CSI Humboldt Seeds

Wow, stunning girl you gonna smoke ;D

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Thanks everyone for the kind words! Here is my Ruthless Runtz Fallen Soldier. Smells like vanilla frosting until you touch her then a raunchy chem comes out. Iā€™ve never had a plant smell so different when touched versus just putting your nose close. Sheā€™s at 67 days of flower. Sheā€™s a beast with the flop going on. :joy:


Very nice! Iā€™ve got one ruthless runtz FS just entering flowering now. Itā€™s got these short stubby 5 finger leaves that make me laugh, pretty dainty plant. Iā€™m guessing yours might have some chem in the mystery mom with the larger cola buds and raunchy chemmyness ha.


Thanks. This girl was definitely not dainty. She was so big and fast in veg that I topped her to slow down. She still outgrew everything else in the room. I wish she was a bit thicker to support the bud growth going on in late flower. Sheā€™s swelling up nicely the last couple of weeks. The smells make me think that she has a (chem 91 x GSC) momma. I know thatā€™s one of the crosses he made. She should make a good cross with my Patient Zero x Chem 91 male. Pollinated 2 lower branches


Hope Iā€™m not boring everyone with these pics but this girl is fading out so pretty. Figured Iā€™d share this one I took this morning before work. She is at 10.5 weeks since I flipped to 12/12.

Tk 5150 x PU


Donā€™t worry, we arenā€™t bored! That is gorgeous plant!


Donā€™t be crazyā€¦ please post as many photos as you want. Iā€™m enjoying the show :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:

Whatā€™s your growing media and general style of growing? Plants look amazing man. Teach me something lol


Sheā€™s beautiful! The Purple Urkle crosses that ive run were always short nā€™ squat. Looks like she meshed really nicely with the TK 5150 and has just enough stretch and node space to make for a nice yield. Getting close to harvest!
Thanks for taking the time to share!


GSC x Chem91(2gal/ 7.5 litre volume air-pot); one of these nuggies is knocked up with Tony Greenā€™s GG4 RIL pollen :smile:



Very very nice! Did you hunt through a pack or two to find this chemovar? Or are they all pretty similar in look, size, and structure?


If this was @ me @BigSparks; no searching. I got gifted 3x beans in a freebee from Corey and promised to grow em out the moment I got them. 1 out of 3 hermed hard, of the other 2 this is the gem with the other being also rad but not THIS rad.

The other one also got a fat nug preggoed with GG4. Gonna keep em separate as this one threw down the colours you see super early versus the other example. Iā€™m also planing on reveging this to then take a grafting for a cannasai project where each branch = a different strain.


Thanks! @Greasy Glad you enjoy them!

Thank you! @BigSparks She definitely leans heavy towards the TK side. I wasnā€™t really expecting all the crazy colors when she started fading. My other PU crosses stayed really short too.


Haha no big secrets here. Iā€™m just an olā€™ redneck hippie thatā€™s been growing for 25 years. Iā€™ve been growing organic since 1999. These are in 4 gallon pots with promix soil and some build a soil dry amendments during veg. I had a really bad ph drop so I had to flush with some high ph water with a little lime mixed in. Since I didnā€™t want to add any top dressing, to mess ph up again, I finished off flower with bio bizz nutrients had around the house.
My built my room in my shed last year after it became legal to grow here. I have a heater and an AC to help control to temps. Iā€™m not really able to control to humidity very well but doesnā€™t matter much to me. I personally think the plants actually like a little bit of different weather when they are growing. Kinda like the outdoors where weed is really supposed to be growing. It really seems to bring out a lot of flavor and smell in the final product.
Thanks for following along. I didnā€™t do a grow journal this time so Iā€™ve just posted on this thread.


Awesome, thanks for sharing your details. Sounds and looks like youā€™ve got things dialed in nicelyšŸ‘ŒšŸ¼

Crazy! The progeny from that should be fun to grow out.


I appreciate the feedback! Im a sucker for plants that finish with the colors of fall.


The smaller is turning strawberry red. Iā€™ll take shots tomorrow.


Cant remember if I mentioned it before but Ive run a few different beans of the Sweet Pink Stink (Bubblegum Ɨ Purple Urkle) and 2 of 3 were extremely short and squat little Christmas trees, the other was kind of nice and had a little more stretch and longer colas/spears. But i lost that one after bringing home some cuts i got from a fellow growmie and ended up with a mite infestation! Battled them for a couple of months. Wasnā€™t happy with the results because there was still small signs of them. So i shit canned everything i had! Cuts id been growing and hanging on to for years! I was beyond pist! Threw away all soils, cuts, and even an old fan. Bleached and heavily disinfected everything, and started over with new soil and seed.
But i still miss the stretchy Purple Urkle cross. Ive also got some Urkle s-1 's that i still need to go through.
Anywho- thanks for taking the time to post and for replying. Much appreciated. :grin::facepunch:


Any CSI heads able to explain his TK/Purple Urkle crosses a bit? He has a lot of them, and many are quite similar and it gets confusing for me.

So this is what I figured out:


Hey @Orloff Iā€™ll try my best to tackle your question. I agree that it can be overwhelming looking at his library. Just do yourself a favour and donā€™t even look at the stock on breeders directā€¦ itā€™s mind bending.


Youā€™ve got most of the info correct. He switches pollen donor and pollen receiver a lot. I wish he would post more details explaining what happened when he did that but he doesnā€™t and you have to search around for info. Itā€™s frustrating.

TK 5150 - a pheno found in a large hunt from TK S1 seeds. On the Roll It Up CSI thread a lot of comments say it was selected for its outstanding effects (killer high!). I believe this info was derived from CSIā€™s Instagram posts. Typically youā€™ll receive a TK5150 x TK pack as a freebie when you order the TK S1s

TK 667 - another pheno found in the S1 seed hunt said to be huge and frosty. Youā€™ll also get the TK667 x TK as a freebie when you buy the S1 pack, typically. Not sure what his stock is like but I know of a lot of ppl who bought the S1ā€™s that got these freebies

Old Family Purple - TK x Purple Urkle

T1000 - this pheno was found and selected by his apprentice Red Beard from Founding Fathers Generics. It was hunted out of a large group of Old Family Purple seeds. So the T1000 is a really exceptional pheno of OFP.

Basically, yes. Since he found an exceptional pheno from the TK S1 hunt, he probably wanted to recreate the cross and try to improve it.

Anyway, yes you are correct to say that a lot of those crosses are back crosses. Probably to reinforce some of the good traits from the TK but I cannot speak on behalf of the man.

Best to buy them all during his 420 sale, grow them out and see which one you like the best!


How were the effects on your bubblegumxurkle phenos? Ive been considering one of his BG crosses as I read its a nice ā€œfunctional indicaā€ kind of high. The idea of strong grape bubblegum flavor is appealing too ha! Been thinking either the urkle or mendo purp crossed to Bg would be nice.