CSI Humboldt Seeds

the legend definitely says that chemdog culled the only male he found in the bagseed and this was before reversal was at least common afaik.


Definitely some good meds for muscle relaxing. I had some back spasms ongoing and definitely helped calm them down. Definitely can recommend this one


yeah i was just about to say that! How does he have original chemdog males when he said himself he tossed the only one’s he found :sweat_smile:


Now yall smell what I was cooking… :laughing:


So they were in the mid 90s to early 2000s with state of the art selfing skills but didn’t know to keep males… or…ss or chem or SD was a herm monster having its way…well me believing that ss was the Culp… I can see its pollen hitting a close chem and SD cut that’s close…what yr was g found or made?


i thought it was early 90s like giesel was the first cross with chem. i could be wrong of course, googling didnt provide much. :man_shrugging: i like the bit of mystery

Has anyone seen anything about the sale that’s happening? I don’t have IG so any help with a code or information is very much appreciated.


I think someone must have gotten “shit faced” on their birthday. hahahaha. Nope still nothing new posted.


Iv been refreshing his page for 18 hours thinking I lost track of time.


Does stuff tend to sell out fast in these sales? Going to make my first CSI order but still haven’t figured out what to pick… lol.

The MSS S1 seems a convenient selling point for Riot as everyone chases skunk and is of the mind that the real MSS is dead.

I held Bodhi’s cut of Giesel for a few years (same.one Matt reverses) and to me it clearly looks like a Chem hybrid especially in veg.


It’s not usual that things are totally sold out and rather the inventory listed on the website has been purchased. For a while they were listing 20 packs at a time of each variety, and would restock the website with 20 more when they sold out. So it’s not so much about selling out totally and more about the flow of inventory across the sale window. Not sure how accurate those figures are currently please anyone chime in if they’re outdated.

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen some stuff restocked during sales but also seen things not restocked until after a given sale window. I think this is merely a coincidence and not intentional though. They seem to get genuinely swamped with orders during their awesome sales.

That said, sometimes there are rare or exclusive varieties that the CSI team puts up for sale but they’re usually pretty good about making mention of something being limited to a given quantity and it’s exclusively. These usually get picked up pretty quickly as the demand for exclusive CSI work tends to exceed it’s supply. Even still, they’re not totally unattainable. I’d imagine some looking for rare packs enjoy waiting for these holiday drops for the occasion exclusive packs that get listed along with them. Hope everyone gets the awesome genetics that you’re interested in! Happy holidays. Many blessings and much love


Irene x T1000 killing it, right before the chop…


Thank you for this info!

^ Hey @DirtySlowToes @zephyr hopefully your Jager x Ghash plants have this effect also.


I hope so :pray:t2: mine will head to flower 2/1. Thanks for the reach out. This has been a nice read :metal:t2: I’m also someone with a chronic pain condition and do indeed have a need and eye for the meds. Thanks @BudWhisperer

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Caleb posting when he got the Giesel:


Also, something funny that I saw mentioned in comments that makes a lot of sense but I’ve never seen mentioned.

Chemdog’s real name is Greg aka MassG

Giesel is Greg’s Diesel, just like we had Weasel Diesel and Asshole Joe’s. I love it!

Just say “G’s Diesel” out loud…

You might say it sounds like Cheese Diesel, so I bet you’d shorten it to “Giesel”


From jj > chemdog’ and friends made several crosses that are held closely by a small group of friends and acquaintances. Among them are:

  1. Super Snowdog (Bubble Chem x [Super skunk x Oregon Sno])
  2. Giesel (Chemdog D x Mass Super Skunk)
  3. Bubble Chem (Chemdog’s Sister x Sag’s Bubbleberry)
  4. Dawg Daze aka ChemHaze (Chemdog D x ’93 Sensi’s NL#5/Haze)
  5. Chemdog D x Pbud (another old-school Colorado strain).

It’s even older text than that, “guest” here might JJ or someone else in 2007:


Most likely will be live tomorrow for Xmas, according to a Matt Riot post. I was also thrown off by the Saturday Release in the IG post lol


I haven’t ran g straight I can say from hybrids I’ve ran the similarity that I see is its def related to ss, sour/chem… I didn’t know sour was supposedly chem×(ss×nl) or something like that…which would explain to me atleast why I see ss and sour in g its kinda the same . I wasn’t necessarily doubting…just didn’t know exactly…:love_you_gesture:t5:

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