Crickets and Cicadas Seeds

A buddy ran them and really like them. The plants were beautiful like so many of the Puck HP crosses.


I grew puck bc3 indoor in a 3.3x3.3 tent under LEDs. Real interesting stuff. One pheno has a onion/chem smell. Upon harvest that pheno had a strong sulfer/egg smell which seems to have faded. The other one has chunky dense buds, with a deep afghan funk. Think lemon/earth/chemical cleaner/moss. Both have really relaxing highs. That’s how I’d describe the high, relaxing, feels like true medicine.

The chunky afghan one smelled very very similar to Looney tunes from Romulan Genetics. Looney tunes was a highly limited feminized release made up of Romulan x (thai x afghani). He (romulan genetics) specifically stated it was family held genetics he used for the Afghan and the Thai in the cross. Makes me wonder if he had some Skelly in there.

Anyway here are some puck bc3 pics from me.


Peshawar Pakistani seed increase.
These plants are unique compared to the other indicas I’ve grown. The smell is low to me but still very enticing. They are about 6 weeks and fully seeded by the two males. I am excited to flower these out again. I have 1 seedling started at the same time and was an extreme runt that just reaching about a foot tall and minimal branching.


Looks really good if you plan to pass out any seeds I’d be interested in a few . That’s one strain I don’t think I’ve ever had the chance to smoke.

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Once I know the seeds set well and finish healthy. I love share genetics. Would you be interested in a blueberry/Pakistani cross?


One of two DJ Short 90’s Blues pollinated by Peshawar Pakistani male.
Smells like the 90’s Blueberry I grew right after High School :drooling_face::drooling_face:


Cool stuff! Best of luck with the cross!

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I’m open to any gifts not sure when they’d get grown but definitely will at some point and time. Thanks

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Smoking one of those right now… Youre going to like it !!

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ive got 5 of the 90s blues going… couple weeks in seedling… you have an interesting cross… hope the cross turns out well… keep it posted !! the male looks real nice… are you going to run the cross next?

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That Peshawar looks amazing thumbs up to a seed increase how many females did you end up using? And the 90s blue x Peshawar sounds like it will be killer as well look forward to seeing how those come out.

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Peshawar is 2 females 2males.

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Skelly/Puck Hashplant came from Nevlis Original Hashplant release. He bred the PNWHP x NL1, then getting a Male from this cross, Backcrossed it with the PNWHP Mother. Thus Hashplant was born. Skelly got the seeds in Holland, and sewed them into a sweater to bring them back to the USA. Puck was found in this pack of seeds.
Cuddlefish Hashplant is Sister to Puck. Duke Diamond used it in his Local Skunk strain. Along with the Puck/Skelly. We love the Local Skunk in my neck of the woods. I had someone from Colorado tell me it was the best stuff they ever smoked.
El Jefe on Instagram has S1of the Puck. Only place Ive ever seen have them. I dont usually do fems, but I made an exception for these.
I bought 2 packs each of the Puck BC3. Skunk x Puck BC2. Shoreline x Puck BC2. We grew the Sensi Star x Puck BC2 V1 last year with great results. Well worth it. Id say V2 s just as good.
Ive also got a pack each of the Nepalese x Puck BC1, Sensi Star x Puck BC1, and PNWHP X Puck BC1 from last year.

Puck S1 in the plastic container. They arent cheap.


Nice collection :fire::fire:


Puck BC3 pregnant with F2


What kind of aromas are coming off the Puck BC3?


i got two females, one is burnt garlic and pepper, strong ass dense smoke, the other one is pepper, skunky and a touch of eucalyptus or “that afghan freshness” if that makes any sense


Sounds delicious :drooling_face:


This one smells similar to what @supershitfuck describes. Skunky dank with some garlic.


yep , great collection… and great info !! I had understood it to just have been a pheno of the pnw that was eventually crossed to NL1 in holland then brought back… so thanks for more clarity on how it surfaced… you know , Ive been chasing the “hashplant” since I smoked it in the late 80s. never knew that there was so much diversity in genetics till I started growing… thought so n sos hashplant was infact what the heck I had back in the day… heh… but I had a friend who grew back then and he had his same stuff he grew every year seedbank stuff… good skunky stuff, deep hitting make your lungs feel like you were going to cough them out… and then this one year he grew this 1 plant from a clone… it tasted like old school afghan like late 70s early 80s “afghan” with hash mixed in it… literally…First joint he smoked with me , I said damn , you got some hash… he said no , its hashplant… I didnt know wtf he meant and questioned if even heard him right… so I hit it again and said this has hash in it and then he explained he grew the 1 plant called hashplant… and course he wouldnt part with any of it but it kicked my ass to say the least… I mean Ive had some real good stuff through the years but I do smoke for taste… so since those days , I have never ran across it again… I got into doing my own thing now and to tell you the truth , first thing I was looking for was the “hashplant”… well, first run , got crap from msnl and found out I was knocking on the wrong door for my liking… did a lot of google at that point found the librarian and went on from there… thinking puck was infact the same hashplant I smoked and now that Ive grown it , I had 2 females - both with the chem terpene being dominant… maybe theres a pheno in puck I can find but now that Im learning more , I wonder if my old buddy was growing a clone from cuddlefish… Ive read it has a real hashy taste so now Im all about finding it if I can by itself… not as a cross… then maybe Id have my bases covered… LMAO… even yet , finding an original pnw and crossing the Nl 1 and doing just like you mentioned above… I reckon I liked that stuff so much , Id try to recreate it… By the way , shoreline is killer… Im enjoying it now from this recent harvest… super duper sticky… youll see :slight_smile: