Crooked leaves

Hi everyone!
I’ve noticed these crooked leaves on most of the clones that are growing. A few days ago there were only two, but now its evolving and more plants have been affected.
Does any fellow have any idea what the cause of this?
Many thanx!


If more plants are starting to do it than it has to do with the grow environment. What’s you’re temps/humidity? What are you feeding? Tough for regular growers to know what’s going on without having any information on what’s going on inside the environment.


I have a white truffle clone that does that. I thought it was genetic


I’ve found it’s usually related to PH


Some plants have burn typical by over. Floating pH causing Lock.
I’ll to fix this.
Thanks a lot

Sure, bro!

This imagem examples the average climate. Something about 20-30 C e 80-100 RH, because march is a rain month.

Media is a super soil. Watering with plain water in early 2 weeks. Now receivered biogrow and fishmix - 0,3 ml/ l each

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I forgot say, its all cuts same strain - Acid Dawg, from Karma Genetics. Another time the matrixes showed similar behavior , but the leaves curved the edges up, in a situation of hydrical stress (dry).