CSI Humboldt Seeds

Hey man, thanks so much for a thorough and thoughtfull answer. Glad to see I wasn’t far from the mark, and thanks for shedding light on special phenos of TK. I’d absolutely love to get all these packs and hunt through them, but the price isn’t exactly cheap and I don’t have a lot of space, so I have to whittle it down some :smiley:.

I think I have my selections for 420 figured now, I just hope they ship to Europe. I sent them an email and we will see…


Massive fan leaves on this mendo purp 35 x urkle. Im guessing it froms the MP35 as urkle has skinnier leaves right?


Haha ya it would be pretty nice to be able to afford all those packs and have the space run them side by side! I was mostly joking about buying them all but at least you can get a sense of what you want now.

I’m pretty sure they’ll ship across the pond. Anyway, hope it works out for you!


The regs are taking over by Australian Bastard, not sure about that plant?


Yeah the Sweet Pink Stink (Bubblegum × Purple Urkle) has chunky buds covered in frost, with a heavy purple/grape smell that doesn’t carry through as strongly as id like in taste. But still very smoothe relaxing, yet functional indica smoke! :grin::+1:


Sounds nice! I wonder if the OFP cross with BG would have stronger flavor than just the urkle version.


:heart: GSC x Chem91 S1 :heart:
Week 9 of flower, orange-air pot (0.8 Gal/3L volume soiless)



Damn looking nice! Were these the 3seed freebies? Think I have the same ones, wonder what his 91 s1 selection brings.


Irene chem


Umm. As much as people don’t like riot…Greg gave riot the nl, and hl…riot gave csi the beans to increase as he has more space and slightest better eye at things…also riot posted that about Todd because like the post said…Greg didn’t send him Hawaiian lites…sooooo where did he get that cross…:v:t5:

Yes! @corey gave them to me shortly before his departure from OG. The plants are unreal and I feel totally blessed to have had the opportunity to grow out such pretty-as-fuck plants and that I had such elite pollen to chuck a nug of each with!

One will be near black, the other Canada Red… and while both are already frosty, these crosses should prove to produce flowers that are now hyper-frosted because of the GG4 RIL lineage.


Awesome, ill have to give em a try sounds like a winner!


" :canada: Sorry " for another pick of my GSC x Chem91 S1’s…

…it just they’re so freaking photogenic!

(Crockett’s Tangie F2 = hanging out in the middle and all plants here are at start of flower week 9.)


They both look so good but that red pheno though :drooling_face::drooling_face: @Pigeonman

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Sorrrrrrrry rickeyy!
They do look niiice. Smells leaning more chem or cookies?

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Chem hands down. Like Batman 89’ Axis Chemicals “chem” where you can smell the colours.


Wow :star_struck::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:!

That red one indeed! But that dark one… holy …


Has anyone grown out their lemon party or lemon tree?

How’s the lemon flavor on these? Any herm issues?

I did a couple lemon party s1s. Both very different to each other. One smelt good with extremely frosty leaves. The other yielded more but smelt less citrus.

Both had a branch purposely pollinated by Sour Bubble, yell out if that’s something you’d grow.


Todd keeps posting diffetent mystery packs that greg has sent. Greg is olde marine on ig and you can see he likes, comments and follows both riot and todd. I think they are just creating some drama to hype sales personally.

I would be interested to learn why greg chose those 2 to give his seeds to. Unfortunately i believe he has alzheimers, so it may be hard to follow up more soon.