Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Patience and than flip a coin to choose or do both😁


pine over fruit anyday, cant get enough of it


Yup, I can’t agree more. It’s just more soothing, you feel it more in the expansion lung bust and no heat to the smoke, unlike other terps that does mix heat in its flavors.

NL2 now dry enough, at least the smaller bottom nuggs…… it is confirmed! There is very little fruit flavor. I’d say 90% pine slightly herbal. However, it is not stronger flavor than my CripXmas. CripXmas is about TWICE pronounced as NL2. Potency is good, maybe a bit heavier than I like but not too much even for the later side. This is only preliminary. Definitely good to switch off from high powered Crippy potency. Looking back, I speculated NL2 is the pine pheno and I was right again. Again makes sense during the time of The Seedbank of Holland and what’s was on the streets early 90’s BEFORE NL5 became the more dominant NL strain in the pool.

With that said I’m convinced the flavor profile will be unchanged or yet further enhanced from the 4th crossing. It works far better than I expected, however I’m curious what the 3 do without PTK in the mix and how it will differ or even be better. That will be next up for testing…


the ptk i had were nail polish/solvent/mint/tiger balm that could be usefull to boost the intensity of the pine, but found no pine in the ptk itself, i got mines from CSI i think its from @TomHill originally, my wife loves that weed, its special


That’s definitely more of the TC profile, especially the solvent/balm aspect.

In that case, she’ll probably love you more getting in on the CripXmas :wink:…you in ?


Ah man i’m running clones these day i don’t have time to pop no seeds but damn it sounds good

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I hear ya! Popping seed does take longer, but on the flip side you get to try new strains. I might make an exception of sending a few cuts since you love pine, but it won’t be for awhile until the mom gets bigger.


It’s because i’m leaving town for a minute soon so i can have my moms bonsaied and slow vegging and after that i’ll be popping, two of the clones i have tho, pineeeyyyyy and amazing high, 10/10, it would take a very special pine plant to dethrone them, maybe we can exchange the cuts in the future!


Ok. I’m keeping it open until May/June for growing season, so just let me know.


63 g of solid tops and 42 of smaller and unders…a very close guesstimate, although I’ve been pulling a bit so it was closer to 112 :grinning:

BBP rocks…it is the magic yield elixir :test_tube:


Looking great and it’s just crazy how much good bud is there to it’s exciting


Starting to pack….


That BBP has me really intrigued nothing but good results …
I’d say a nice haul for what it is !!!
Pine pitch…



It’s worth every penny. 26 years ago I used ALL the latest supplements released and boosters that came out and obviously that has increased 10 fold from early days and NOTHING really proved the claims of “bigger yields” but THIS Bud Buster Pro is the REAL Mc Coy. I use Blue Planet Liquid Blue potassium booster, and I think this combination works well in the last stages, but I do feel most of the bulking up is from BBP and lowers isn’t larf. It makes what would be smaller below blow up much larger. I bought the 40 bottle in July and has lasted almost 6 months only using 1.25 ml per gal every week. Everything, except new seedlings under 3 weeks gets treatment every week. After 6 months I definitely say every weigh in has been stunning to see on the scale at AVERAGE 2-3 oz for my SOG/mini super crop style of growing. So for the time spent in flowering it’s increasing the rate of return by twice than what is normal. So I definitely stand by this product above many others that claim big yields. You can’t go wrong and it’s incredibly Ph stable. I don’t have to adjust, like normal nute water. Bob has made the BEST product I’ve seen for yield boosting and continues to amaze me, so good I bought the BIG bottle to last me several years, unless I use higher amounts but a little of this blue concentrate goes a very long way :+1::grin:


That is great news. I’ve been asking around different forums peopke who use bbp love it. Those eho haven’t say its just snake oil. Its seems clear I think its time to pull the trigger on that purchase.

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LOL when I saw this for the 4/20 raffle, you can’t believe how skeptical I was. Sure I put my name in, but I knew I had to purchase to find out, and I read over the testimonials. I’ve told Bob, it’s not really noticeable until the 4-5 th weeks, then you notice the acceleration of maturation begin, and it’s very evident as clusters blow up in size, especially on the bottoms its all bigger than what was tiny only a few weeks ago. I’ve told Bob nothing goes to waste, and it’s MORE PRODUCTIVE than not using it. Even the low yielding Corn pulled over an Oz. I was sure it’s was only 14-28 but no it’s 47.5 and if you go back through the first 4 weeks it was spindly and small, but at the end it too did the bulk up I refer to. So those growers unfortunately don’t know their ass from a hole in their head. Too many strains now have done consistently what I’ve explained. I do have established net credibility so would never put my name behind something that didn’t prove to be real. Anyone that gets to ‘know’ me says I’m real and not a phony in life.


I’m outta likes so​:+1:t2:. I will be trying it out on the cripXmas grow :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

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It IS TIME…at 12:00 AM EST Jan 17th 4 CripXmas A and B went into wet paper towel bed dipped in highly oxygenated water treated w Oxine

Each seed was taken out using gloves and rolled lightly for integrity check before placing it in the bed.

We start the clock on the germination test. The reason I’m doing 12 is we will know exactly the number hours it took from starting


Well I decided to roll the CripXmas A with NL2….just to get ideas. It’s RIDICULOUSLY piney, incredibly strong flavor, eyes pop out and then squint holding in and its brutal hack leaves a cool a refreshing aftertaste and tingle. Just the impression alone tells yes the PINE is stratospheric. I’ve never had anything this DEEP, so this testing is going to be truly special. Unbelievable :no_mouth:

And look here, what’s this, yes folks the inverse is done too. I found about 34 beans, so I will CHOOSE 3 lucky testers to get 5 of these each.

NL2 x CripXmas Xmas pheno C


And the pine gets stronger!!!