Curious about the components on my first (failed) growth

For my first try, I planted some seeds from a extremely seedy buy. Unfortunately, due to illness, I neglected my babies and they did not survive. Thankfully, they left me with some seeds to continue their lineage!

Any advice for a newbie in the seed planting process would be greatly appreciated! I usually soak seeds for a few hours before planting, but any extra help on getting these guys happy and growing in the best conditions would be amazing!


There is a lot of info already if you search for the term germination via fulltext search in right top corner or via tag #germination .


Lower expectations a bit to realistic. In the beginning, less is more. Try to figure out the method of growing you are going to go with. Then read as much as you can about the media/ method you use. Don’t overwhelm yourself with information. Keep it simple until results are solid. Then each grow, raise goals a little, tinker with method. Document your results, compare/ contrast each grow and keep on keeping on. Ask questions you have


I just nuked a plant & I’ve been at this 4 years. Maybe that’s more of a statement about me being a dumbass :laughing: but the point is we all have ugly surprises in this process. :four_leaf_clover:

Let someone :thinking: send you some seeds & throw away your mystery beans or keep them for later experimentation.

Pretty sure we can help you rebound here.



When they are vegging - before you want them to flower - they need 16-18 hrs of light (amount of light in the summer) so they won’t start flowering,
a little lamp besides them at night will be enough to stop them flowering.
Then when they are a little bigger you can lower their light period to 12 hours a day (usually happens in August if they are outside) and in a few weeks they should start to flower.
This is a very simplified idea of where you went wrong,
not enough love and not enough light at the beginning.
As I was told when I started to grow - read read read.
All the info you need is here on the forum
look for it and enjoy the people you will meet along the way.


Welcome @CarissaTheEvil
Good to have a fellow Floridian amongst us here at OG. Don’t worry, it seems to get easier as you rack up grows under your belt. Your in the best place for help.


Still better than my first grow haha

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Rumor has it there are a few from Fl on OG


Also, use a mulch layer in pots to prevent evaporation

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Where do you think I should get seeds from? I live in FL and I’m a poor college student. I also wouldn’t know what strain to choose. :sweat_smile:


Any seeds will do that will finish where you are until you get the growing down.

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What should be used as mulch?

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Bark, wood chips come to mind…


Rice hulls. I’ve tried everything but like rice hulls because of cleanliness and cost.


Thank you for the advice! What kind of light do you think would be best for me to use for them? I’ve looked around on Amazon, but I haven’t really found any I like.


any light will work so that they don’t go into flower
the better the light the better they will grow even without sunlight
I am assuming that you are growing them with outside sunlight
the light/lamp would be for the timeperiod without sunlight until you get 16-18 hours of “daylight”


I personally use rice hulls, but anything to cover soil works. Hay works. I’ve used long grass clippings


If your a visual learner like I am YouTube will be your best friend in your search for knowledge, and will help make sense of a lot of what you’ve read and will read… Good luck and if you need help don’t be afraid to ask.


The seeds from my bagseed plant have a little taproot poking out! I’m not sure how many of them are going to be actually viable, but at least it’s good practice!

I also planted some of my usual gardening seeds today. :blush:


if they have tails they should be viable