a pattern fit your diagram, or if you burn the seeds to can create it with reliable datas ^^

This 5% we are talking about is initially a quite vague prediction of the number of valuable specimens per 100 seeds. And these specimens are not really known, mapped and documented, in being the main argument of the sales.

AaBb = AAbb + aaBB … this is not how a segregation operate at a genotype’s scale even with a single pairing. Specially in don’t knowing the traits linked with the letters.

Aa can be the water uptake and Bb can be the root mass volume by example, both structuring the spectrum of how the phenotype hunted is expressing. At one point of accuracy, you can’t ignore the fundamental datas given by the plants and their context.

But a true Aa in practice is way more vicious (or we will be all very wealthy breeders ^^), the “A” being most of the time a guessed homozygosity and the “a” the real linked trait that permit to produce the expression. And it can be from a latent trait, never expressed until you apply the right epigenetic factor.

It’s not really a theory at this state for my eyes, it’s guessing totally the type and the range of phenotypes without any germination. You can eventually streamline accurate datas collected with averages, afterward, to eventually build a model of selection. Not my poison, but it will start to say something i’m sure ^^

Totally. And it’s only the visible side of the iceberg.

By example even with 100 seeds or 10 seeds, there is no insurance that you will get a constant rate of the same pheno. More seeds increase the number of cards of the draw, not the content of the draw and its order.

The starting point can’t be dodged anyway, and it’s the knowledge of the line with enough rounds under the belt to have at least in mind the main subgroups of segregation as a starting point.

This dynamic is set by the inherent diversity of the seeds but not only, the round itself create a dynamic and a pressure. The way you’re hunting the F1 can have a drastic impact on your F5, and it’s the bias of most of elite cuts around : they are not initially selected to be a material generating a given phenotype occurrence, but most of the time a direct selection of the result itself.

Heterosis is not an incremental generator, it’s more the torque of the cement that glues your expressions in a given generation. I think you’re pushing too far the role of heterosis, but you’re not wrong on the side constraints. A strain can be build to only produce a required output while in F1, but it’s generally made with long term IBLs and BXs behind at this level.

The most known problematic in the scene being a given combo of terps and phenols unable to work together without heterosis on a genotype scale.

Humans. And it’s a strict, frank and teeth-broken opinion.

It’s not a manner to see the allelic game that i reject, if you keep in mind that it’s doomed to be extremely contextual by definition. Like “Pheno A vs Pheno B of the Genotype AB”, on specific mapped traits.

There is not really a suppression, viewed as a whole. But looping recombinations in this context.
If by example to keep the weed XYZ extra-potent you have to kill the most vigorous specimens … it’s a matter of methodology, experience and failures to realize that the initial breeding plans and predictions are pretty much fucked ^^

I sincerely don’t buy one second the “THH 5%”, i think she have way more to give in leaving what is putting all of us in the shit since decades now : a pure phenotypical approach of a grower just searching a motherplant to smoke. Instead reliable genetic materials to outperform the standard, on the long term.

But i agree on the form, less on your hate of the “IF” use ^^

I think that the shit ton of elite clones without any stabilized version is the best proof that’s it’s more than a theory, but more a factor of the battleground. 100 times more now than 30 years ago, but it’s a pure personal opinion for this last sentence.

That’s my vision of the thing specifically for the SD.

At least a feminized and an auto version of it sold for 2 digits ^^

You make my day ^^ Kind of “chicken or egg first ?”
Now it’s cannabis also, without enough focus (then experience on your lines) and methodology there is no real dead end actually to be competitive.

Spot on. But also to enter a line in a true preservation project :yum:

This simple strategy just destroy technically your previous extrapolations and considerations ^^
This religion around the hardy weinberg demonstration, i just don’t get it.

You have to play with piloted segregations for this, or you will just map the chaos in loop. Just an opinion, i will be the first to clap my hands at you if you’e able to narrow a genoptype to its “5%” without any selection or empiric mapping.

Good practical demonstration

Stellar ^^
Extreme epigenetics factors help for this btw, it’s less hard-coded that it look at first glance.

That’s the most frustrating with the THH, no one want do the job. And with this kind of line, the more projects the better for the inherent quality of the line as a whole.

Easy not ^^ But yes.

It’s a fantasy. If you don’t have any methodology and that you’re blind in front of the plants … you’re just hunting a motherplant to smoke on 1000 seeds.

Hunting 1000 seeds have to be justified anyway by previous researches, the cost have to be consolidated in an genetical asset with some sort of insurance.


I think the plant science is there to explain what you see or find not to tell you how your room should look :yum:

Observe, take some notes, and check what the books say. Maybe the science can assist, but probably not.

I noticed a tendency to portray plant breeding as an elite hobby, requiring big bucks, staff, testing equipment and warehouses.

I’m here to tell you that every memorable line we can name is a product of incompetence, its all bag seeds from ghetto rooms.

Have fun. Shits not that serious.

Edit for typo


Amen brother, ain’t that the truth. The vast majority at least.


I’ll try to go back and read that intro. I always wanted to know how to better understand breeding, but I decided a while back I’m too old to learn the super science of it at this point. I just grow a lot and observe.

I grew up growing bagseed exclusively. I never knew what I was growing, but I was sure getting a lot of nice smoke. I’ve also grown some crosses here, mostly volunteers, that were absolutely beautiful trees but the smoke sucked. I know it was 2 strains from my yard, from good genetics, which would make you think you’d get a good finished product, but no, not always. :v:


Yah, the problem I see nowadays is that most strains are trash.


Realtalk 9/10 easily! Especially if you are used to old school fire that goes for hours and hours. A lot of new stuff will kick your ass! And give u sweats…. For 15-35 mins…. Then u gotta blaze again :man_facepalming:t2:
:cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie: imo has lots to do with it when the market decided it was the ultimate and bread it with everything under the sun. There’s obvious exceptions but few and far between and once you start to see/identify the correlations it makes total sense.


I started this thread mostly to archive vic high’s article, who is one of the first to have a grasp on what was actually happening in his room. The text is a bit outdated but it did spark conversation.

Breeding or rather understanding breeding became an obsession, but the deeper I went, the less results I got lol.

I think knowing the basics of inheritance is important, beyond that, each decide how much time and effort they want to invest in it.

I’d simplify breeding like this:
There are 2 kinds of traits, simple inherited and complex inherited.

simple inherited traits are controlled by 1 gene and follow mendalian laws, like color, the auto trait, cannabinoid ratios, plant structure, seed size etc.
These are easily bred in or out in a couple generations

Complex traits are flavor, aroma, high, and the like, controlled by 4-8 genes, and the number of combinaisons is mind boggling. In this case you’re f**** and rely on luck.

That’s breeding :joy:


You’re in too deep to turn around my friend. But also surpass me in what I learned and am willing to learn. So I’m of no help here, sorry brother.