Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Ok so it’s only had 2 day cure. Smell is just earthy dank. Then I light cough the cough bowl cough cough cough tastes like cough good dirt or cough compost once done hitting get a twinge of pine then can’t hold it in and exhale! My first inhale is super cool and refreshing. Like I had been sucking on a mint then inhale big but without the mint flavor. Very cool freshing almost numb feeling. My girl also noticed it without me pointing it out. So it’s there for sure. By the time we take a couple hits each feeling good head stone. Still getting higher keep noticing big ass smile on my face.:fire::fire::fire::fire::fire: Five for five in our book. That is A1 the one that had the classic single main cola with lowers about half the distance of the cola. Thank you